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Recommended Items
Runes: Conqueror
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Ability Skill Order
Assassin's Mark (PASSIVE)
Akali Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Item Reasoning
Starting Item:
Generally Doran's Ring is still the way to go even though we will be transitioning into AD. However, Doran's Blade is still an option.
First Item:
Hear me out, galeforce gives Akali an extra dash and damage allowing for you to cancel E2 or dodge skill shots, increasing outplay potential. However, the most beneficial part of this item is actually the bonus percent movement speed that it gives the rest of your legendary items. This crit build heavily revolves around you being able to close the gap quickly from target to target.
Although you might be building AD Akali still does magic damage through her abilities and her passive. The Sorcerer shoes ensure that your abilities aren't entirely useless.
Second Item:
Rapid Firecannon allows for a 460 range empowered auto attack which means that with the constant moving and damage that you are doing this will come up at least three times within one fight. The extra range proves to be useful in long fights.
Third Item:
For your third Item you have a choice between the three following items. Infinity Edge is always a solid choice as it increases the damage of the crits and gives a very good amount of AD. Bloodthirster is a great skirmishing tool as you will find yourself actually healing a lot from this item and the passive shield proves to be useful. Essence Reaver is now viable choice for akali as it no longer has just the mana refund passive, which itself alone is useless. However, since it now gives spellblade passive this proves to be great for empowered auto especially if you are able to get the rapid firecannon extended range and the spellblade on one hit. Oh and the ability haste is also nice.
Fourth Item:
For your fourth item you can build any of the ones you didn't choose before and at this point in the game if you are ahead it might be a good idea to go collector. The execute proves to be quite useful especially when ahead.
Last Item:
Choose what you believe is going to be the best. Preferably something with crit so that you can build for 100% crit.
Header by: Bryun!
Generally Doran's Ring is still the way to go even though we will be transitioning into AD. However, Doran's Blade is still an option.
First Item:
Hear me out, galeforce gives Akali an extra dash and damage allowing for you to cancel E2 or dodge skill shots, increasing outplay potential. However, the most beneficial part of this item is actually the bonus percent movement speed that it gives the rest of your legendary items. This crit build heavily revolves around you being able to close the gap quickly from target to target.
Although you might be building AD Akali still does magic damage through her abilities and her passive. The Sorcerer shoes ensure that your abilities aren't entirely useless.
Second Item:
Rapid Firecannon allows for a 460 range empowered auto attack which means that with the constant moving and damage that you are doing this will come up at least three times within one fight. The extra range proves to be useful in long fights.
Third Item:
For your third Item you have a choice between the three following items. Infinity Edge is always a solid choice as it increases the damage of the crits and gives a very good amount of AD. Bloodthirster is a great skirmishing tool as you will find yourself actually healing a lot from this item and the passive shield proves to be useful. Essence Reaver is now viable choice for akali as it no longer has just the mana refund passive, which itself alone is useless. However, since it now gives spellblade passive this proves to be great for empowered auto especially if you are able to get the rapid firecannon extended range and the spellblade on one hit. Oh and the ability haste is also nice.
Fourth Item:
For your fourth item you can build any of the ones you didn't choose before and at this point in the game if you are ahead it might be a good idea to go collector. The execute proves to be quite useful especially when ahead.
Last Item:
Choose what you believe is going to be the best. Preferably something with crit so that you can build for 100% crit.
Header by: Bryun!
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