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+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Adaptive Defenses (PASSIVE)
Camille Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Adaptive Defenses Adaptive Defenses works well in skirmishes because of the damage-type shield it provides.
Keep in mind that Adaptive Defenses Adaptive Defenses can only shield one damage type, whichever damage type would mitigate the most damage from your target.
Adaptive Defenses Adaptive Defenses has a fairly long cooldown in the early game before level 7 when the cooldown drops. The shield is also a static cooldown, which means whatever Cooldown reduction you have will not affect the shield cooldown. Try not to waste your shield unnecessarily.
Camille Camille's Tactical Sweep Tactical Sweep is a versatile ability with many different uses throughout the game.
Tactical Sweep Tactical Sweep is a great poke tool in lane because of the maximum health damage it provides but only on the outer cone.
Because Tactical Sweep Tactical Sweep slows targets down, use it to chase fleeing targets.
Tactical Sweep Tactical Sweep also heals Camille Camille for enemy champions hit on the outer cone. Hitting multiple enemy champions will give you a burst of Healing.
Camille Camille's Hookshot Hookshot had a special interaction with Control Wards Control Wards prior to patch 8.12.
Camille Camille's Hookshot Hookshot has two casts, the first to latch onto a wall and the second to leap off of that wall. There is a 0.75s window after the first cast, during which Camille is bound to the terrain and can choose to recast Hookshot Hookshot.
Camille cannot normally move during this 0.75s window. However, placing a Control Ward Control Ward outside of placeable range during this 0.75s window will cause Camille to slowly slide toward the attempted ward placement location. As long as the 0.75s window has not expired, Camille can reactivate Hookshot Hookshot and she will leap from her current location, instead of where she originally latched onto terrain.
As of patch 8.10, this interaction works with Control Wards Control Wards , but does not work with the Warding Totem Warding Totem trinket ward.
As of patch 8.12, this interaction has been removed.
Keep in mind that Adaptive Defenses Adaptive Defenses can only shield one damage type, whichever damage type would mitigate the most damage from your target.
Adaptive Defenses Adaptive Defenses has a fairly long cooldown in the early game before level 7 when the cooldown drops. The shield is also a static cooldown, which means whatever Cooldown reduction you have will not affect the shield cooldown. Try not to waste your shield unnecessarily.
Camille Camille's Tactical Sweep Tactical Sweep is a versatile ability with many different uses throughout the game.
Tactical Sweep Tactical Sweep is a great poke tool in lane because of the maximum health damage it provides but only on the outer cone.
Because Tactical Sweep Tactical Sweep slows targets down, use it to chase fleeing targets.
Tactical Sweep Tactical Sweep also heals Camille Camille for enemy champions hit on the outer cone. Hitting multiple enemy champions will give you a burst of Healing.
Camille Camille's Hookshot Hookshot had a special interaction with Control Wards Control Wards prior to patch 8.12.
Camille Camille's Hookshot Hookshot has two casts, the first to latch onto a wall and the second to leap off of that wall. There is a 0.75s window after the first cast, during which Camille is bound to the terrain and can choose to recast Hookshot Hookshot.
Camille cannot normally move during this 0.75s window. However, placing a Control Ward Control Ward outside of placeable range during this 0.75s window will cause Camille to slowly slide toward the attempted ward placement location. As long as the 0.75s window has not expired, Camille can reactivate Hookshot Hookshot and she will leap from her current location, instead of where she originally latched onto terrain.
As of patch 8.10, this interaction works with Control Wards Control Wards , but does not work with the Warding Totem Warding Totem trinket ward.
As of patch 8.12, this interaction has been removed.
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