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Sample Complete Build (I ususally sell boots at end for Morello's since lifegain and vamp is insane right now). Thornmail can be Frozen Heart, and Force of Nature can be Spirit Visage).
Ability Order Offensive Build Order------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Option:( You may take Q>E>W if you freeze at your tower and plan to Flash+Ignite+Slow/Root for an early lead at your tower) Using W early before level 4 puts to much strain on your mana so be careful and only do when your jungler is around for higher chance of success
Flash/Ignite - Main Runes
If you're able to dodge part of his 3 hit combo, you'll win trades lvl 2-3, you're able to all him at lvl 4 if you get your roots in. Mobility wrecks this dude just run around in really random unpredictable patterns.
Assuming you're against her Mid
Flash/Teleport - Main Runes
Just start corrupting potion and slam waves into her tower constantly as much as you can, you can poison the waves when she's trying to last hit minions. Early on you can effectively push her out of lane because your poison only costs a nickle when her candy costs like $80 to cast. Just be weary of when you're in auto range because that's almost the range of her E.
Assuming you're top lane
Be mindful of her Q range, and if she does hit you with Q be careful of her extended range on her auto as it does add up greatly after a few trades. She's literally impossible to toss as she has her shroud, though you will still be able to poison her. Your W negates all her crazy shenanigans. I would suggest shoving waves and proxying against her, in 1v1 fights she will beat you out. Ignite is okay to take if no one else has ignite on your team. Also get an Oblivion Orb early if you get a lead on her.
Assuming he's a Support, but if he's top he has a bad day because his CD's are so long and he can't farm under tower effectively.
You can toss this big bull whenever he tries to EQ combo, if you do decide to toss him into your team (if his ult is down) be SURE to W his allies away so they cannot flash/assist him and you get free milk money.
Assuming Mummy is jungling, but if you're laning against him just slam waves into tower and focus on warding.
When mummy is ganking, generally just Q him and stay out of his crying range, it's very difficult for him to hit multiple E's on you unless you get stunned. If he Q's into your team then ults, you can time your W to stop his team, then just create a line of poison between him and his allies and he pretty much suicides.
Her kit destroys you, and the only way you can touch her is if you flash on her. Walls, slows, stuns, the bird is the word.
Assuming you are laning against her mid.
Flash/TP, shove waves into tower constantly while keeping their jungle camps warded. Try not to stand by the walls as she pretty much can extend them then combo you and you die easily with a gank. After her first back she should have alot of mana type of items. Help your jungle control scuttles and lose a wave if your side lanes are pushed in and try to gank, Swifty Nikes are the best boots here vs her early/midgame as you may have to back alot, and roam alot.
If you're laning against her Mid, take Flash/TP. Slam waves into her tower and try to roam, If laning against her top, take Flash/TP, but freeze the wave or farm under tower. At level 8 and buying some items, you should be able to solo her. Conqueror and Unsealed Spellbook both work in this matchup.
The only way to ever touch this guy without dying is to Flash on him, if he sees you he instantly places down a turret or does Aphelios things and instantly shreds your whole health bar. The best way to deal with him is to not run by him and throw W's or to Flash E him, otherwise just avoid this dude.
Lategame she's impossible to touch unless you get QSS and also have flash, if you are able to fling her, she's most likely dead though. Just make sure you Sky Auto her.
Aurelion Sol
Assuming you're laning against him mid, Flash/Teleport-Main Runes
This guy can roam just as much as you since he has a skill that pretty much makes him move as fast as ghost except only linear. Just slam waves into tower and roam. I'm not very experienced in laning vs him since there is not very many ASoLs but theoritically it's not very hard since it's mainly skillshots, you probably dumpster him after lvl 8.
Birds are the word, this guy can be worse than Anivia because his skill ceiling is outer space. Just try to farm if you can and proxy if possible. Only try to approach him if you have flash up and people can react to your flash + fling. Otherwise just survive cause you ain't gonna strive.
Besides the point that bard should be banned every game cause he suddenly appears in your lane and ganks you with the jungler, he's pretty easy to deal with because his stun is extremely hard to hit on a target moving as fast as singed. Just do normal singed stuff and this guy isn't much of a threat, if you're able to fling him he's most likely dead unless he does his weird bard shenanigans.
If this guy is ever going to grab you, make sure you activate your poison(Q) before his arm touches you, so if you get silenced/knocked-up, him and his allies still get poisoned. I would suggest building a little more tanky vs hookers.
His abilities are very easy to kite, I might even place him in minor. The only thing you need to worry about is dodging his Q, after you see it you probably have 5-10 seconds to do whatever u want around this guy.
You'll need to switch to tenacity, or start off with tenacity boots when choosing to upgrade. His passive + slow can be annoying but it'll basically trick his allies into chasing you, just learn to manage your hp and this dude isn't very much of a problem as he'll give you a ton of conquerer stacks.
