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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Soul Eater (PASSIVE)
Nasus Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Don't fight before lvl 6, this build starts to shine when the lethality from core items stack up. Until then you have one single focus, Q-FARM.
#1 Focus: Q-FARM, and then make sure you don't forget the Q-FARM.
Don't forget: Kill the small jngl creeps every time you pass them (for Q-FARM).
#2 Items: Got core? time to go hunt squish, just run up on them in the next teamfight, focus squishys first and then just ask yourself how many you want to QQ after the fight ;) w+e+r->q->q q->q q->q q->q q->q
Don't fight before lvl 6, this build starts to shine when the lethality from core items stack up. Until then you have one single focus, Q-FARM.
#1 Focus: Q-FARM, and then make sure you don't forget the Q-FARM.
Don't forget: Kill the small jngl creeps every time you pass them (for Q-FARM).
#2 Items: Got core? time to go hunt squish, just run up on them in the next teamfight, focus squishys first and then just ask yourself how many you want to QQ after the fight ;) w+e+r->q->q q->q q->q q->q q->q
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