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Ability Order
Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
Chapter 1
Start game
Force sona to play offensive and start zoning meanwhile farming.Also try to snatch golems from your jungeler if he allows you to do them
Mid game
Keep up your farm in jungle/lane.Start moving with your team , if its a teamfight phase or just gank other lanes with ur amazing ulti
End game
Position yourself well and dont get zoned in teamfights by tanky champs like gp,jarvan,lee,garen.also use your traps and jumpback to avoid getting killed.
Summoner spells should be flash,exhaust
These are handsdown the best summoner spells for ad carries.
flash = chase ur enemies,escape from enemies,go through walls
exhaust= esacpe from enemys,chase enemies,save your teammates, lock down a enemy carry and its great spell for 1v1 or 2v2 inlane
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