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Zac Build Guide by Blubtastic

Jungle Carry with Ability Haste

Jungle Carry with Ability Haste

Updated on January 18, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Blubtastic Build Guide By Blubtastic 22,639 Views 0 Comments
22,639 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Blubtastic Zac Build Guide By Blubtastic Updated on January 18, 2022
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Font of Life


+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


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Champion Build Guide

Carry with Ability Haste

By Blubtastic
Hello, i used to be Diamond 3 or something playing only zac, which is why he's the only champion i know how to play properly. I would therefore like to share my very specific knowledge on this champion :--)
Why Ability Haste?
Most people don't really like to focus on ability haste on zac as they're afraid of not being tanky enough.
There are two reasons why i think ability haste is great: it makes you a snowballing monster, and it's a lot more fun to play.

Since writing is hard, here's a list of reasons why ability haste is so great on zac:
More Ability Haste = faster clearing, faster map movement, more healing, better objective control, more blobs for spamming Unstable Matter, more damage and movement in teamfights and so on ...
And also, since zac can revive himself with his passive Cell Division, he can play more aggressively without dying.

Because your map movement and farming is so effective, you'll be able to stay in front of your enemies in XP and gold, which means that you'll be tanky without the need to sacrifice ability haste for tankier items.
Your map control will also be a lot better as you can move around the map fast and easily escape if you go too deep.
Advanced combos/tricks
Here are some neat little ways to use zac's abilities in ways which may not seem very obvious:
The most powerful zac combo imo:
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Blubtastic
Blubtastic Zac Guide
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Carry with Ability Haste

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