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I HATE HER. Playing against Riven in lane as any Assassin or Fighter is often times a high risk-low reward situation, and Zed is no exception. She can go harder than you can against her since she has no resource bar to worry about while you need to watch your Energy bar. If it's in Blind Pick, then go w/ the Standard Longsword+3Hpotions if you feel confident and Cloth+5Hpotions if you just want to survive this ridiculously high-AD woman. Play passively until her Q and E are used, Go hard or go home w/ your Death Mark.
However, if you manage to decipher her player's mannerisms in using her abilities, you can find a hole in her offense for a great Death Mark opportunity. She might be broken, but good Zed players shouldn't be fazed.
Nobody uses him often, but that doesn't mean he will give you an easy time. His passive, whenever available, makes sure that he has an edge when you duel him. His abilities cost HP, but are easily replenished with his W. Just avoid going in when he still have his passive up. If he is the one who goes in, back off (unless he doesn't have the passive, then that'll be a kill).
If he built full AD like a bozo, consider this matchup difficulty null, you'd probably be killing him with ease, twice over.
The powerpony builds durably (Visage and Frozen Heart) along with Phreak's signature item Trinity Force. He can sustain your damage output by dealing his own, and his R can counter your R if properly used. The only chance you have is in the early laning phase where he wouldn't want to duel since he would probably have no core items to speak of just yet. Always try to go all-in on him once you reach levels 3-6 to shut him down, else you and your team will have a disadvantage late game.
A skill matchup, but one that tilts the scale in your favor if played properly since he uses mana and you use energy. The things you need to watch out for would be his W,R, and Zhonya's Hourglass.
This lane is absolutely easy. Once you both hit lvl 6, you won't even need your passive to pop your Death Mark on her as long as you hit her w/ Q and E. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass. Pink wards can help if you're still having trouble.
Skill matchup, and a completely even one. You R, she Rs away to safety. She E+Qs, you can W to dodge. Only the timing of abilities can tell the victor. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Not as easy as you might think just because she is immobile. She's a burst mage that can shut down assassins, Zed included. Poke and trade in lane w/ abilities before going in (better if you can dodge the stun w/ a Death Mark). Avoid being in range of her in teamfights (which you shouldn't since you are often squishy and should be splitpushing instead) until she used up her R and passive stun.
Say goodbye to your shurikens once you get hit w/ a W+Q combo from this alien reptile, because the next thing you'll see are the things he ate before you.
Cho'Gath is easy pre-6 as long as you can dodge his Q+W and avoid unnecessary harass from his E. The real threat comes from his full combo and his tanky stature even when building full AP. Avoid 1v1s against him later in the game, stick to splitpushing and assassinating other targets (unless he remains squishy mid-late then feel free to go for his hide) and avoid him in teamfights (you'll get zoned anyway). Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Same approach as Annie, she can shut down an assailant, but now is limited from her R. Her damage is sustained instead of burst, and relies on her 2 poison abilities, so dodging those are of utmost importance. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass, and in her case, Seraph's Embrace.
Azir had his W retuned, giving him now an earlier AS powerspike, but that doesn't stop Zed from being able to go through his line of defense(you can W/R/Flash through Azir's R), now that Azir's E knockup has been removed and is now maxed last, resulting to a lower shield value. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Laning against him is pretty easy since his Q is useless vs Zed, and thus he would be forced to max E and W instead, lowering his damage. Sticking to him w/ Death Mark for a kill will prove otherwise since he can just slow you w/ his E and leap out with his R. He gets leads for his team and wins game by roaming extensively, so you should always follow where he went once you notice he's missing so you should ward the river often (unless you can take his turret). Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Same as Annie, but she can have a hard time against you since she needs to land her Q to use her E, which you can dodge with ease given the slow missile speed of her Q. She is also teamfight oriented like Annie, so unless you are sure that you can kill her (w/ consideration of her passive), just splitpush. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Same difficulty as Annie, if not harder due to his large zone with his Q and E and poke from his W. You can go R him but make sure you dodge skills along the way. He builds Zhonya's Hourglass as 1st/2nd item so you will be pretty much in a bad spot trying to target him with the item available to use. Best leave the initiation to your team's front line or splitpush as usual.
The only worrisome trait of laning vs. Brand would be his Q stun if he has his passive on you, which is manageable w/ Zed's W. Treat as you would an Annie, and rush Maw of Malmortius regardless of his power level in your game. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
An AP Fighter with a shield and a vacuum in her kit, along with a kit that works similar to Lee Sin. That means you can't go in and do as you please. Wait for her to miss the Q, then go R in and do your combo as she will not be able to go in and out as easy as you could. Just keep her behind and check her item path whenever possible to avoid getting caught of guard (especially if she's building AP+HP items like Rod of Ages or Rylai's Crystal Scepter). Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
This is a skill matchup. In lane, stay away from her if the Duelist Dance passive shown on your feet is easy for her to reach, her Lunge can easily proc that for the easiest yet one of the most painful poke you'll ever see in League(True damage). Since you have almost equal amounts of physical damage Post-6, the winner of this fight depends on one thing alone: Fiora's Riposte. This skill is basically a spellshield. If you can bait her to using it prematurely, then she won't be as hard to take down. If not, then just back off. Calling for ganks where she'll be having a much harder time to dart and weave and most probably in panic (easy for her to misuse Riposte) would definitely help in shutting her down. But be careful of diving, since her Grand Challenge heals for a lot if proc'd (not to mention that's 4 passive hits on your fragile ninja armor).
Skill matchup like Ahri, but is manageable since you can shove her to her turret w/ your Q+W+E using fast-replenishing energy while she needs to clear w/ W and use mana. Play smart and safe until she decides to go in w/ W, R her instantly and she won't do anything about it but escape to live and fight another day or fight now only resulting to her death. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass. You can buy pink wards to reveal her in her passive, or just watch which one is regen-ing HP.
This lane is easier than Kassadin's despite her having no resource bar, but is more dangerous to snowball from roaming. You can kill her early w/ ease and she most likely cannot do anything about it, and you will need to ward up rivers/bushes leading to side lanes to follow up her roam. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
She just shuts you down with her own R. And she pokes you from afar. Other than that, she's pretty easy to lane and duel with early on since her waveclear is pretty lackluster w/ E, which means ypu should always have the lvl advantage. Once you get to lvl 6, try going all-in. If you kill her, good. If not, then that's most likely because she ulted. Once you see her use it on herself, BACK OFF INSTANTLY. You've already gained the advantage, as her ult's CD is longer than your ult's CD. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
He counters you harder than Riven or Kayle once he gets a Zhonya's Hourglass before you finish your core items. Asking for ganks against a good Fizz won't help either in most cases since he's hard to catch. The only opening you have would be an outplay against him 1v1 at levels 3-6 (Be sure to time your R before his R lands on you or before the shark emerges to avoid the damage and knockup). Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Laning vs. Karthus is easy since he won't be able to outdamage you early on (unless he lands every single Q, you miss your Q and E, and you stay in his E, then please practice the basics first before playing Zed). Kill him in lane ASAP, rinse and repeat. He scales harder w/ farm than w/ levels, so making sure he is either dead or always backing to base because you nearly killed him which leads to him being underfarmed is crucial as to how well he's going to be later in the game. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass, but this time you also need to watch out for Seraph's Embrace since it provides a shield that can mitigate your Death Mark.
Many people get intimidated by this guy, when in reality they're just playing the matchup wrong. You don't go in go ham on him. You poke him down slowly w/ Q+W+E. You shove him in his turret while being cautious of his E range. You can kite him. And by the time he buys armor, you would already have your core items to duke him out or roam somewhere else. It's easier than people think. But be careful of good Darius players who actually wouldn't mind catching stars just to trade w/ you. They probably know what they're doing and will get you bleeding 5 droplets before the axe drops. If he's building the new Titanic Hydra, you better build Blade of the Ruined King, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Death's Dance, Lord Dominik's Regards and some form of armor, else you won't win against him easily 1v1.
