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Singed Build Guide by PinjaPJ

Top Comprehensive Singed Bible v10.24

Top Comprehensive Singed Bible v10.24

Updated on January 24, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PinjaPJ Build Guide By PinjaPJ 6 1 10,070 Views 0 Comments
6 1 10,070 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PinjaPJ Singed Build Guide By PinjaPJ Updated on January 24, 2021
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Runes: Main Runes

1 2 3
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter


1 2
Main Runes for anything under 4 Threat Level
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



First Back Options (Potion/Boots when even, Armor when behind, Damage when Ahead)
Sample Complete Build (I ususally sell boots at end for Morello's since lifegain and vamp is insane right now). Thornmail can be Frozen Heart, and Force of Nature can be Spirit Visage).

Ability Order Offensive Build Order------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Option:( You may take Q>E>W if you freeze at your tower and plan to Flash+Ignite+Slow/Root for an early lead at your tower) Using W early before level 4 puts to much strain on your mana so be careful and only do when your jungler is around for higher chance of success

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Comprehensive Singed Bible v10.24

By PinjaPJ
I will work on this guide 1-3 hrs a day. I peaked in S5/6 at Diamond 4, at the time I used Inverted Composers guide but I decided to recently climb again and create my own guide. I was ranked 39 Singed in NA. This will be updated almost daily. Currently Gold 2>Platinum 4. Filling in 5 threat level tips a day in alphabetical order, if want more info, I will add more just request in the comment section and I'll go out of order or go super more in depth. Currently just creating the skeleton.
Even - Exreme Threat General Strategy
Type out the character name and read the notes above.
Minor Threat General Strategy
Minor threats can only do anything if you get camped, and even then you should still be able to outperform them.
Tiny Threat General Strategy
Generally these are the guys you can easily just toss when they are out of position then W the rest of the team away from them with very low risk to create a numbers advantage during teamfights.
Unsealed Spellbook, the Hidden Runeset on Singed
For some reason, no one uses these runes. But if you're a Singed Advocate you've probably seen Faker use these runes. I have about 100-300 games using Unsealed Spellbook. Here I will write detailed information on how to properly use it.

Unsealed Spellbook and what does it do:
blah blah blah blah

Starting spells and what to choose:
1 Movement: This means Flast/Ghost, either works very well, but I would suggest taking flash unless you have alot of experience with ghost or it is an easy matchup.

Starting spells commonly switched to and order and reasoning why.
Bug Report
I found a bug on v10.24 Please report and type this in.

1. Opposing Yi Casts Ultimate
2. Singed casts W, then Throws Yi inside the W.

Expected Result: That dude gets rooted.
Actual Result: You're dead. Because he doesn't get rooted and auto's you to death after using Q to teleport back to you.

The only reason I'm reporting it as a bug is that this is how the coding used to be. Due to the coding on Yi's Anti slow on his ult. The coding seems to work on Singed W to where it is instantly rooted when tossed in the "slow." It needs to be changed to when it lands in the "zone of the slow." Though I have absolutely zero coding experience this is what I think is happening, please fix it, I don't want to have to ban yi everygame and have to dodge if my teammate wants yi but opponent picks it.
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