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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Serpentine Grace (PASSIVE)
Cassiopeia Passive Ability

While her sister Katarina has always been the most celebrated member of the household, the Du Couteau family has a long history of service to Noxus. It has often been said that no soldier has ever been as fortunate as General Du Couteau to have been graced with daughters. His youngest, Cassiopeia - despite lacking her sister's killer instincts - was equally renowned in court for her stately character and elegance. Cunning as she was beautiful, the temptress could never be found far from the arm of any foreign dignitary, her wiles prying secrets from the lips of even the most wary attache. With the Noxian barbarian pacification campaign having ground to a standstill, Cassiopeia had set her sights on a diplomat from a tribe of the Freljord region. Thinking him an easy mark, the scheming seductress set about beguiling him. He refused to confide in her, however, until she swore an oath of secrecy upon his sword - a strange weapon with a serpentine curve to the blade.
Once her tryst was over, Cassiopeia provisioned her father with information regarding the barbarian resistance. As she divulged this intelligence, a wave of revulsion washed over her. She screamed in agony as her silky skin hardened to scales, her lustrous hair thickened to leather, and her manicured fingernails sharpened to claws. Dazed, she fell upon a group of horrified servants, rending them limb from limb in a heartbeat. When it was over the blood-soaked figure was no longer the ravishing jewel of the Noxian court, but a horror trapped somewhere between woman and serpent. Unable to serve in her traditional capacity, Cassiopeia departed for the League, continuing her service to Noxus on the Fields of Justice.
We have had the #1 Cassiopeia guide for the majority of season 3 (Recently pushed down to Number 2). Let's get back to the top everyone!
Once her tryst was over, Cassiopeia provisioned her father with information regarding the barbarian resistance. As she divulged this intelligence, a wave of revulsion washed over her. She screamed in agony as her silky skin hardened to scales, her lustrous hair thickened to leather, and her manicured fingernails sharpened to claws. Dazed, she fell upon a group of horrified servants, rending them limb from limb in a heartbeat. When it was over the blood-soaked figure was no longer the ravishing jewel of the Noxian court, but a horror trapped somewhere between woman and serpent. Unable to serve in her traditional capacity, Cassiopeia departed for the League, continuing her service to Noxus on the Fields of Justice.
We have had the #1 Cassiopeia guide for the majority of season 3 (Recently pushed down to Number 2). Let's get back to the top everyone!
Before the new masteries came out, I had a long explanation for each individual mastery and why it would help you.
Although you may wonder why I don't do a 21/0/9 in favor of offense, I find utility to work much better with Cassiopeia because when you get your movement speed from hitting a champion with your q (
Noxious Blast), as well as slow down your enemy using your w (
Miasma), you are given much more time to get the kill, and less likely to let your opponent escape.
In addition, the gold bonus comes in handy because early game you will be squishy, so you want to get items to protect yourself as quickly as possible.
Although you may wonder why I don't do a 21/0/9 in favor of offense, I find utility to work much better with Cassiopeia because when you get your movement speed from hitting a champion with your q (

In addition, the gold bonus comes in handy because early game you will be squishy, so you want to get items to protect yourself as quickly as possible.

Suggested Summoner Spells

Other Summoner Spells That Are Acceptable

Summoner Spells To Avoid

I've heard many people ask why I don't max out

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Final Items

For each of my runes, I tried to pick out the 3 things that I find most important to

•Magic Penetration
•Ability Power
•Mana regeneration
The reason why I choose the

The reasoning behind picking the

The reason why I chose the

I chose the

Playing The Middle Lane
It is obvious that
Cassiopeia does her best when she is mid, there is no question about it. She is very good when going 1v1 against another champion due to her high spell damage potential, and quick cooldowns.

Some tests that I have done for other games:
Cassiopeia Jungle - Successful but not recommended
Cassiopeia bot with
Teemo - Sucessful but hard to get one of them fed

Cassiopeia solo top - failure
Cassiopeia and an adc bot - Neutral, it was not necessarily the best option, but worked decently.
Cassiopeia duo top with
Singed- Successful

Deadly Cadence

Noxious Blast


Twin Fang

Petrifying Gaze

Throughout a series of tests and games, I found that there are 3 different combinations that I have found for

Early Game Combination - By this point, I would hope that you have a strongish

Mid Game Combination - By this point, you will have a strong

Late Game Combination - Finally by this point, you should have all of your abilities, and can use the final combination that follows. You want to use your

You always have to remember that you are only as strong as your weakest link. This isn't an individual game, it's a team game, and there's no I in team. That being the case, make sure that you have a well balanced team before you even choose




All 3 of these characters use poison, which is key to using






Throughout trials I have found these champions to work well with






Watch out if you are midding against these champions.

Champions that
Cassiopeia counters






Farming is very easy using

Wards are always a great to prevent ganks. However, if you do not want to spend the money to purchase either Sight Ward or

*Make sure that you don't max out

*Make sure to check your team's composition before choosing

*Make sure to make usage of

*Make sure that

*Watch out for any ganks! Cassiopeia is squishy, and even though she can slow, you can find yourself dead if you get over confident. TO avoid this, you can place down

*Make sure that your enemy is poisoned before using

*Miasma-check brush before going into it late game. This can also be used to counter possible ganks early/mid game, and is a great strategy to scare off the enemy jungler.

I hope you guys all enjoyed my guide! If you are looking for the queen of ability power, then make sure to try out

If you guys liked my guide, then make sure to vote it up, as well as send me any scores that you may get by using it so that I can add you to the Hall of Fame/Results page
Also, I am completely open to any constructive criticism that you may have, and open to any suggestions that you may want added into the guide. The following people have helped to make this guide possible:
•ThaKinetic - many good points on things to change and helpful tips
•IceCreamy - I would never know how to make the columns without your guide, and you played a huge role in the design of my guide.
•WOMBO - you also had many good points and suggestions yo add to the guide, which made a much better build in the end.
•jhoijhoi - Your guide on how to make a guide is what got me started, and none of this would have been possible without it.
Also, make sure to check out my other guides! Currently I have guides for the following characters:

P.S. I will probablly upgrade this guide a lot, so make sure to check back!
Last Edited ~ December 1, 2013
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