Dr. Mundo
You almost always bring Ignite on Zed, which means you can duel him, yes? That's only true if he built HP instead of armor against you. This isn't even a lane you should worry about dying, instead you should worry about how you get him out of lane so that he can't farm and go anywhere he pleases in your team's backline. In short: DON'T 1v1 HIM.
He counters Riven for a reason. He's tanky, he deals damage w/o building too much AD especially against the 'Villain' in your team, and he can execute low HP targets. But the worst part of it is that he can silence you (Silences are becoming rare now, and ruins casters like mages and assassins). The best approach would be buying Youmuu's Ghostblade, Blade of the Ruined King, and 1 of the 2 Last Whisper items (Black Cleaver is also good) to rend his defense to a softer state.
Same as Darius, he is easy to juke/kite and the only thing you need to worry about is his E-Q. Just dodge it w/ W or time it w/ R for a chance of killing him. This only works early in the lane where he would still have none of his core items. If he gets a lead, you probably will need your team to shut him down and stop him from splitpushing. If you get a lead on him, then you do the splitpush while he is forced to teamfight w/ suboptimal items. But keep in mind: A Jax w/ Rageblade will be a nightmare to go against in 1v1 scenario.
He builds MR and is good vs mages, and is picked rarely, so this wouldn't concern you right? Wrong. His W and R still makes him a tank that can turn your high damage against you. Be especially careful of using Zed's R when Galio's R is still available since his R would further damage you if your R pops before his R does. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Kill him early with a combo in lane or suffer against his kit full of stuns later in the game (His difficulty goes extremely lower if you succeed). He's the mobile and more disruptive energy-resourced version of Annie, so avoid him in teamfights and just splitpush unless fighting is unavoidable, which is hard since he builds Zhonya 1st/2nd item.
Gnar is a lane bully, and he is unkillable pre-6 since Mini is a slippery %HP kite-beast while Mega is a high damage tank behemoth full of cc. If the player is just foolish and builds AD, then you can rate this matchup on easy, else he builds tanky and would justify this threat value. The opening on Gnar would be either on his Mini while you have Death Mark+Ignite available, or a depleted-rage bar Mega with the same resources available.
Just a poke-farm lane. Whoever goes in first with all skills and spells available loses the trade. Good thing that his W doesn't cleanse Zed's R which means you can still kill him in lane if you play it opportunistically. Just watch out for his R, the pelting damage is no laughing matter at any stage of the game.
Also, watch the barrels, mate. If he has crit-chance items I'd bet your Bilgewater Cutlass that you'll get blasted and end up as fish-fodder.
This guy is in between Nasus and Riven when in comes to lane matchup. He deals absurd damage w/ more than 50 fury on him while remaining tanky (even moreso w/ his R which has the HP buff that isn't reduced by Ignite). Just play this one passively until you have your core item powerspikes (especially if he built armor first) and wait for a gank to tip the scale to your favor. In teamfights, obviously ignore him and just go for someone squishier, unless he went full AD, which would be considered stupid by good Renekton players who know he scales poorly in the late game.
This matchup is easy as long as you have allied units in proximity. Going 1v1 vs. Kha with no one else can be suicidal due to his bonus isolation damage w/ Q. He's also tricky to hit w/ his R (Countered only by pink wards and other source of true vision). Other than that, he's easy to kill/take to low hp if he flies off. He can splitpush, but you can do even better since your skills are AOE and you use energy while he has a low damage E and W to clear a wave w/ mana (A different story if he has Tiamat/Hydra).
Your rival offers a hard matchup (hard if he gets Grasp of the Undying Keystone Mastery, easy if not) which grows harder the later the game goes (Not that you'll be targeting him late game, anyway). He can mitigate some of your damage w/ Q-W combo(shields him with passive and negates autoattacks for his team in the W zone), but you can beat him in lane as long as you play it right. Ignore him in teamfights (he's a tank, don't bother, and better yet try not to go in most of them and splitpush), and if he ever defends a turret, then just try a different lane/objective. If in any case he gets a lead from you, start roaming since you'll be doing nothing against him by then and you'll just end up scratching his Chainmail/Platemail while he's slicing you repeatedly w/ Twilight Assault. However, if he is played as a support and has overall lower resistances due to his gold-deprived role, feel free to remove him from a fight to pave the way for your team to steamroll his.
She is the Queen of Top Lane. She deals high damage on all 3 sources (Physical, magic, and true) with her kit. And she is more dangerous if her HP is lower than you with her E. The best way to deal with her is to poke her and force her on using abilities/consumables. Once she runs dry (which she will eventually due to her high mana costs), that's your window to strike, but still be careful of her E and R. Ask for a gank if you find the matchup too hard for you.
Jarvan IV
This matchup depends on how J4 would itemize. If he builds full AD, be cautious and dodge any Flag-and-Drag or Cataclysm that you can since that'll surely deal immense pain on our fragile ninja. If he builds tank, then poke him slowly similar to what you would do to Irelia and wait for his abilities/consumables to be used up before striking or starting a gank.
You deal more damage than him early-mid game. Jayce is too reliant on the poke-pattern w/ Muramana+Last Whisper/any other armor penetration item to be of any significant duel foe for Zed who uses energy. Since he plays similarly to you who pokes before going all-in, you should take the initiative of going in before he has any chance of retaliation. He goes down pretty easily anyway.
AP Koggles? Kill it, he's the best assassin fodder you can have. You can do it. Just avoid the E and you can do it. Just do it. It's easy. And do it while he still has no Seraph+Luden+Rylai+Zhonya.
AD Koggles is actually just the same, just be careful of QSS and being pelted from far away before even getting close to him. Last note: DO NOT LET HIM GET TO LATE GAME. HE'LL RIDDLE YOUR NINJA SUIT W/ ACID-MELTED HOLES IF YOU DO.
Maokai doesn't care. Don't bother against him mid-late game. But in lane you can make him spend all his consumables with the usual poke-farm method. Try to get a cs lead so that you can get your R before he gets his. That'll be a kill.
Lee Sin
If anyone tries to go 'Challenjour Lee Song Top/Midlane' on you, start dumpstering them after lvl 4. Only pros and fools would dare match a real AD Solo laner with Lee Sin, and if you are reading this to get out of some tier you are stuck in, it's gotta be the latter.
Can poke. Can lock you with cc. Can escape. Builds Zhonya's. This cold lady is a textbook counter for Zed. But do not be disheartened. Just stay away from the back of your minions, build a Hexdrinker and Mercury Treads, ward, farm, and show some decent moves and you'll be winning/at least even once laning phase is over.
This guy represents fear for a reason. His main item is Zhonya's Hourglass. He has a silence. He can show your terror. If you meet this guy in lane, ask for a laneswap, avoid fights, and keep splitpushing because you aren't going to get close to killing him even after you get your R.
She can mitigate your damage with E and R, and those cannot be reduced by Ignite since it's a direct HP buff and not a heal. Not only that, but she can also slow you and turn you to a critter. She also has decent poke. You came here to ask for her weakness? Manacosts. Until she builds a Morellonomicon, keep aggressing on her even if you get losing/even trades as long as you don't die and you deplete her mana. She ain't a threat with that 4-shot basic attack unless she builds AD/Nashors. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
She's a pokewhore with that ludicrous range on her E, but it doesn't matter as long as you don't get snared by her combo which is Q-auto-E-auto-R-auto if you are still alive. This should be manageable w/ Zed's W/R anyway. Just be careful not to get baited by her W shield(+Barrier summoner spell if she has it). Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
This guy's got problems. Everything's too easy for him. I guess that's because he's rock solid. -_-
Anyway, there are two types of Malphite: AP and Tank. The AP is easy to counterplay since all you need would be the usual MR items and the dodging skills. But the Tank is the real problem. Zed's armblades would just turn dull against a full-tank Malphite. He's going to be immovable yet he will still deal damage since you deal lower amounts on him and he will outlast you in a duel (Grasp of the Undying on Malphite makes it worse).
