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Recommended Items
Runes: Against AD
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Colossal Smash (PASSIVE)
Galio Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Don't play this build, or Galio at all into her. She shreds you even through Aftershock.
Her ult both gives you free back line access and prevents their carry from leaving it.
Her ult both gives you free back line access and prevents their carry from leaving it.


When taking inspiration secondary you are playing to either survive lane and farm for mid to late game and/or get fed off roams with

- YOU ARE WEAK AS ALL HELL EARLY. This doesn't mean you can't fight, but you will be far less effective than most champs and taking early 2v2's in the jungle is not a great idea. It is better to just push in before a roam so the enemy mid cannot follow. Understanding lane priority and making sure your jungle does as well is important to this build in the early game —more so than regular Galio. If you have a jungler who is heading into a dangerous spot such as Scuttlecrab, push their mid under their tower and position closer to the jungler so you can utilize your advantage to get either: your jungler the objective, a kill on their jungler, or a cs and xp lead on their mid if they abandon the wave to help.
- YOUR ULT ROAMS ARE IMPORTANT. Being able to get fed off proper ultimate usage is vital to being successful and becoming a true carry as early as possible.
- YOUR ULT CAN BE USED TO ACCESS THE BACK LINE. If you have another champion on your team such as
Nocturne or
Camille you can ult off of their engage.
- DON'T BRAINLESSLY PUSH THE WAVE. Don't always use your q to push the wave if you aren't going to do anything with the advantages it gives. You will run out of mana or get ganked and die. Only hard push when you actually want to roam or put yourself in a position to help the jungler, etc.
- JUSTICE PUNCH IS A GREAT ABILITY! This ability is one of the main reasons I love Galio so much, it offers a lot of outplay potential while being simple and doesn't feel unfair or annoying (COUGH
). Using your
Justice Punch backwards at close range such as after a
Shield of Durand causes the short dash backwards to hit them immediately which gets the knockup off before they can react, which lets you burst harder, faster, and prevents escapes. You can also use this short backwards dash to dodge skill shots when escaping. You can time your e to start right when cc hits you and buffer out of it which allows you to continue dashing to escape or engage while crowd controlled.
- Multi-Person 1 shots
- Lots of CC
- Can build tanky if behind and still benefit the team, unlike most assassins
- Strong teamfight
- Inherently Tanky, due to the high health of build + damage resistance
- Weak Early because of Dark Harvest
- Weak to poke and Tanky Teams
- Weak When behind
- Squishy because of lack of aftershock, but not as much as you would expect due to high health amounts in build and natural damage resistance on
Shield of Durand
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