Warwick is easier to deal with early but annoying late. Can turn into Major threat without proper itemization. BUILD CHEMPUNK. I'd say you should opt for Conqueror if they have another tank, since Dark Harvest is sorta risky because it won't do anything if you don't absolutely steamroll him - plus it's useless if he scales.
Lee Sin
Lee used to be quite annoying to fight the previous 2 seasons, but things have shifted: Dark Harvest makes it easy for you to duel him and you don't have to worry unless you fall behind, so look for an early lead.
Honestly, this matchup can go either way depending on who gets the jump on who. Look for early kills and secure objectives. Edge of Night works wonders. Maintain vision control and try to catch him away from his team if he ults one of your teammates and decides to dive them. However, he has strong gank potential early and his fear is annoying to deal with, so be careful and play around your team and you'll probably be fine.
I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS CHAMPION. Shaco is honestly one of my go-to bans on Kha' Zix. He's annoying, he counter-jungles like crazy, his R and W cancel Isolation. If you are against a Shaco, buy Oracle Lens first back and pray to sweet baby Jesus that he makes a mistake.
You can NOT fight rammus after he finishes his thornmail. He just has too much armor. Go Conqueror and Anti-Tank build and be SUPER careful because he can dive your team and get away with it, or go Dark Harvest and hope you can one shot the rest of the team.
Graves is annoying to fight because he has enough damage to kill you quickly, but also enough armor to survive your burst, not to mention his Smoke Screen is difficult to deal with. Try to avoid his abilities as much as possible and use your ult well.
As with most tanks, Amumu is tough to deal with but he doesn't have the prolonged damage to beat you by himself. However, he provides excellent peel for his carries so be careful of going in for the kill in teamfights.
See, Ivern isn't the problem. It's the fact that he makes whoever he decides to latch on to 3x more overpowered, and Daisy cancels your isolation.
This matchup used to be ever so slightly Kha' zix sided, but things have changed sorta. Avoid fighting him around bushes and build resistances to last you into the late game because he can regen all your damage with double W. If you do beat him, watch out for the event to get your fourth evolution. However, a decent Rengar will know how to pick his fights and where to fight you, so your best shot is assassinating him before he can react.
AVOID AT ALL COSTS UNLESS TURBO AHEAD. Her spiderlings cancel isolation and she can stun and burst you before you can even blink.
Master Yi
Your first few backs are way better than his and he has basically next to no early gank potential so capitalize on this. Counterjungle him, beat the **** out of him and try to end early so he doesn't hit his insta-win powerspike.
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