Either way, he's vulnerable to ganks early on. Ask for one or two, and remember to watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass if he's building AP.
One of the few duel mages in the game, Malz can actually 100-0 a squishy(Zed counts) with his combo of W-Q-E-R+Ignite(Yes he can cast ignite while channeling R for some reason).
So what do you do? Well you fight him like a cowboy. Whoever draws out their big guns first and fire their round of damage while avoiding the damage of the other wins. Simple as that. But why 1v1 him when he's such a vulnerable gank target being the immobile mage he is? Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass. Also, NEVER TRY TO ALL-IN WITH HIS PASSIVE UP. That's a free Banshee's Veil, remove it first before applying Death Mark.
An AP Fighter who relies on dealing damage to shield incoming damage. You know what that means? He's good at close range(FEEL THE Q3) and will probably take you down without having his HP deplete below 3/4. So what do you do? The usual poke-farm ofc. Just go in when his passive bar is empty. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
This damned dog counters Zed merely by existing in lane (In fact, he counters anyone who relies on auto-attacks). You try to poke him? He doesn't care. He lifesteals on minions. You go all in? He retaliates w/ his E to soften you and deal DoT in it, W to shut down any attempt of running away or fighting back with auto-attacks, and Big Boy R which has the HP buff that cannot be reduced by Ignite and bops you w/ his 200+stack pimpcane Q in <10mins which will deal a lot of damage to you by then. The only way to shut him down would be rushing Youmuu, Blade of the Ruined King, and Last Whisper and asking for repetitive ganks. It doesn't matter if your other lanes win when your team is against this guy. The only way to win is to stay ahead/even against his team, and keep him under 250 stacks by 20 mins via ganks (Pushing his outer turret early helps).
He is a CC Giant. His W shield makes him stronger, his passive roots you, he can pull you with Q, he can deal relatively high damage around him with E, and you cannot dodge his R without using your R as well. The best way to deal with this titan is by baiting him into a gank since if he goes in w/ his Q, unless he has Flash up, there's no going out. Itemize against him in lane and keep farming, there's no way you'd die against him 1v1 if he builds full tank anyway.
You guys must be wondering why I put a low threat value on Nidalee. The reason is this: She's a skillshot assassin with a playstyle similar to Lee Sin, which means her form of engage is unreliable. Heck, if not for her annoying poke and her execute damage from both forms of her Q, her Cougar W, and her Human E, I'd be placing her even lower in this list. The lane matchup is easy, and if not for the Cougar W+Flash out that most Nidalees do to escape my Zed from being done for First Blood, I'd definitely rate lower. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass, and sometimes, Seraph's Embrace.
Rarely seen in lane due to his high mana costs which require jungling w/ blue buffs, but if you do go against one, just watch out for his W spellshield (Can mitigate your poke, and worse, your R application) which also gives him bonus attack speed once successful on block, and his E which fears you after being tethered to him after some time. Always ward the river for the side lanes and notify them if he is MIA, since he's a strong roamer w/ his R.
You intend to bring his HP lower and kill him, but the lower his HP goes the better his chances of killing you becomes. Not to worry, since you can easily poke-bait him out of lane which means he would gain nothing trying to trade against you. Just try to outfarm him and keep him low on cs by shoving him to his turret, since he runs out of mana pretty fast with his Q spam.
The midlane micromanagement skill matchup. Whoever does their combo to outplay the other wins, it's that simple.
Just make sure to dodge out her R and you'll get the better end of the trade. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass, but also keep an eye for a Seraph's Embrace.
Poppy is surprisingly bursty. Her Passive-E-R-Q combo deals surprising damage and may lock you in a 3 second CC chain, and she is very tanky, even more as her HP goes lower. Not fun to deal with as an AD Assassin. So just farm and roam. And just like how you'd want to face a Vayne, stay away from walls.
Laning against Rammus is a breeze of a farm lane, the reason why I put him on a high regard is because of his anti-AD nature and his AOE damaging kit which can outlast Zed's damage while dealing lots of his own. So just farm vs. a Rammus. Don't all-in, especially w/ his W and E up.
Used to be a scary pick in top lane, now solely for the jungle. But make no mistake, she's still a strong laner, and her knockup threat into a triple Q-E combo would still hurt a squishy like Zed. Do not go in if she's burrowed. Ask for a gank and she'll die if she doesn't have burrowed E/Flash up.
Rengar top lane can still be a thing. Just rare. You'll most probably see him w/ a rushed Caulfield Warhammer or Serrated Dirk (for Youmuu) or Tiamat (for Hydra). The thing is, you can still fight him either way as long as you don't get rooted. That's all you need to avoid and you'll win a 1v1 against him. If he is already ahead, then ask for a gank or roam to the other lanes instead. You can also farm under turret until you catch up. Purchase pink wards if you really wanna avoid the jumpscare.
Ryze, the tanky machine-gun mage. He is definitely strong, but as long as you don't get rooted and barraged before you can even unleash your full combo, then you'll do fine. Watch out for either a Seraph's Embrace or a Zhonya's Hourglass which can mitigate your R. I suggest a Banshee's Veil and/or Mercurial Scimitar if you're having trouble.
This is similar to Gnar's rating: if she foolishly builds AD, you win lane instantly and her threat level goes down to easy. If she buys HP and armor items, then don't even bother fighting her and just farm or roam down somewhere else.
Just don't overchase him and you'll be fine. This is a farm lane, and it will remain a farm lane until someone ganks for him, which you can easily avoid. Not that he deals a lot of damage to begin with. BUT! If he really decides to go on you by his lonesome, just juke around him and laugh at his futile effort. If he goes low enough after an attempt, you know what to do.
Regardless of him building AD or Tank, you'll have a hard time out-trading this bad boy. Just farm and dodge his Q/R, you'll be fine.
He's a tanky mid-ranged mage. Not uncommon, but he can definitely shut you down, his core items include Zhonya and/or Seraph and the mere fact that he is tanky yet deals a lot of damage means Zed's gonna have a bad time fighting him. Farming out the lane and asking your team to lock him with cc asap is the best approach against him. Other than that, you can kill him early on, especially before he builds a lot of HP items (if he only has a Catalyst, you can probably kill him) and if he goes out of mana.
Aww, a love quarrel? How cute. Too bad she can't resist because Zed dominates her 1v1 despite her status as a lane bully mage since he can W away from her Q-E stun combo and she is immobile and weak vs. all-ins. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Tahm Kench
This overgrown catfish w/ a tophat is a tanky support/top laner. Just don't do stupid things against him. You can't mess with the River Lorax. Or can you? Answer: BoRK+Lord Dominik's Regards+Duskblade. But still, don't get yourself eaten far from your turret. His stomach acid melts HP really well. Also, if he's playing as support, be very careful of early Death Marking as he can simply eat your target and run away while you hear laughter from his maw (both his own and his ally that you targeted).
Zed vs. Talon is a really amazing skill matchup. Talon can go invisible w/ his R, but you can hit him in stealth w/ your abilities or shadow away from his abilities anyway. Many people say that Talon is a counter to Zed. I've played enough Talon and I main Zed to know how equal they are in terms of burst potential, albeit Talon's burst is in AoEs (He procs Thunderlord's real quick, or might not need it altogether and go for Stormraider to easily escape after going in) while Zed's burst is mostly single-targeted. So how do we deal against him? Pink wards and Ninja Tabi for armor/MercTreads for Tenacity. Also, going Death's Dance works best against Talon since you are squishy and bursty like him but you can deal faster single target damage while he dances with a dozen of blades looking for someone to autoattack to death. Last note: try poking him down before going all-in pre-6, because his W+R damage is really high this season w/ Thunderlord's and AD items and may prove to be a pain mid-late game.
May the assassin with the better reflexes win.
How to beat Teemo w/ Zed: Rush Hexdrinker and Mercury Treads. Purchase pink wards. Finish your Maw of Malmortius and proceed to other AD assassin items. Kill him repeatedly and make him regret picking Teemo.
