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Choose Champion Build:
- Build 1 (Preferred) [45% CDR]
- Build 2
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Arcane Mastery (PASSIVE)
Ryze Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Most likely will lose lane. If against a good Illaoi, you will be outpoked. Any poke on her will be healed or does nothing.
Who is this for?
My guide I guess is targeted toward players that have common knowledge of the game and the meta. People who know how runes and masteries work and get how Ryze somewhat works. Rank doesn't really matter but since this is my first guide and nooone will probably view this, my words might not be clear so please let me know so I can fix anything.
Build 1
Marks: So I usually take Greater Mark of Magic Penetration on ap mages with Greater Quintessence of Ability Power. I believe that most mages should take Greater Mark of Magic Penetration to provide more damage against tanks or just more damage to people building magic resist. This also goes well with Void Staff in a way idk if that makes sense...
Seals: Next is seals. This is personal preferance as I take Greater Seal of Scaling Armor with every champion including adcs. You can either go Greater Seal of Scaling Armor, Greater Seal of Armor, or Greater Seal of Scaling Health. These are the seals that I recommend, but I mostly prefer scaling such as Greater Seal of Scaling Armor and Greater Seal of Scaling Health.
Glyphs: When I first started making this guide, I quickly realized that I was missing something. That something was 45% CDR. So for glyphs you take six Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction for 10% CDR. Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction plus Intelligence equals up to 15% CDR. To get 45%, we add Morellonomicon and Zhonya's Hourglass, or you can look at build 2 which does not require Morellonomicon. With the extra slots, you can place Greater Glyph of Ability Power or anything you prefer.
Quints: Greater Quintessence of Ability Power should be fine for quints, but if you want a better chase, I suggest going Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed. I don't feel like I need to go in depth for Quints. Quints are just stronger marks put into smaller amounts.
Build 2
Marks: See build 1.
Seals: See build 1.
Glyphs: Greater Glyph of Magic Penetration or Greater Glyph of Ability Power. Should allow you to deal more damage.
Quints: See build 1
I will try to explain key masteries in a simple and fast way. I will list some masteries that you can pick from based on preference while maintaining the choice of useful masteries
Build 1
Build 2
Double Edged Sword or Feast
Double Edged Sword = Deak extra damage at the cost of taking more. (Prefer)
Feast = Allows you to gain health off minions. Good for sustain in lane.
Secret Stash or Assassin
Secret Stash = Pots become cookies that last 10% longer. They also restore 15 health and mana instantaneously on use. (Very good and I recommend!)
Assassin = Deal 2% damage when no teamates/allies are around. Really good if you are experienced with Ryze.
Bounty Hunter or Oppressor (For build 1)
Bounty Hunter = Gain 1% increased damage for killing a unique champion. Goes up to 5%.
Oppressor = Deal 2.5% increased damaged to champions with impaired movement. (slows, stuns, taunts, etc.) (Preferred)
Dangerous Game (Only good one to take) = Restore 5% of missing health and mana on kill or assist.
Precision or Intelligence
Precision = Gain 3 + .3 magic and armor pen per level.
Intelligence = CD reducuction increased to 45% and grants 5% CDR (Preferred/Necessary for build)
Insight = Grants 15% summoner spell reduction. Insight + Ionian Boots of Lucidity = 25% Summoner Spell Reduction
Consult this graph
Thunderlord's Decree or Stormraider's Surge
Thunderlord's Decree = Hit an enemy champion 3 times to call down a thunder strike that deals 10 damage per level plus 30% of your AD and 10% of your AP. (Preferred and Recommended for new players)
Stormraider's Surge = Dealing 30% of a champion's maximum Health within 2.5 seconds grants you 40% Movement Speed and 75% Slow Resistance for 3 seconds. This mastery is good for top if you take tp or if you are confident enough in lane.
Build 1
Build 2
Double Edged Sword or Feast
Double Edged Sword = Deak extra damage at the cost of taking more. (Prefer)
Feast = Allows you to gain health off minions. Good for sustain in lane.
