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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Her Plants together with either her E or Q can destroy your boxes makes it very difficult to play against her in lane or mid to late game
Champion Build Guide
so then they cant gain vision of you making it fun because most of the time they wont know where you are and you can just repeat keep putting out boxes, enemies walk in to them and take good damage.
For smurfing i do think shaco support is one of the more fun options there is.
You want to preserve mana level 1-2 and only use your mana to put out boxes which you want to use to gain control over the brushes in botlane or so that the enemy jungeler will walk in to your boxes when he decides to gank you through the river.
Level 3-6 its great to poke the enemy adc or support with E at this point you struggle a bit with mana which biscuits help with wonderfully giving you more mana and health for the lower your mana or health bar get
(This doesnt mean you should take bad trades though)
Level 6 and beyond its a great strategy to try and remove pinkwards with your clone, i know it sounds like a bad idea but if you are sure atleast 2 enemies are near the pinkward you either get the pink or they all in your clone, at which point you know to not melee walk over and risk dying just to remove a pinkward.
You can also keep trying to use your ult to 1v1 an enemy inside of their jungle or use it to contest enemy jungle camps when their jungeler is trying to take them or wherever they are walking, but any time you walk through an entrance you should be putting a box down to give yourselve an escape route.
Whenever a dragon is up or a baron or a herald you and your team are trying to get you should be there atleast 30 seconds in advance to put down your boxes and ward nearby with your support item.
You want to put out as many boxes as possible, and when enemies have sweeper you want to put them further apart from eachother so that 1 sweeper does not get all your boxes.
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