I never lost a game as Zed vs Teemo. Not to brag, but this is just too easy. Even with all the changes to him, he still can't deal with Zed's ability burst(what blind?). He's just a scout, we are flippin' ninjas.
Trundle is the Anti-tank fighter. He gets tanky by stealing the resistances of your enemy tank and unloads his damage on your team with reckless abandon. Good thing Zed has no resistances worth stealing? Both true and false. True, Zed won't mind having 10 armor and MR stolen since it won't stop him from bursting a Trundle, but be careful if the Trundle is tanky and still deals more damage than you in a prolonged fight. He'll definitely smack you out of the club if you don't kill him or his team fast enough.
Pre-6, the only scary thing about him would be his crit chances vs. you (He'll get healed and be rewarded w/ attack speed via Warlord's Bloodlust when he does). Post-6, the only thing NOT scary about him would be his W since Zed can get away from it easy but it still becomes a hard matchup. Then again, his playstyle is simple. The best way that I've found to fight Tryndamere at 6 would be doing a full combo until he's at 1 HP and under the effect of his R. I'll just Ignite and Flash peace out by then, hoping no follow-up comes and no ganks catch me. If you fail to kill Tryndamere at least once in the laning phase, you and your team are gonna have a bad time if he doesn't catch a stun in a teamfight.
Twisted Fate
This lane is easy, and you can kill TF faster than he can probably pick a card(just don't dive him under turret if the last card he used was Red or Gold, chances are he will get the shuffle on Gold in one click. Better safe than getting locked under fire with a Gold/Red card).
The only concern would be his roam potential which takes just an instant with his R. As soon as he goes MIA, notify your team to fall back or take notice of him if they see him on the map.
Trick2G way Top lane Udyr can be a thing, but will surely be shoved to his turret(A solo lane Udyr will often max Tiger instead of Phoenix for higher trades vs champions, easier lasthits, and the highest tower damage possible). He won't die easily with his Bear and Turtle Stances up though. Just farm it out and let someone with a hard cc lock him first before going in for the kill. Later in the game, if he builds full tank, avoid him at all costs else he won't kill you but will definitely annoy you by his existence in any lane you are trying to push or by peeling you off his team.
AD Blue Ez? AP Ez? Doesn't matter, he's a dead boy once he burns his flash and E and decides to stay in lane while you still have your R available. Watch out for Zhonya's if he's AP. You gotta keep an eye out for what he builds w/ his Sheen, because Iceborn Gauntlet makes him obnoxious to chase.
The tankiest "Marksman" in the game, the UrGod. But no need to fear him early on while he's still stacking his Tear. The only thing scary would be his R to reposition you to a bad spot, his E is easily dodged w/ Zed's W. Even if you get hit w/ E, you can just go out of range of his homing Q.
Just don't get hit by his Q too often and dodge his R. You can kill him in lane with ease if you do.
Another easy matchup, you don't need to fear Veigar's R since you aren't AP (unless you're on low HP). Do the usual poke-farm routine and force him out of lane w/ low hp or make him deplete his mana by shoving him under turret and making him use his abilities. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass, and a possible Seraph's Embrace.
For an immobile mage, he actually does well vs. Zed. He has a lot of damage, he has stronger waveclear, and he can fend for himself. The only problem would be his early game manacosts and long cooldowns which you as Zed should capitalize on. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Her kit is actually a counter to Zed's kit, if not for her mana issues. She can deal damage and lock him with her R if ever he uses R. So you should take caution of not casting your ult before she casts hers. Like Maokai, try to force her on using abilities to deplete her mana, and shove her under turret to get 6 earlier before her. Kill her under that level window if possible. Ask for a gank to ensure success in lane, and avoid getting caught by her late game.
Same approach as Vel'koz, but he has more in his kit. Not that it'll stop Zed that hard. I recommend to save one mobility tool (Flash or W) to get out of his Gravity Field Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Vlad is the king of sustain mages. He just is. He builds spellvamp and HP items, builds Zhonya's, and deals great sustained damage w/ Q and E while dealing AOE damage w/ his R(along with amplifying any damage dealt to plagued units before popping). Failure to win against him in lane results to your team drowning in a mixture of his and your team's blood.
Good thing his W, R, and Zhonya's still have long cooldowns even with max CDR. Try to find that window along with the downtime of his Zhonya's Hourglass.
Killing this bear 1v1 is not possible as long as he has his passive. Even after getting access to your R. Do the same approach, if not more cautious, with Shyvana. Be careful not to get flinged away from your turret and towards his and his team. Keep poke-farming until you proc his passive (don't use W, you might need it to get away from a Q+Flash+E). Build BotRK, Youmuu, Cleaver, and Mortal Reminder/Lord Dominik's Regards(I recommend the former) if you really want to duke it out with him.
Another seemingly scary matchup yet it's actually pretty simple. Wukong can't harass someone without getting into melee range. Which means you can surely deal some retaliation against him. This lane is easy and you'll probably end up killing him several times with your R. Late game he becomes a real pain though, especially if he sets up his team to unleash hell on yours. Pink wards and Oracle Lens can solve this. Also, don't R him instantly when his W still remains unused for an easier pop.
The epitome of waveclear poke mages, Xerath is strong from afar, that is, if you get hit by him. Don't let him do that. Like any other immobile mage, he's weak to all-ins and dodging his E will heighten your chances of killing him. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Xin Zhao
If for some reason you see Xin being played in a solo lane, abuse him with poke, shove him to a turret, and kill him/send him back to base. But do this quickly or else he'll beat you with sustained damage (Literally. His W gives him attack speed and a ridiculous heal+crit on any 3rd attack). An itemless Xin Zhao post-12min in the game is a useless Xin Zhao. If ever he transitions to tank (or is a tank to begin with), just stay out of his range and target someone else. Better yet, just splitpush once laning phase is over.
Samurai vs. Ninja skill matchup, but heavily in your favor. You guys both have cheap poke skills, you both work heavily on counterplays, and you are both based off of Japan (last one's irrelevant, obviously). The only thing important in this matchup: R him instantly to dodge as he throws his ranged Q, R him while he's in the middle of his E w/ Q charged up to dodge another knockup. He can block some damage w/ his W, but he can't block everything. Lastly, note this in mind, the lane is his pre-6 with that obnoxious Q and E spam, but post-6 you get your chance to take this ronin down. So please don't be that Zed who goes in and dies pre-6 because "he was poked too hard and got killed as he was trying to retaliate".
Does anybody even play him? He's more mana-hungry than UrGod IMO. Should be an easy lane, if he builds tank, start the farm/roam fest. And until he gets reworked, he should not be a threat to mobile champions like Zed.
He uses abilities using HP. Pretty neat, except he doesn't really do well in the lane anymore. He'll have to out-poke you to win. He can't possibly kill you with an all-in combo either at early levels, so just turn it to a farm/roam fest.
Don't bother buying QSS anymore, it won't work for the Death Mark. Now it's all about mechanics: positioning, usage of abilities and summoner spells, all that stuff. Common knowledge tells that it's better to be the one using Death Mark second since you get to dodge half a second of potential damage while the one who used his first gets potentially the full duration of damage. I personally hate mirror matches, and I detest Zed vs. Zed games, so good luck and may the better shadow ninja win.
Poke+waveclear yordle, but he won't have any kill potential on you without jungler intervention. You can choose to kill him 1v1 if his W and Flash is down or just turn the laning into a farmfest and roam when possible. But why do that when he's such a ripe little guy for picking? Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Just don't get double-bombed and try to hold on to your R until he uses his. You have all the solo lane options available for you in this matchup. It's just that he won't die, and neither will your target if he's close to them. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass, and his case, Seraph's Embrace.
Don't underestimate her plants' damage and zoning and don't get caught with her E or R. That's it. She's immobile and if ever she has neither skills available for her, go all in for the kill. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass, it's her core. But she doesn't have much threat vs. Zed. She has less kill potential vs. you than Lux has vs. you since she's meant to deal vs. AP champions.
