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I'm RobiWizzard a fellow summoner and I'm going to post awesome builds.
I tried this build in ranked games and its working pretty well.
So here I come. This is my Corki guide.
Actually this is my first guide:P
Summoner Spells
Barrier/CLEANSE and Flash. Others doesn't seem to work
Corki's Spells
Q gives vision. After your manamune you can spam it like a boss in lane
W good escape and chase ability, but use it wisely because it has a large cooldown
E simply op. Damage + armour reduction
R OP teamfights. U shouldn't enter in the teamfight until u have 2 missiles left. after that nuke one of the carries. In teamfight just snipe down the enemies with your missiles.
Barrier/CLEANSE and Flash. Others doesn't seem to work
Corki's Spells
Q gives vision. After your manamune you can spam it like a boss in lane
W good escape and chase ability, but use it wisely because it has a large cooldown
E simply op. Damage + armour reduction
R OP teamfights. U shouldn't enter in the teamfight until u have 2 missiles left. after that nuke one of the carries. In teamfight just snipe down the enemies with your missiles.
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