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Runes: Against Squishy Comps
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Max
Threats & Synergies
You can't fight him in the early game and he outscales you, this MU is quite awful, you can't even e him either
Twisted Fate
Great for roams and dives, gold card sets up perfectly for cocoon and cc lock
Twisted Fate
Great for roams and dives, gold card sets up perfectly for cocoon and cc lock
Champion Build Guide
This is achieved through RED -> BLUE -> GROMP
then you gank a lane for prio into a double skuttle
you can maybe look for a 4 camps (Just include wolves in both 3 camps) if you feel like you can't gank any lane.
Repel not only makes you invulnerable but also drops agro meaning you can simply not care about turrets most of the time. If you have spiders, when you land from your e, they'll tank the turret. Look for stacked waves against turrets and near 75% and lower enemies all the time when playing Elise
You can E, Repel to Plants (Honey fruit, blast cone, scrying orb) for crafty escapes
When securing or stealing an objective combo your spider q with smite to deal tons of burst damage (Your Q typically does 300-400 damage to objectives so aim for 300-400 damage above smite for a good secure)
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