Skill matchup. Everything depends on how well you can kite him around his abilities, and how well he manages his R and passive. Like any other AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass, which is one of his core items. Buy MR unless you want his abilities to seemingly deal True damage.
Master Yi
The master of the blade cannot 1v1 you unless he already has BotRK+IE. He's easy to burst and is easy to shove under turret once his mana is depleted from spamming Q. Just be careful of using your R against him, don't overcommit if he uses his W and is near a turret/his team. He can roam well, so ward and notify team when he goes MIA.
Given that S6 games don't last that long anymore, her threat value went down. She's still a hard target to take down, can peel for herself with Q and E, and becomes invisible for a while w/ R. The trick? Pink wards, CC lock, then FF her. Watch out for walls (yes, just walls).
He's annoying with all that poke just like you are, but unlike you he runs on mana, and runs out of it fast. The safest way to deal with him is start Doran's Shield or Cloth Armor and resort to Q-W-E farming. However, you can outplay him post-6. You can use Death Mark on him while he's landing from Grand Skyfall or while he's mid-jump with his stun. One thing's for certain: You can win against him as long as you don't use Death Mark while he still has his stun up.
I hate this ADC-Jungler w/ a passion, BECAUSE THEY SNOWBALL REALLY FAST. If you think playing vs. Tryndamere is already hard cause he won't die for 5 seconds, try Kindred w/ tons of attack speed and %HP damage as well as some kiting moves and a BS 4-second-HP-freeze-heal-everyone-at-the-end-AOE ult. The only thing you can do when playing against them is to make sure they aren't fed (both gold-wise and passive stack-wise). Also, it is helpful to force them and their team out of her ult, but how you will make them do so depends on your team's execution upon engaging.
Easy pickings for Zed other than the chomper problems. Difficulty obviously rises if she is fed or you are trying to get out w/ low HP (Say hi to the Super Mega Death Rocket).
Other than her ridiculously gigantic arrow, she's easy to chew down. Just make sure you keep her within your melee reach so that you won't get pinned to her kiting range w/ permaslow.
Never try killing a Caitlyn by revealing yourself from a really far distance. That won't work with all the tools at her disposal (traps, net, and shooting range). Be very careful of ulting her because some smart sheriffs tend to plant a snaptrap to render Zed immobile upon reappearing from the shadows. Ideally, use Death Mark after she already used her net, so you can still close the gap (If she burns Flash and you still have yours then chase her down. If not, at least you have succeeded in zoning her out of the fight)
Tricky to chase w/ Martial Cadence and an oathsworn support ready to peel for her. She is actually one of the few reasons as to why the support is sometimes targeted instead of the other members of the team (her W and R requires an oathsworn ally).
She doesn't hit hard, but she hits fast and stacks up the pain for her to rend your body with. Make sure that if you target her, you at least land one form of CC on her (the value of applying slows, especially attack speed reductions, on Kalista is higher than applying it on other ADCs due to her passive relying on her AS and MS, as well as being in Oathsworn range with her buddy) and burst her down ASAP so she won't be stacking her spears on you or your teammates.
The League's suave executioner can ask anyone to GTFO of his way w/ Stand Aside and raw metal-chunking autos, but if he fails to hit Zed with either (especially his axes which he is required to catch in order to reset his W cd for movespeed), expect his mustache and ego to hit the ground fast.
Hard to gapclose with her W+R. Always let those go on cooldown before attempting to Death Mark, unless the player is stupid enough to leap out while Zed is still in the middle of the animation and brings him along.
The real Assassin-marksman (one of my own fave marksmen), who can shoot holes through an entire team and then pop the poison he injected in each of them for a sweep. I believe he is easy for Zed to kill without including the invisibility factor (counterable with pink wards).
His mobility can prove to be a challenge, and his combo can more than just chip your HP bar. Make sure he already uses E before going in for your combo, and do not catch too many of those Culling shots. The moment he procs his passive on you, start judging if it's going to be fight or flight, as he can chase and kite effectively w/ his passive, W, and E. Watch out for what he builds, he might shred you with Youmuu+Cleaver.
The ADC no one plays until she finally got her rework. Just make do with bursting her ASAP (Make sure she already used her E).
This guy is so brawly and bursty as an ADC that I won't be surprised if Riot suddenly decides he would do punches/kicks/hits with gunhandle for a crit animations EDIT: NOPE, HE JUST SHOOTS YOU WITH 8 BULLETS (4 for a non-crit). Things to note:
1. He can gun you down with R-Q (Watch out for those, Q detonates instantly if it hits any form of terrain, and R now knocks him back like Caitlyn's net does, but shorter). His Quickdraw is a dash+ Armor and MR buff and his Smokescreen is the same old slow that limits your vision.
2. He isn't as tanky anymore, but hell does he hit 5 times harder.
Exercise extreme caution going close-range on him. Burst him ASAP or you'll have trouble doing it afterwards.
Miss Fortune
Highly immobile despite having MS bonuses because her E is pretty easy to get out of and deals insignificant damage as an ADC. Sure, she deals high damage with her Q and R, but they are quite situational. The damage output is completely different if she's played AP, but she will still be relying on abilties to deal the majority of her damage. If she is an ADC watch out for her R crits, and if she is AP watch out for Zhonya's.
You know what Corki's kit is composed of? 2 skillshots, a dash (make it two w/ his new passive), and a close-range DoT cone. You know what Zed is good at? Dodging skillshots, gapclosing, and bursting targets in close-melee range. What Zed isn't good at, however, is absorbing damage from retaliation, and while Corki's burst isn't as phenomenal as Graves', caution is still advised since he now officially deals consistent mixed damage, especially if Corki already has Trinity Force and a major BF Sword item finished. If he goes AP, watch out for Zhonya's.
You need to go for a 'farm and roam' approach in a lane against her unless you want Nagakabouros' tentacles up your hindhole. Interaction against her is pretty much futile since she can easily turn a 2v1 w/ 2 tentacle passives hitting both aggressors. Point is, it is futile to face her head on. Follow her advice, 'go in motion'. Go and roam somewhere else for kills and objectives because you won't find it easily against her.
But, if by any reason she's been spamming her abilities needlessly, then punish her by drying her appendages out of mana and turning her god to calamari w/ your damage and mobility (she's squishy early game, all she has are her tentacle sustain and damage). Just be smart in your engages and she'd run out of gas in the tank.
For a character w/ such beef towards Zed and an ADC with such a high burst potential similar to Graves, he sucks at retaliating against assailants. His traps can be stepped on and still be walked out of, his long W is just a damage ability if you haven't been hit by him or his allies, and his ult is easy to counter. I stated that Kog'maw was the best AD Assassin fodder you can wish for? Scrap that, this guy just took the cake for him.
Good Lord, she actually IS a b*tch. She pokes really hard and won't let you last hit properly, and then she'll tether bind you while speedshielding herself when you try to go all-in (By then she'll just BM). Absolute terror for Zed to face at any stage of the game, better ask for ganks and some hard crowd control to ensure a kill on her. Otherwise, play safe and finish a Maw of Malmortius ASAP. As an AP champion, watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Aurelion Sol
He can't do anything once you dodged his Q and R. Just get in melee range and burst him quick, and watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
Her Q poke is the only thing annoying about her, all else can be easily evaded thanks to Zed's natural mobility. Just watch out for Zhonya's Hourglass.
He has low threat values for a jungler since he is item-reliant. He needs time to ramp up and perhaps farm safely until he gets to Sated Devourer. Easy counterjungling, you can steal the blue in the first clear, but keep in mind that he still can duel decently despite not being in full HP through his clears.
Can't duel early on (doesn't mean you should, he's a tank). Easy red steal, will surely set back his gank power if done successfully. You can gank the lane near his red buff after taking it to immediately apply map pressure (if he is playing red side, gank top lane. This has a high chance for first blood. If he's playing blue side, gank bot lane, but this has a low kill chance and at least will probably be just for map pressure).
