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Sustain, Tankiness, Lifesteal. Use E with caution and awareness. Try to go for a level 6 kill when he is level 5.
Skill based matchup. Bait her charm, then pounce onto her and all in. Don't let her charm you near your tower, or it is a solid gg. She is also extremely broken at the moment, so play smart.
Avoid fighting her early, and trade as much as possible when her shroud is down. Make sure to preserve mana, as she uses energy. Your ult and ignite can see through her shroud. Stay far behind minions to dodge her Q and E.
Fizz's worst enemy. Continuous cc. This bird can stun, slow, and chunk you hard. Worst of all, she RESURRECTS FROM A DAMN EGG!!
Freeze, play safe, and Q onto her when she is poorly positioned.
Same thing as Ahri, but has less waveclear. Freeze, and capitalize on her positional mistakes. Go in when she has no stun. Stay away if she has Q, as using E to dodge it is oftenly not worth it. Look for roams when you can, as you have better waveclear.
Aurelion Sol
You have engage tools. When he mispositions, Q onto him or a minion, and start auto attacking him. Save your E for his cc, and shark him when he uses his E.
He can poke you out of lane, but you get him easily at level 3 and 6. Kill him as much as you can early, because this sand bird will outscale you in the late game. Remember to play safe if he has ult, so save E, and use Q if Azir uses his Q. Look for roams, and to cut off his dash to soldiers, which is shown by a line of sand.
Poke is all about him. Save E for his stuns, and Q on him when he uses his W. You then beat him easily. Watch out for his strong poke. It is ok to use E to dodge his W if it is needed. After 6, save E for his ult, and Q to dodge his abilities instead. Look for burst trades.
She has a lot of poke in this lane. Respect her at all times in this lane. Mercs is recommended. When you are level 3, you can look for trades. Dodge her Q. Remember her W makes you unable to E, Q or Flash.
She's tanky and has cc. She beats you in extended trades, so go in, poke, and get out ASAP. When she is level 3, back off if she hits you with Q. Try to look for roams, by shoving first. If she wastes W or E, this is your time to punish.
Ekko is pretty easy. Dodge his Q with E, jump onto him, and run if he uses W. At level 6, save your shark for roams, as Ekko has such an annoying ult that makes him invulnerable.
You are in a skill based matchup!!!!
He has extremely strong poke, and boosted oranges. If you leap onto him, he will AA you and use barrels. Avoid this matchup if you can. If you end up in it, then look for ganks, and try to break his barrels by timing it.
Save your E for her stun, then you win the 1v1. Get out if she uses R, because you never know how strong it is against you. You win almost every trade at all times. If she is playing safe, just roam. Dont fight if she has a lot of passive stacks.
Rare but brutal. You want to give up a lot of cs early, or he will kill you fast. Play safe till you hit level 6. Then you will win. HE WILL DESTROY YOU TILL LEVEL 5. Use E to dodge his empowered ranged Q, or his hammer form Q.
He is just annoying. He has a magic shield and is tanky with tons of cc. You only can sit mid and farm all game. He roams way better than you. When looking for a burst trade, use E to dodge his dive, but its not a bad idea to dodge the taunt. PTA is a must. Ask for ganks if possible.
A good karthus will sit at range and harass you for every cs. Look to roam when you can, because you have fast and stronger waveclear. Look for burst trades when you can. If he plays far, you can Q to a minion to engage. Remember your E can dodge his R if timed right.
He will 100% outscale you late game. Look to roam as much as possible. You beat him until he hits level 11. Then you're in trouble. Look for burst trades early on. Take ignite for kill pressure, and use shark if he wastes ult.
Most kassadins dont respect you early, so can maybe look for an early first blood with ignite.
Easy matchup, but not too easy. She has 2 daggers in her kit, so you want to E when she will teleport. Its hard to time as well. When she uses w, its a good time to e. Post 6, use E for her ultimate. PTA is nice. Use corrupting pots from better trading damage.
Easy lane. Try to engage with q and burst her. After level 6, don't use ult with all your abilities. You wanna force the ult while still holding an ability. Do not R when she has W. Try to not get outscaled. If it gets to late game, just blow up her adc, as she will need to give up her important ultimate.
Kennen can get a bit annoying. Just Q on and dodge those Strong and Slow shurikens with E. If Kennen uses R, get out IMMEDIATELY!
She can get a bit painful sometimes. Use a corrupting potion before you trade with her, and use the purple flame on her to attack the correct version of her. Your ult is great to deal with her. Remember to abuse her early W cooldown, as it is quite long early. Same time by being careful without your E.
