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Welcome, Witches and Wizards to the Wonderful World of Magic
The Proper Attire

Ensure that you are dressed in uniform for the first day of class
Learning the Magic

In order to learn new magic, you must attend magic class by practicing your offensive spells on the minions. The more time you spend in class (lane) the more efficient your bomb magic will be. Practice makes perfect. There are 18 levels of magic at Hogwarts and you are expected to learn them all before graduating and ********ing the enemy nexus.
Dueling Evil Spirits

There are many evil spirits with many names. Some of the more common spirits you will see are Ahri, Katarina and Kassadin. They are all very dangerous and you must not let them take your wands. Smite them with your bomb magic. A powerful spell known as tilting becomes available at magic level 2. Professor Meteos teaches you this. Chant Satchel Charge at your enemy every second it is up. If you find that the evil spirits are too strong, use your Flash and Heal to escape death.
More wands equals more power. Do not Forget this.

You may wonder, how do I properly use my Wizarding abilities against the evil spirits? Do not worry, as I, Dumbledore, will teach you.
Simply cast every spell you have, as the overwhelming power will blow-up any foes.

The Sorting Hat and beyond
Whether you end up in Meteos' House or Sneaky's House, you may ask what wands you must purchase. You have graduated from the lower levels of magic and you are free to self-study. Choose whichever wands you wish, my child.
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