She clears fast and safe w/ her W and Q. She duels decently well early on, so you might need to avoid her. However, you can start on her Red side jungle to take her red buff before going on your blue side jungle. This can set back her gank potential, and at best will set her up to a lure to your red side for her chance of stealing your red. If this happens, you can coordinate with your side laners to kill her. Her ganks post-6 are good, so remind your laners (and yourself) not to get hit w/ her Q to avoid her notorious double-R burst.
Elise has returned to her former state as a powerful early game duelist, but Runic Echoes being expensive means her abilities won't nuke you until 8-15 minutes in the game. You can either just steal red buff and go your standard path, or go standard altogether and just try to countergank for your lanes. You can definitely duel her, but make sure you do it early (she's often build tanky later in the game) and she already used Cocoon and Rappel, else your Death Mark damage won't be maximized.
Evelynn is strong at counterjungling, but just so-so in 1v1 duels pre-6. Her strength comes from multi-member skirmishes where she sets up a flank w/ her ult. She does go stronger w/ red buff and blue buff together, so stealing either one can help her stay out of ganking. Place pink wards on the river areas to protect your laners.
Cinderhulk Ekko is an immovable duelist early on since his abilities' base damage are decent, and he is rather tanky. He relies on blue buff more than he does with red, but stealing his red can nonetheless make him think twice about ganking if he isn't confident enough about landing his Q and W on your laners. If he built AP, then it's both boon and bane for you. You can 1v1 him now, but make sure that you are the one doing the jump on him and you dodge his W stun.
Fiddlesticks can drain you entirely even early in the game. However, he relies solely on blue buff. You can try and invade his blue at 1:55 with your team to deny him of his mana regen, or you can just farm to your hearts content in a standard jungle route. He can't gank that well pre-6 anyway, nor can he counterjungle with such a fragile stature. Remember to ward the Dragon or secure the scuttle vision, since he can solo dragon w/ his W and a blue buff.
Taking red buff from him helps your team and yourself more than you think: All he needs to pull off a sure-success first gank is lvl 3 (Q,W,E one point each) and a red buff to stick to the targets. That kind of gank will at least burn a Flash from your laners. So steal that Red buff and head to yours quickly.
Go with a standard start or take his red before doing so. His early game ganks are very effective, and letting him have his red buff would just make things worse for your team. You can also try counterganking vs. him, but do not tank his damage. You are a fragile assassin and you'd do well to remember it.
Hecarim is a natural jungler and is a good duelist with buffs, while you aren't. Try to pull a fast one on his red buff and just go to your normal route. Pray that he doesn't stomp on any of your laners, you have little power to stop him pre-6, and your only hope for a countergank in that aspect would be a W+E to slow him down and let your laners escape. In terms of builds, pray that he built damage so that your team will still have an easy time shutting him down if he rushes in towards you.
Jarvan IV
Whether he builds for Warrior or Cinderhulk won't matter. If he lands a Flag-and-Drag he automatically wins the trade. He is also an early game jungler, so while he isn't as reliant on red buff for ganks he will surely have an easier time with one. You can either take his red buff or you can just farm and hope he doesn't dunk on your team before you get your items.
He has a decent gank and strong dueling power early on w/ his E+Q, but he clears the jungle slowly without his Trailblazer. Take his red and gank the side lanes or continue farming. Just ward the rivers with your team and you'll eventually get even with him once you get to lvl 6. BUT! He works so damn well w/ Sated Devourer and Rageblade, so you and your team better close out the game before he gets those, or at least shut him down w/ CC once he jumps in if he already has them.
Don't mess with him early on. Just take his red buff and some more (since his first clear is just horrible) then get out of his jungle. If he ever finds you, get away. His passive+isolation damage from Q will ensure that he wins/evens out duels. His ganks will be strong if he evolved his wings or his camouflage(Pink wards pls), but you can target him along with your laners once he jumps in. Just R him immediately and lock him up in place. Make him regret playing a squishy bug. If you don't focus him and he lives, then expect him ripping you and your team to halves later in the game.
Lee Sin
He is an early game jungler: He ganks well, sustains well, clears well, and duels well. Don't mess with him unless you spot him and you have more HP than him. Counterganking vs. him is a good idea, but watch out for his R. Late game a lot of melee AD champions outscale him: his damage drops and he turns into a supportive initiator, so if your team has some lategame potential feel free to drag it to 40+ mins or more.
Master Yi
He can actually make some outplays early on with Q and W, so don't duel him pre-6 unless you have the HP advantage. You can take his red buff and completely shut down his gank potential, which means he'd have to stay and farm quietly while you already make moves in the map little by little. He just farms and farms, else he can just countergank and respond to your aggression. Watch out for Sated Devourer and other on-hit items that he might decide to buy, that'll sting.
Just take his red buff, he clears so slowly he can't do anything about it. He can gank without it but he won't be sticking with your laners after one round of his cc pre-6, so he's not much of a threat individually. Your ganks have more threat than his in terms of damage, just that his cc is more helpful than your slow.
You'll often find this kitty around 3/4 to 1/2 HP down on her first clear. She just relies on her heal. Take your first 3 camps on your blue side and wait for her on her red. Steal her red and kill her/force her out of jungle.
Nocturne's early dueling potential is present w/ his kit. But he does have a slower first clear and would be better to farm up to lvl 6 for his ult, you can take his red buff to prevent him from ganking pre-6 or do as he does and wait for a lvl 6 gank-out. He does work well with Cinderhulk, Sated Devourer, or Warrior, so watch how he builds up and ask your team to build and act against him accordingly.
Nunu & Willump
They waddle around, pass behind you, bites and smites your buff to take it, and either leaves or throws snowballs at you if your HP is lower than theirs. Don't let this happen. Be the first to counterjungle by taking their red buff, regardless of their presence. Just don't let them farm up and keep stealing camps from you. You can prevent this by coordinating with your team to ward jungle entrances. Their ganks are pretty 'meh' to begin with, so if ever they succeeds in taking one of your buffs from you, keep farming anywhere else and get your lvl 6 asap to impact the map more than he could.
The lower his HP goes from the camps, the more dangerous of a duelist he becomes. But it doesn't mean he's invulnerable. He's easy to kite and bait pre-6 because of his simple and straightforward gameplay. The real scare starts once he goes ganking with his R and starts chaining his Q to stick to you/your teammates and bash you repeatedly. Taking his redbuff can help lessen his ganking power, but if he is good with Q-chaining then it won't affect his decisions in ganking your laners.
Pantheon's jungle power has been low since he was picked before for securing early dragons and the nerf to his passive which the removal of the effect that was making him block the dragon's attacks. He jungles really slowly, you can absolutely take his red buff either as your 1st camp or after taking 2 camps from your blue side jungle. His ganks aren't deadly pre-6, but his ganks post-6 will be. Just remind your laners to ward and not to overextend to decrease his chances of jumping behind them. Duels are of a different story as he can duke it out w/ his WEQ combo at any stage of the game.
Never duel him as Zed or any other AD jungler, he'll win with his spiky shell unscathed. His early clear is similar to Amumu in terms of speed, so you can and you should get your hands on his red buff since he also uses it well to stick to his targets after hitting a Q-E-W in a gank. He isn't that dangerous of a champion, the threat value comes mainly from the fact that he can interrupt your combo and turn your high mid-lategame AD against you.
She is the queen of the jungle and dubbed as the strongest early game jungler since the start of Season 5. Pay respect to her. She clears fast and easy, she has sustained while burrowed, she can duel excellently, and she can build either as a fighter or as a tank. Don't even try to attempt a red steal. Just go standard route and ward up the entrances to the side lane, ask your team to play passively, and let the game go on to late game where her damage would be relatively lower (little-nonexistent if she built tanky). Note: This difficulty goes waaaaay lower if she started the game w/ AD: Sure, she'd deal higher damage, but she'd be squisher. Play your shadows well and you'd be ok to go.