Secret Stash or Assassin
Secret Stash = Pots become cookies that last 10% longer. They also restore 15 health and mana instantaneously on use. (Very good and I recommend!)
Assassin = Deal 2% damage when no teamates/allies are around. Really good if you are experienced with Ryze.
Bounty Hunter or Oppressor (For build 1)
Bounty Hunter = Gain 1% increased damage for killing a unique champion. Goes up to 5%.
Oppressor = Deal 2.5% increased damaged to champions with impaired movement. (slows, stuns, taunts, etc.) (Preferred)
Dangerous Game (Only good one to take) = Restore 5% of missing health and mana on kill or assist.
Precision or Intelligence
Precision = Gain 3 + .3 magic and armor pen per level.
Intelligence = CD reducuction increased to 45% and grants 5% CDR (Preferred/Necessary for build)
Insight = Grants 15% summoner spell reduction. Insight + Ionian Boots of Lucidity = 25% Summoner Spell Reduction
Consult this graph
Thunderlord's Decree or Stormraider's Surge
Thunderlord's Decree = Hit an enemy champion 3 times to call down a thunder strike that deals 10 damage per level plus 30% of your AD and 10% of your AP. (Preferred and Recommended for new players)
Stormraider's Surge = Dealing 30% of a champion's maximum Health within 2.5 seconds grants you 40% Movement Speed and 75% Slow Resistance for 3 seconds. This mastery is good for top if you take tp or if you are confident enough in lane.
Build 1
For starting items, take Sapphire Crystal and a Refillable Potion. This is so you can build tear and catalyst early on in the game or just tear if you have to back early. If you think that you can do better with Doran's Ring than buy it. Just know I didn't recommend it. You should start your early backs with this order: Tear of the Goddess, Catalyst of Aeons, then Boots. I get Tear of the Goddess first so I can finish it earlier. Then Catalyst of Aeons so you can sustain in lane. You finish Rod of Ages first. After you finish Rod of Ages, you build Morellonomicon and then finish your boots ( Ionian Boots of Lucidity pref.) Your last purchases are Seraph's Embrace followed by Zhonya's Hourglass with Void Staff or Rabadon's Deathcap. Void Staff is better for tanks and overall damage while Rabadon's Deathcap is better for clear and more overall damage than void stuff, but is weak against tanks or anyone building mr. If you build Ionian Boots of Lucidity, you won't have to worry about have to pick one or the other since you can build both and forget about Zhonya's Hourglass. If you are going build 2, you won't have to worry about not being able to get Zhonya's Hourglass since it goes well with that build.
Build 2
(Same starting directions)
For starting items, take Sapphire Crystal and three Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation. This is so you can build tear and catalyst early on in the game or just tear if you have to back early. If you think that you can do better with Doran's Ring than buy it. Just know I didn't recommend it. You should start your early backs with this order: Tear of the Goddess, Catalyst of Aeons, then Boots. You finish Rod of Ages first. After you finish Rod of Ages, you finish your Sorcerer's Shoes then Seraph's Embrace. For the last items, you should finish Everfrost first then just finish Void Staff and Rabadon's Deathcap.
As you can see Morellonomicon has a high winrate, but low popularity.
I recommend the two with red dots as I believe these are both good core paths followed with more ap items such as Void Staff or Rabadon's Deathcap.
Start q or e. My preference is q because it allows me to secure any minion I am about to miss in the first two waves.
Max Overload first since it's cost does not go up as you level it up this allows you to waste less mana in lane. You are probably wondering, why not upgrade Spell Flux so it can reset Overload. Well, the cost of Spell Flux goes up after you level it up. Spell Flux mana cost as you level goes 40/55/70/85/100. Not really worth since Spell Flux cooldown is always at base 2.25 seconds no matter how many time you upgrade it. A second thought might come to your head like; "why upgrade Overload if that doesn't increase the cost nor lower the cooldown?" That might be true, but it increases the damage of the ability while maintaining low mana cost for use in laning phase. After you max Overload first, you max Spell Flux, then Rune Prison. Your ult Realm Warp you upgrade every time it allows you to. I don't really consider that maxing it first since you are only allowed to level Realm Warp at certain times. It should be pretty obvious to level your ult over other abilities. Realm Warp is pretty garbage though in low elo since no one understands how it works or care. Since they only care about blindly winning. Since don't expect your team to use it with you unless you are a part of dynamic queue.
