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buildguide.First off,
I'm a bit confused why you're including
I'm pretty sure
It looks like you don't offer
Btw there's a mistake in your runes section, mana regen glyph icon isn't showing. Now that I've scrolled down, I might as well keep going I guess.
Unfortunately you also need to change
Skill order in the guide doesn't match the cheatsheet. Cheatsheet shows R>W>E>Q and guide shows R>W>Q>E. I don't play enough Soraka to know what the best max order is but you gotta at least be consistent. :P
An icon for
Skimmed the rest of the guide and didn't notice anything obviously wrong other than more references to
Hope you find this helpful, good luck in your updates.
Hope your astrocytoma hasn't metastasized yet!
jk but
Hope to see this guide after a proofread + update, it's quite detailed! :)
I ought to re-do the BBCode for this guide; It's so difficult to catch all those minor mistakes.
I'll look to update this soon :)
one thing I hate is that for some reason certain champs can kill soraka pretty instantly even if u have 2000, 3000 or even 4000+ HP. its like HP does not exist for these champs. I build defensive items (including Warmog's), so expect to survive for some time, only to be killed by 900 dmg crits in 2 secs. tristana, orianna and vayne are on top of my op list right now. diana too, can deal about 2000 dmg in an instant .... not sure how any sort of counter-play is possible when enemy has op champs on their team with damage going through the roof
Champions with catch potential pose the greatest threat to
It's interesting that you list
I don't think LCS player even take these runes