If you are looking for the best AD Assassin jungler (atm imo), you won't see him. Literally. His duel and gank prowess are just really high with his kit. However, he's vulnerable to counterjungling since his first clear is pretty bad. Ward one side of the jungle and if you see him there, take his buff on the other side, as he will surely be clearing the 3 camps there and just recall to base. If you don't spot him there before 1:55, take that buff where you warded. Once he gets to lvl 6, his gank power becomes similar to Nocturne, but one that can be countered by pink ward vision. Just ask your laners to ward their rivers and tri-brushes to ensure safety.
She's weaker than Gragas early and would like to be left alone farming camps, but her R is stronger than Graggy's. It's still a skillshot, so just try to dodge it. Her 1st clear is slow-medium, and you can still take a red buff from her before going standard route or just go the standard route altogether and make a play post-6 before she does.
The most annoying jungler in the game IMO. But he's not invincible. Sure, he can duel well (or escape) early on, but that's all he can and should be able to do. He needs to get himself and his team snowballing early, else he fails and just becomes a splitpusher late game. He won't clear the jungle as heavily, and you'll see him more in lanes. Be wary of which jungle side he started to take note of the possible lanes his route might lead for ganks. Use pink wards and scuttle crab vision. Take them and take the game. He won't even stand a chance 1v1 vs Zed 30+ minutes later. Unless he's fed and has Duskblade+Ult ready. Watch out for that.
She's a passive jungler, which means she'll be just farming to get her items (note the Sated Devourer works so well on her and thus I had to give her a high threat value, if she builds Cinderhulk this threat goes down to medium). A knowledgable Shyvana won't gank her lanes, she counterganks for them similar to what Master Yi does. Just ward the river(secure scuttle) and tri-brushes and you'll be safe until later in the game.
This bad boy isn't scared of dying in a duel, if you take him down, you'll have to run away really fast or even burn Flash or else he'll bring you down with him. He clears fast and safely, so just go standard route. Instead of warding the river, ward for the bushes behind their outer turret, because he starts his ganks easier from charging down the lane w/ R than from the sides. Just ward like that and farm to level 6. Don't focus him in ganks unless his HP is lower than his laners (which would be rare). Be sure to build BotRK, Youmuu, and Lord Dominik's Regards on Zed if you actually want to kill him in his own jungle.
He clears slowly and steadily, but he has mana issues. You can steal his blue buff while he's taking it, or you can just take his red and weaken his ganks pre-6. Just don't duel him unless you have a clear advantage since he is quite tanky. Also, try to coordinate with your team for warding now that he gets large boosts from his new Dominion-esque passive because this can dictate the pace of the game in terms of objective control.
He is strong 1v1 with his Q and W. Don't duel him early on. Just steal his red buff to weaken his first few ganks. You can target him post-6 if he's squishy, but avoid him if he builds tanky.
IMO, Tryndamere is just the worst viable jungler right now. Even Master Yi and Jax can retaliate when you counterjungle and try to duel them pre-6. This guy can't do that. He'll probably be too low in HP with the clear, or would be too squishy vs. you. His lane ganks aren't stellar either and is even worse than yours, even post-6. The only scary thing would be if he sticks with you or one of your teammates and has his R ready. Other than that, he's very very easy as he has absolutely no threat value early game as long as your team knows the basics of warding. Late game is a completely different matter, but w/ all the changes from the Preseason, you should close out early and let this late-game champion get dumpstered.
First off, if he attempts on getting Sated Devourer, gank his lanes hard whenever you get a chance to force him to tougher situations and interrupt his stacking. But if his lane holds well, then just stick to farming and getting your core. Either way, he falls off late game in terms of damage (true with Warrior and Cinderhulk, not with Sated Devourer and Runic Echoes) and you should avoid him in fights or stop him from splitpushing.
To learn more about this matchup, watch how Trick2G plays Udyr (Most players learned how to play Udyr from watching him do it. Trust me, I'm one of them).
You can exploit her mana issues in lane, but she goes hard-counter on Zed in the jungle where she has access to red and blue buff. You can't possibly duel a good Vi, so just abandon the thought and farm like a good kid until you finish your core while hoping your team doesn't get wrecked.
Volibear isn't a threat in ganks unless your laners overextend. He is, however, a fast clearer, and can actually take Dragon solo (so ward Dragon or secure scuttle). His threat value comes from his natural tankiness and his dueling power, and you should build BoRK+Mortal Reminder if you insist going against him. Watch out for his W, it's an execute.
The werewolf clears his camps so slowly that you can take 2 camps from whatever side of the jungle he didn't start with. And your team is pretty safe as well pre-6. But he clears well: safe and sound, and works better with counterganks. His threat comes late game, where he becomes unkillable with tank items while still dealing damage with Sated Devourer. The best way to deal with him is to keep his lanes behind so that he'll be forced to gank prematurely and delay his items. In duels, he's no threat 1v1 until he gets the Sated Devourer and tank items.
He is of no threat value pre-6, both in ganks and duels (unless he has red buff). Just pink ward tri-brushes or rivers to prevent his invisible ganks.
Xin Zhao
He can duel well early on and will deal damage no matter what he builds (yes, even Runeglaive works...). The only thing is that he clears in the same speed as Trundle or Wukong does, which means he can be late to his red buff once you decide take it. His ganks are better than yours, but he falls off hard late game (not w/ Sated Devourer) and will probably transition into a tank. Build the Duel Core for Zed if you want a chance 1v1 against him.
He farms silently, doesn't duel often (he wouldn't want to waste his HP and passive on you), but definitely ganks loud and hard. Just keep control of vision as he can jump from way off your screen. He is a tank, so either ignore him late game or build accordingly to melt him.
Consider yourself advantageous for reading this guide and knowing how to do it properly. Show them how the ninja ganks: from the shadows!
If you checked their difficulty in the lane matchups on the Solo Lane Zed guide before, you're already probably wondering why they're a lot easier to beat here as a jungle Zed. The reason? BECAUSE YOU ARE A JUNGLER. You have the means and responsibility to actually stop them from snowballing mid-late game.
Here's how to piss a jungle Kindred as a jungle Zed (w/ general tips on how to deal against them):
-Always take their Marked camps (even just the big ones). This will hinder their damage output and render them useless. Ask help in securing it from your solo laners/support if necessary.
- Remind your laners to ward (ofc do some warding yourself), their ganks are pretty easy to see from afar since they have to walk in and use Q as a gap-closer.
- Don't use R immediately if you think they still have R up. Try poking from afar with your W and Q/E and let your other members deal their damage to force them on using it. Go in once their ult ends/near its end for a heal and clean the fight up.
Graves is a good clearing jungler, pretty safe even though he is quite fragile due to his passive giving him the ability to knockback non-champions w/ his autos. He doesn't gank for a lane, he counterganks.
You can do whatever you want as a jungle Zed against him(gank lanes, counterjungle, passive farm); JUST DO NOT 1v1 HIM IN TIGHT SPACES. This is because you will have a harder time dodging his autos and his Q in tight corridors (especially his Q projectile which goes back faster if it hits a terrain). Try using Death Mark to kill him only when his Sterak's Gage and ult is unavailable.
Quinn is a good duelist with a decent clear and a good roam. Just imagine her as a ranged Master Yi w/ more utility. You can try taking her red buff at early levels, but that's about it. Her ganks are better and more easier to set up than yours, so you're best bet in playing against her counterganking after she already dropped her ult damage.
Last note: Remember to ward constantly. Buy Tracker's Knife if you have to. A Quinn that has been seen using Behind Enemy Lines from a distance is a useless Quinn.
Ever heard of Puke'Maw Jungle? This works because of his W's synergy with on-hit items and attack speed. DON'T DRAG THE GAME TOO LONG. Just invade, counterjungle, and starve him early.
He might think he's "Sneaky, sneaky!", but a real ninja's always sneakier. Just utilize pink wards and artifical vision buffs from the jungle, while counter-ganking and focusing him, will bring him back to the trash. Or if you feel jerky enough, invade him and kill him early.