Pretty basic matchup. Look to roam a lot, since her ult denies you 100%.
She is just a bully. She has waveclear, and a ton of shields. Grab cs safely, and look to roam since she is a mage. Use E with awareness. In a nutshell, just play chicken till level 3, then look for trades. Rush zhonyas to deal with her ult.
Skill based matchup. Never throw your shark when his passive is up, stay far from your low HP minions, and look to burst trades when possible. If you can chunk him out of lane, you can look to roam. Mercs can work if you wish.
His lack of movement is the only advantage you got against him. Use E for his Q only. Use Q if he uses E, and get out immediately if he procs passive. Hide if he uses ult. Look to roam. PTA is a must.
Same with Lux. Play safe early, and roam as much as you can. You have much more waveclear, but make sure to stay behind minions. Don't ult if she has her magic shield. Mercs can help with her damage.
Same with LeBlanc's clone, use a corrupting potion before a trade to see the real neeko with a purple flame. Use E, Zhonya's, or stopwatch for her ult. Roam when you can. If you're not confident, option 2 is to chicken farm till level 6, then make some plays. Mercs can work.
She probably has the strogest poke among all mages in the game. She has a ton of cc as well. Roaming is your only advantage against her. Look to burst if you can. Mercs if you are struggling.
He has stuns, poke, and an Invulnerability shield, and better roams. You can only shove waves. Use E if you see him using Q when its worth. If he uses E, think of yourself as a Shaco. Look to hit him from behind, since he won't negate that damage. Play safe if he has passive. E can dodge his W.
Play safe, and look for engage trades. She is like a similar version of you, so you can call it "skill based". Post 6, stay away from walls, and E if it is a must. Look to roam when you can.
Annoying, but easy lane. He is so mobile, that trading gets upsetting. Look for burst trades when possible, and use E to dodge his bomb. Play safe level 1 and 2, then you are fine. Tip: only use E to dodge him empowered ultimate unless you're gonna die.
He has CC and a ton of waveclear. He also can roam a lot. Play safe, and look to fake roams to bait his ult. Try to look for burst, and stay away from your minion wave. Mercs is a great option against ryze.
Waveclear, cc, healing, mobility, and shark robbing. Just avoid fighting him when he has all his abilities, and roam a lot. If you are low, stay away. If he uses Q, try to trade. Save E for his second part of E. Look to burst him with corrupting potion. PTA is recommended.
Play safe, give up cs, and look to punish her poor positioning. Keep Moving to dodge those Q's. Try to roam a lot as well. Avoid 1v1 when she has a lot of dark circles on the floor, or her ult will kill you unless you use your E. Zhonya's is a must rush, and mercs is a great choice.
She shoves waves faster, roams better, and has range. Punish on her poor positioning and she is 100% death meat.
Play extremely safe at level 1 and 2. Then look for a level 3 all in. Remember to get out immediately if he hit both parts of his W. Only use R when he doesn't have his, or you can kill him fast enough. Remember your R provides TRUE VISION, so he can't turn invisible.
He has the waveclear and roaming advantage always. If he roams, spam ping your team back.
Twisted Fate
Save E when he has a gold card, and look to all in him when he is around 80% health. If he roams, shove as many waves as possible. Respect him level 1 and 2. Take PTA for best chance at winning.
He is easy to lane against. Save E for his prison, use engages when he is out of position, and look for extended fights. END THE GAME ASAP OR HE WILL ONE SHOT EVERYONE!!!!!! Respect his poke, so stay away from minions. PTA is a great rune in this lane.
Squishy with super slow abilities. Save your E for his E, and look for all ins with your shark. Roam a lot. If you win your lane, it is game over for the enemy team, and he will struggle to come back. Mercs is okay, but PTA is amazing.
Play safe early, avoid his traps, look for all ins, and use E for his R. Simple match. His scaling could get a bit annoying, but it isn't too bad. Pop your corrupting potions when you trade, and stay away from your minions.
Play safe when he has empowered abilities, and never use your R unless you got his pool. You win short trades, and Vlad only wins with his R. Use your E to escape immediately if he ults, unless you can guarantee the kill. His pool CD can be abused, and is your opening to hit an R. Roam a lot, since he will play safe and try to outscale you.
His is super immobile, and if he uses his ult, it's a free shark for you. Get in, kill him, and get out. While laning, stay away from your own minions, so he has to choose between minions or harass. His E is easy to dodge with your E. If he uses it, ALL IN!