Definitely a pain in the butt, she can alter your projected pathing with her traps and E you when u get close, don't approach her unless you have a movement summoner (ghost/flash). It's easy for her to chain her traps on others cc so dodge other cc's before approach. Not impossible to catch, but it can be very difficult depending on the skill level of their ADC.
She can pose a huge threat if she even gets 1 kill ahead. More to come on Camille as she will take alot of notes.
She's great at melting tanks, you included. If she is fed/going even, it's best to just W her since she already doesn't have legs and she'll move extra slow. Beware of her ULT.
Proxy vs this guy if you can, depends on the jungler. He's literally all skillshots but will doo-doo on you if he gets a good Q. If he gets ahead get rylai's as that will instantly make you have more impact during teamfights.
If he takes Flash/Ghost do not proxy, if Flash/Teleport proxying is availiable whole game. Get him to Q the first wave even if you get hit, then proceed to freeze and threaten with Flash + Ignite + W + Root under tower. For this Combo to work, make sure your cannon is positioned to where if he Q's it to cs, then you can combo him, the Bleed stack from his Q will make the tower target him.
If he starts W, keep your distance as multiple bleed stacks hurt you much more than you can poison him.
Dr. Mundo
Conq/Domination, or Conq/Resolve both work, domination tree scales alot more than resolve tree, if you go conq/domination, i'd suggest starting dorans shield to make sure you don't get poked out of lane. Ghost/Ignite and Ghost/TP both work very well.
Overall you have alot more influence during a game and it doesn't matter what you build, just build towards whoever has the most dmg on the other team or do a complete damage build depending on the rest of the opposing comp.
Be careful tossing him before he gets off of mount, unless it's going to be a root.
Master Yi
Flash/Ignite is fine, let him push wave and farm and freeze at tower. Skipping boots early and stacking Cloth or getting a chain vest works great. W removes his passive of bunny hopping. After owning him, he'll most likely try to roam, make sure your pings are on point and constantly slam wave into towers, if behind stack armor and he can't kill you.
Important to dodge his E, if you do you win all fights at all stages of game when a little behind or even. Keep track of his timers and notify allies accordingly for his ults. Tanks are weak to your DoTs.
He can burst you out early, and it's hard to trade because he can clone and go invisible., While getting free trades with his Q. Ignite the main body before you try to E him to secure the kills.
Always Take Flash + TP, Consider taking Unsealed Spellbook. Personally this is my permaban as she can 1v1 you even if you're 3+ kills and 2 level gap on her if she has 1-2 items.
As long as you use minions to block her E she will have a difficult time doing anything, Post - 6 don't all in her unless she is OOM, or you have ignite, or an ignite is present. Oblivion Orb early can own her.
Flash/Ignite, don't be afraid to all in her early when she has TP. Your W stops all her crazy movement, pay close attention to if she kills a unit to refresh her Q, if she Q's again u can W her for free without fear of missing(unless she flashes).
I will work on this guide 1-3 hrs a day. I peaked in S5/6 at Diamond 4, at the time I used Inverted Composers guide but I decided to recently climb again and create my own guide. I was ranked 39 Singed in NA. This will be updated almost daily. Currently Gold 2>Platinum 4. Filling in 5 threat level tips a day in alphabetical order, if want more info, I will add more just request in the comment section and I'll go out of order or go super more in depth. Currently just creating the skeleton.
Even - Exreme Threat General Strategy
Type out the character name and read the notes above.
Minor Threat General Strategy
Minor threats can only do anything if you get camped, and even then you should still be able to outperform them.
Tiny Threat General Strategy
Generally these are the guys you can easily just toss when they are out of position then W the rest of the team away from them with very low risk to create a numbers advantage during teamfights.
Unsealed Spellbook, the Hidden Runeset on Singed
For some reason, no one uses these runes. But if you're a Singed Advocate you've probably seen Faker use these runes. I have about 100-300 games using Unsealed Spellbook. Here I will write detailed information on how to properly use it.
Unsealed Spellbook and what does it do:
blah blah blah blah
Starting spells and what to choose:
1 Movement: This means Flast/Ghost, either works very well, but I would suggest taking flash unless you have alot of experience with ghost or it is an easy matchup.
Starting spells commonly switched to and order and reasoning why.
Bug Report
I found a bug on v10.24 Please report and type this in.
1. Opposing Yi Casts Ultimate
2. Singed casts W, then Throws Yi inside the W.
Expected Result: That dude gets rooted.
Actual Result: You're dead. Because he doesn't get rooted and auto's you to death after using Q to teleport back to you.
The only reason I'm reporting it as a bug is that this is how the coding used to be. Due to the coding on Yi's Anti slow on his ult. The coding seems to work on Singed W to where it is instantly rooted when tossed in the "slow." It needs to be changed to when it lands in the "zone of the slow." Though I have absolutely zero coding experience this is what I think is happening, please fix it, I don't want to have to ban yi everygame and have to dodge if my teammate wants yi but opponent picks it.
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