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Crit Master Yi Jungle Guide
So let start off with why play Master Yi: Msater Yi is a champ that NEEDS farm in the early game to be usefull. So always try to to farm the jg until you hit level 6. If you see somewhere that is easy to gank, even if you're not 6, go gank, and always look at your minimap.
Jungle path: Blue -> Gromp -> Wolves -> Red -> Krugs. Then back.
When you back you should have both componets to your bloodrazor (and refillable potion if you took scuttle crab). At this point you should be at the end of level 4/level 5. What you want to do is counter jungle and get deep wards for you team in the enemy jungle. Take the opponet's buffs when possible. Gank whenever you ult is up, try to get people to flash away, go farm for 1 minute, and gank that lane again, as they can't escape this time. When you reach level 7 take scuttle at drake area if possible, and when you reach level 8, go for drake. If the drake is infernal drake then go for it after you gank a lane with them helping (mid or bot).
Build: Always get your jg item first, and then rush IE for the raw damage and crit chance, then you want to build Statik Shiv into PD. When you have all of these items you will be in the late game. Go for BT after and GA. When your GA is popped, get essence reaver.
How to play Yi: Early game: Don't force plays. Try to farm a lot. Gank when you hit level 6.
Mid game: Control Baron and drake area by taking scuttle crabs. Dont initate a fight, be there for the clean up. Tell your team to back off when you dont have ult in the mid game.
Late game: Same as mid game, but play a little more aggresive, still dont initate fights.
Thank you for reading my Crit Master Yi guide
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