You are probably wondering, why not upgrade Spell Flux so it can reset Overload. Well, the cost of Spell Flux goes up after you level it up. Spell Flux mana cost as you level goes 40/55/70/85/100. Not really worth since Spell Flux cooldown is always at base 2.25 seconds no matter how many time you upgrade it. A second thought might come to your head like; "why upgrade Overload if that doesn't increase the cost nor lower the cooldown?" That might be true, but it increases the damage of the ability while maintaining low mana cost for use in laning phase.
Max Overload first since it's cost does not go up as you level it up this allows you to waste less mana in lane. You are probably wondering, why not upgrade Spell Flux so it can reset Overload. Well, the cost of Spell Flux goes up after you level it up. Spell Flux mana cost as you level goes 40/55/70/85/100. Not really worth since Spell Flux cooldown is always at base 2.25 seconds no matter how many time you upgrade it. A second thought might come to your head like; "why upgrade Overload if that doesn't increase the cost nor lower the cooldown?" That might be true, but it increases the damage of the ability while maintaining low mana cost for use in laning phase. After you max Overload first, you max Spell Flux, then Rune Prison. Your ult Realm Warp you upgrade every time it allows you to. I don't really consider that maxing it first since you are only allowed to level Realm Warp at certain times. It should be pretty obvious to level your ult over other abilities. Realm Warp is pretty garbage though in low elo since no one understands how it works or care. Since they only care about blindly winning. Since don't expect your team to use it with you unless you are a part of dynamic queue.
You are probably wondering, why not upgrade Spell Flux so it can reset Overload. Well, the cost of Spell Flux goes up after you level it up. Spell Flux mana cost as you level goes 40/55/70/85/100. Not really worth since Spell Flux cooldown is always at base 2.25 seconds no matter how many time you upgrade it. A second thought might come to your head like; "why upgrade Overload if that doesn't increase the cost nor lower the cooldown?" That might be true, but it increases the damage of the ability while maintaining low mana cost for use in laning phase.
Must pick imo. Allows for better escape, chase, and engage. Short cooldown. Ghost meta xD
Do you not know how Flash works? Works like a better Ghost but is instantaneous and has a long cooldown.
Good pick for top over Ghost. Allows team to have better engage. Also allows more lane presence. Can be used mid really well. Roam bot after 6 gank and Teleport back or recall and tp. Constantly pressuring your laner. If they roam counter roam by tping in and ulting back or ulting in the fight. :)
I don't really like Ignite. No use for it late game other than igniting self healing champs like Dr. Mundo or Swain. I guess it is good for going all in but that isn't really that good.
Really useful for champions with disables. Ex. Cassiopeia, Brand, Varus etc.
Consult graph if using Insight and Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Must pick imo. Allows for better escape, chase, and engage. Short cooldown. Ghost meta xD
Do you not know how Flash works? Works like a better Ghost but is instantaneous and has a long cooldown.
Good pick for top over Ghost. Allows team to have better engage. Also allows more lane presence. Can be used mid really well. Roam bot after 6 gank and Teleport back or recall and tp. Constantly pressuring your laner. If they roam counter roam by tping in and ulting back or ulting in the fight. :)
I don't really like Ignite. No use for it late game other than igniting self healing champs like Dr. Mundo or Swain. I guess it is good for going all in but that isn't really that good.
Really useful for champions with disables. Ex. Cassiopeia, Brand, Varus etc.
Consult graph if using Insight and Ionian Boots of Lucidity
If you disagree or have any additions, please dm me or comment on this guide.