Hello. My name is Tedzter and this is my first guide in Mobafire, so what better way to start contributing to the site than a guide about my main? I am a Platinum V Lvl 6 Mastery Zed main in the PH servers. I currently have a 53% Winrate on him, but my average KDA stat remains good on 7-3-9 on 148cs. I dont always get to play Zed, but if ever I do, I'm confident that I will win my lane unless I'm against hard counters. *Glares at Karma, Nasus, Fizz, Vladimir and Fiddlesticks*
This guide is aimed to teach anyone aspiring to be at least decent on Zed, who if played well enough would have no real problems even when Zhonya's Hourglass is purchased by the enemy team (So if you are a Zed main on higher divisions than me, you probably won't get much other than the possible builds I can suggest). Just a note for the new recruits: It is NOT recommended to play Zed w/o setting your keybindings to Quick-cast (Except Q, since it IS a narrow skillshot, pretty hard to land for new players w/o the indicator).
Zed is best played in mid lane, but still viable for top, and sometimes even jungle in certain situations. For any detailed explanation you might need, please refer to the Notes on the builds section. You can also check 'Vs. Champions' for any possible champion matchup in lane or in jungle (Please do, I made an effort finding Zed's interactions for you guys and will help you get a grasp of how hard of a time you're going to have in lane w/o any jungler interference unless YOU are the one jungling). Let's dive in.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
+ Dubbed by Riot as "The quintessential Assassin", since he is considered to be the most balanced Assassin at the moment due to his playmaking potential while still being susceptible to counters(mechanical outplays, strategies, etc.)
+ Has INSANELY HIGH single target burst damage, and still decent AOE damage if you position shadows well
+ Passive helps in last hitting minions in lane and damaging camps in jungle, also effective burst vs. champions once they fall below 50% HP which in most cases catches enemies off-guard
+ His shadows' utility is enormous and is often overshadowed *hue hue* by Death Mark (poke/zone/slow w/ E/mobility/refunds energy upon landing abilities/passive AD from W)
+ Can build flexibly and will hurt even tanks with enough armor penetration
+ Can roam intensively and get his team ahead if he ever falls behind/runs out of things to do in lane
+ Hard to gank w/ such extensive mobility in his kit
+ Will not be completely useless even if behind because he can still splitpush with a few item requirements
+ Capable of dodging multiple abilities and juking/outplaying opponents (So kewl, much pro, wow)
+ Completely counters immobile squishy champions
+ Niche so cool, Riot decided to use it as inspiration for the newest AD Assassin item: Duskblade of Draktharr
+ Isn't that gory explosion from Death Mark just wickedly cool and satisfying? (Even more brutal w/ Duskblade) :D
- Susceptible to hard CC like any other assassin/squishy carry in general
- Forces your team to play an AP Top or Jungler to cover lack of magic damage, which isn't that bad of a deal but definitely harder to execute in lower ELOs than standard comps (Mid Zed only)
- Obviously doesn't do well against tanks and fighters in prolonged fights
- May fall off late game or go stronger depending on items and champions from both teams, in short he can be inconsistent to have in a team regardless of the player's mechanical prowess on him
- The Faker Syndrome (Thinking of being capable to take an entire team by your lonesome just because you have the Death Mark available)
- High skill requirement, so much so that you won't be playing him well w/o Quick-casting your abilities since you need to use them in quick succession in most cases
- Around 40% ban rate across all regions in Mid-Low Elo Ranked games, and for a good reason.
Take Flash ALWAYS(the extra mobility is always helpful), and then take Ignite for a standard lane or Teleport if you are playing Top and actually plan to help your team in skirmishes or full 5v5s. Take Smite if you are jungling, but as I have stated in many parts of this guide: Experienced Zed players only, don't try it in Ranked Games unless you are sure you can pull it off.
Creeping, Jungle Routes, and Basic Combos
Creeping, Jungle Routes, and Basic Combos
Last-hitting minions with Zed is a breeze. His passive makes sure that he gets them with basic attacks as long as their HP is less than 15%. The best way to clear the wave is placing W in between the melee and the caster minions, use Q and E in any order you want, and swap with the shadow if you need to get close to a dying minion that did not die from your spamming(especially if it's a cannon). Watch our for your energy bar, however, as you are susceptible to harass while your abilities are unusable. Also, be wary of using W to harass/farm, it's better to last hit minions with Q and E at melee range than blow your Flash from an enemy gank just because your W was on cooldown.
If you are jungling (please do not attempt w/o runes+masteries+prior jungle experience), you can have these options for your early clear:
1. Gromp/Krugs(get a leash, smite early)->nearest Scuttle Crab(defensive vision and regaining hp)->Blue Sentinel/Red Brambleback(use potions and smite if needed)->Wolves(use potions)->Recall
This is your typical and safe 1-quadrant clear. If you get too low, just recall and buy some items (most likely the other jungle item you didn't start w/ and some potions OR upgrade of Refillable Potion to Hunter Potion and a pink ward). Better safe than dying early and getting pelted by your team's rage.
2. Steal enemy Red Brambleback camp(effective for low elo, smite it and clear it)-> lvl 2 gank w/ Red buff and W+E(kills are optimal but only possible if target has overextended, be contented if target burns Flash)
I find this most probable if you are on Blue team. Steal their red, go gank top/mid lane if enemy is extended. If you did this on Red team, you can only have mid as a gank option. Otherwise, just clear other parts of your own jungle (I recommend early Scuttle Crab).
Basic combos
W->E->Q/E->instant W->Q
This is your basic harass and minion-farming combo. Living Shadow extends the range and AoE of your other abilities. Shadow Slash damages an area and slows enemies in it, ensuring that your Razor Shurikens land on your target(s). Remember that you can throw out Living Shadow mid-cast of Shadow Slash for faster and unexpected damage and slow.
W->R+(any summoner spells/item actives with damage)->E->Q->1 basic attack for passive
This is your standard all-in combo on a single target. Using any damaging actives from your items and summoner spells (Skirmisher's/Stalker's Smite or Ignite) mid-cast of Death Mark is important to reduce time for the combo(your opponents won't wait for you to use these on them). Landing your Razor Shurikens and after using Death Mark is also important because you can have up to around 3 shurikens hitting your target if your aim is correct and will definitely elevate your Death Mark pop damage. Make sure to use a basic attack on your target if the Death Mark's shuriken on their head(indicates if you already dealt enough damage)hasn't appeared yet, Contempt for the Weak makes sure low HP targets will be dealt with magic damage based on their max HP, adding up another damage source to ensure target elimination.
Good News For Every Zed Player (IGNORANCE IS FATAL!)
Good News For Every Zed Player (IGNORANCE IS FATAL!)
This might be late and some of you might already know about this, but for those who don't:
Cleanse (Summoner Spell), Quicksilver Sash, and Mercurial Scimitar DOES NOT CLEANSE ABILITY DEBUFFS ANYMORE, ONLY GENERAL DEBUFFS AND CROWD CONTROLS WILL BE CLEANSED. And yes, Zed's Death Mark is now exclusively counterable by 1 item: Zhonya's Hourglass.
Zed is a strong and always-relevant champion pick, and is the best AD Assassin in terms of options for engage and escape. He may not be the strongest in terms of damage (since he mainly is a single-target eliminator), he may not be a faceroll Pentakill kind of guy (Hi Riven and Katarina), but playing him and actually mastering him despite his high difficulty needs dedication is just soooo satisfying, like playing as a real-life hitman w/ a mission to kill a single person or anyone else trying to stop you reaching that target. And I promise: That Death Mark sound on that priority target alongside the blue banner appearing at the enemy nexus will be your sweet reward.
Thanks for reading, I hope you learned some, if not a whole lot, about the best ninja(not with those flashy clothes tho)and feel free to comment on this guide to criticize for improvement(I promise to add illustrations and improve the overall presentation once I get some free time)/ask more questions which haven't been covered here (comment/pm/send it to
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