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Ability Order
Serpentine Grace (PASSIVE)
Cassiopeia Passive Ability
- Cassiopeia is super spammy and fun.
- Around 2.9k hp by late game, and with rylais + spell vamp, almost impossible to kill me .
- Extremely easy to deny others, just pop your Q everywhere.
- Great AP carry, can EASILY carry a team even if you've fed the whole game.
- Game changing AoE stun.
- Hardly any cons for Cass, but she does require some skill to use.
- Annoying when your poison stops and your E has a 3 sec cd.
- Mainly good for a single target dps.
- Ult has a decent range, but sometimes it can glitch and piss you off.
Core Build:
Situational Items
Other summoner spells that can work include
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