Damage #1 - Overload - Rune Prison - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload
Damage #2 - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload - Rune Prison - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload
Sustain #1 - Overload - Spell Flux - Rune Prison - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload
Sustain #2 - Overload - Rune Prison - Spell Flux - Overload
Kiting #1 - (Requires that you have teammates nearby or you have to not be in danger) - Spell Flux - Spell Flux - Overload (Turn around and fight if enemy is low enough or teamates arrived) Rune Prison - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload
Enemy Engage Cancel Poke (Works on people with stoppable engage like Hecarim or Lee Sin) - Wait for engage time Rune Prison - Realm Warp to prevent engage. (Here is where the combo begins) if enemy is waiting or taking time to engage Overload - Spell Flux - Rune Prison - Overload (fight or leave)
Laning phase poke (behind minions) - Spell Flux (Enemy Champion) - Spell Flux (Enemy Champion) - Overload (nearby minions so it bounces to them) then AA for Thunderlord's Decree proc if it didn't proc already.
There is no true combo for farming. Just methods.
1. Spell Flux front or back wave twice then Overload to clear front or back of wave.
2. Spell Flux to finish off a minion in the front or back of the wave and then Overload the rest to full clear front or back of wave.
3. (Late game) Spell Flux Cannon minion then Overload if you do enough damage then Spell Flux to finish off the rest of the wave. (If you don't do enough damage) Spell Flux Cannon minion twice then Overload then Spell Flux again if all isn't cleared.
There are other methods, but these are the most common imo. If there is any I missed. DM me pls ty <3
Champion v. Champion
Damage #1 - Overload - Rune Prison - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload
Damage #2 - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload - Rune Prison - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload
Sustain #1 - Overload - Spell Flux - Rune Prison - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload
Sustain #2 - Overload - Rune Prison - Spell Flux - Overload
Kiting #1 - (Requires that you have teammates nearby or you have to not be in danger) - Spell Flux - Spell Flux - Overload (Turn around and fight if enemy is low enough or teamates arrived) Rune Prison - Overload - Spell Flux - Overload
Enemy Engage Cancel Poke (Works on people with stoppable engage like Hecarim or Lee Sin) - Wait for engage time Rune Prison - Realm Warp to prevent engage. (Here is where the combo begins) if enemy is waiting or taking time to engage Overload - Spell Flux - Rune Prison - Overload (fight or leave)
Laning phase poke (behind minions) - Spell Flux (Enemy Champion) - Spell Flux (Enemy Champion) - Overload (nearby minions so it bounces to them) then AA for Thunderlord's Decree proc if it didn't proc already.
Farming in Lane
There is no true combo for farming. Just methods.
1. Spell Flux front or back wave twice then Overload to clear front or back of wave.
2. Spell Flux to finish off a minion in the front or back of the wave and then Overload the rest to full clear front or back of wave.
3. (Late game) Spell Flux Cannon minion then Overload if you do enough damage then Spell Flux to finish off the rest of the wave. (If you don't do enough damage) Spell Flux Cannon minion twice then Overload then Spell Flux again if all isn't cleared.
There are other methods, but these are the most common imo. If there is any I missed. DM me pls ty <3
7/16/16 - Guide Created
7/17/16 - Remade most of the guide due to its many flaws. Thanks to the people who critiqued my guide on /r/summonerschool
7/18/16 Changed some of Build 2 and had to edit the chapters with build 2. Fixed my mistake about Insight . Causing me to change some of build 2.
7/19/16 - awaiting Ryze buff to update guide on anything useful.
7/17/16 - Remade most of the guide due to its many flaws. Thanks to the people who critiqued my guide on /r/summonerschool
7/18/16 Changed some of Build 2 and had to edit the chapters with build 2. Fixed my mistake about Insight . Causing me to change some of build 2.
7/19/16 - awaiting Ryze buff to update guide on anything useful.
Thank you if you actually read my guide! Hopefully all that typing was worth and I actually taught someone something or help someone in any way. If there is any mistakes in my information, grammar, or spelling. Please don't be afraid to leave me feedback. I am going to be streaming Ryze gameplay over the summer at
Much Love <3
Much Love <3
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