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Runes: Assassin
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Main
Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
can tank all your damage with no problem
buy lethality and Armor Pen
cat goes BRRRRRR
cat goes BRRRRRR
Champion Build Guide

Move Speed: 350

High damage
best skirmisher
good duelist
his damage is higher if you are isolated
Good Mobility
A lot of playstyles and runes
he can play both assassin and bruiser with no problem
can't do **** in teamfights
very vulnerable vs. CC champions(lux,brand,etc.)
his mobility abilities have very long cooldown and when he doesnt have them he is ****
low mana
when he is not visible to enemy team or he has used R his next auto attack deals bonus magic damage and slows the target
when a target is isolated kha'zix abilities will have bonus effects on him/her
Q: Taste their Fear
Kha'zix Slashes an enemy dealing physical damage. if the target is Isolated the damage goes up by 110%
W: Void Spike
Kha'zix Fires a Spike dealing Physical damage to the first enemy hit in a small area and if kha'zix is in that small area he restores health
E: Leap
Kha'zix Leaps dealing damage upon Landing
R: Void Assault
Kha'zix becomes invisible for 1.25 seconds and gains 40% movement speed and Kha'zix can recast this ability once within 10 seconds
Leveling up this ability allows Kha'zix to evolve one of his abilities granting it special effects
Q: Both Q and Auto Attacks gain range and if you strike an isolated enemy wiht your Q its cooldown will reduce
W: Fires 3 Spikes and slows enemies also if an isolated enemy gets hit by this ability then he/she will get Slowed for a longer time and the slow gets stronger
E: if you Evolve this ability then your Leap gains more range and its cooldown will reset upon takedowns
R: Invisibility duration lasts 2 seconds and gains another cast( you can cast this ability 3 times not)
FACT: you can get a fourth Evolve against
Rengar if you kill him after 40 minutes when both of you are lvl 18

You can use your abilities in the middle of your dash
Your W has a little Channel time(less than 0.5 seconds) and you can flash bfor that time ends


Guardian of the sands

death blossom

dark star



I reached mastery level 7 on

even tho I am not a pro

I have 2 accounts
one of them is level 117 and one is 34
one was gold in s10 and is unranked now and another one is unranked too(actually I dont play a lotta ranked this season)
well I am 16 Y/o and I am still a child
I'm asian tho(not japanese or Korean I meant Persian)
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