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Choose Champion Build:
AD Shaco
AP Shaco
Tank Shaco
Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Challenging Smite
Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
About me
Hi I'm Agent A Diamond 2 Jungle main Playing from season 3.
1 million on both shaco and yi.
Jungle Main in General i play all champs in the jungle and actually mained them in the jungle.
Gonna try to Make a Full guide for every single champ in the jungle.
1 million on both shaco and yi.
Jungle Main in General i play all champs in the jungle and actually mained them in the jungle.
Gonna try to Make a Full guide for every single champ in the jungle.
Best Skin For Shaco Is Dark Star:
Overall This is skin is too good
it gives us the true personality of shaco as the evil joker the voice is well fit animations very good.

it gives us the true personality of shaco as the evil joker the voice is well fit animations very good.
Jungle Clear
after game starts go directly to your red buff river road put a box close to it to prevent invade from that side. when the time reach 51 put a box like in the video
after doing the clear in the video you can go gank bot or invade if u spawned in the blue side not red side do this clear in both side doesnt matter u just must start red as shaco faster and better clear.
after doing the clear in the video you can go gank bot or invade if u spawned in the blue side not red side do this clear in both side doesnt matter u just must start red as shaco faster and better clear.
ways to better gank

Stealing Baron Or Drake
You dont Want them to know you are trying to steal so the best way is to use these bushes you most of the time ll end up getting it cuz they arent expecting it but remember go in before it reaches the hp that is smiteable for you or the enemy go in before it use your e or auto then smite in that was you secure the steal i do this with most of the champs and 98% of the time i steal it.

Early Game
early game as a shaco is always about being annoying af
you focus ganking lanes invading enemy
and your farming is way better now since they buffed his w monster dmg with 3 points on w you ll farm fast and get back to shacoing work.
take drake after your first recall+you lvl 5 or 6 at least make sure you have orcales or control ward to check for vision, if there is a ward you found with ur orcale or control dont do drake if there is nothing start it even if there is no lane pressure.
you focus ganking lanes invading enemy
and your farming is way better now since they buffed his w monster dmg with 3 points on w you ll farm fast and get back to shacoing work.
take drake after your first recall+you lvl 5 or 6 at least make sure you have orcales or control ward to check for vision, if there is a ward you found with ur orcale or control dont do drake if there is nothing start it even if there is no lane pressure.
Mid Game+Late Game
now we in the mid game you counter jungling ganking and focus objectives
take hearld and get first tower thats all about mid game mostly if u do that you ll end the game but if you get to late game at this point you just try to kill the carries for the team.
take hearld and get first tower thats all about mid game mostly if u do that you ll end the game but if you get to late game at this point you just try to kill the carries for the team.
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