Skill based. You win short trades while he wins extended trades. Play safe against his level 2, and look for a level 3 all in. If he wastes his wall, throw your shark. He also has a sustain and shoving advantage, but you have burst. Avoid fighting in minions at all times. Electrocute is better in this lane.
Save your E for his W pre 6, and for his ult when he is 6. Never max your E first, because he will shadow swap and deny you. Shove waves when you can so you can get a roaming head start. Use your R when he isnt in range to R you. Rush zhonyas, and go PTA.
Play safe early, and roam. Thats all to it, since he will blast himself always if you ult. Watch for his early poke. Corrupting pots are greats, combined with your PTA.
His ult screws you over, and you can't avoid his Q damage when stuck to you. Look to shove and roam, and never ult if he is nearby. You win trades against him, but he has better survive ability. Use E to dodge his stun, and stay away from minions with his bomb. Easy lane, impossible solo kills. If he uses ult, let him survive on 1 hp, then when its over, clean it up. Zhonyas can help a lot with this. Watch for his double stun.
Skill based matchup. Save E for her bubble, and look for all ins. If she uses ult, that is a free shark. Look to roam as well. If she hits a bubble, you're probably gonna take quite a lot of damage. Mercs can be considered a must.
She has a ton of poke. Your only hope of winning is to 100-0 her with a max range shark and ignite. Look for roams. She zones you from minions hard, and will root you if you try to commit to a trade of any sort. If you are looking for a burst trade, use E to dodge her root.
Simple matchup. Respect his level 1 and 2, then look for burst. Abuse his E cooldown. When trading, look to use E when he uses W. If he uses E, thats the window to Shark. Roam a lot.
Burst him and get out. Play safe level 1 and 2 and all in at level 3. Rush orb if he rushes lifesteal. Shove and roam often to get a lead.
Hi! I'm Noodles912! I'm a Fizz main with about 400000+ mastery points on Fizz. I know it may not sound like a lot, but I have invested a lot of time and effort into mastering the champion. In this guide, I will show you how to climb the ladder with ease as Fizz, with tips to watch out for in each game. I hop you enjoy my guide, and to hearing about any other tips. I want this to be a great resource for players who love winning.
Why fizz?
Fizz is an assassin with a very slippery kit. He has solid outplay potential and can snowball super hard. With a duo partner, fizz is a huge threat to the enemy team. He is also very easy to master after getting a good understanding of how his kit works.
For Runes, Run what is shown at the top, but you can make these changes:
- Switch Taste of Blood to Sudden Impact.
- Choose a Hunter Rune of your choice.
- Choose the defensive rune you would like.
With the current meta PTA is a great option! Take tenacity instead of alacrity if the enemy team has a lot of CC.
Early Game (Laning phase)
Fizz's first 2 levels are awful in most matchups, so this is when you want to play safe and last hit what is worth going for. A formula to use is 1 Auto for 1 melee creep. Anything that costs you more is not worth. You need to stay healthy till level 3, as that is when you start to gain kill pressure. Go in with a Q+AA+W+E combo for burst, and pop a corrupting potion the moment you activate Q to buff your AA damage. Look to base around level 4-5 so you have the mana for your R when you hit 6. If you know you have an XP advantage over your opponent, you can surprise them with an instant all in the moment you hit 6, as you have that extra ability unlocked.
After 6, you want to look for solo kills in lane, but mostly roams around the map. Use your lane priority to help your jungler secure an objective, or roam to a side lane to assert pressure and maybe collect a few kills. This is when you get the snowball rolling. The better you perform early game, the easier mid game will be.
Mid game
In the mid game, this is where you dominate the map. Look for roams whenever possible, and try to get your jungler to go with you as well. Look to help with objectives and teamfights, but that will have it's own chapter.
You main focus in the mid game, is to split push in a sidelane and look for kills on anyone who isn't protected by their team (Picks). If the top laner or bot lane duo come to contest you, leave or look for a fight if you are 100% sure you will win. For example, if the enemy ADC and Support come to contest you will half health, this a green light to one shot the ADC and get out. If it was a full HP toplaner, it is best to group mid and look for a teamfight with a numbers advantage. You also want to switch to sweepers to pull of picks more safely, as looking for a pick can result in you dying if the enemy had vision on you.
Late Game
This is when fizz starts to fall off. If you have not won by now, you will struggle a bit more. You can still one shot squishies, but any assistance from their team will 100% turn it around. Continue to split push and look for picks on squishy targets, but avoid the enemy when they group. Play teamfights how you normally would, but your itemization can matter. If the enemy ADC buys a maw or wits end, you need a void staff to one shot them. With lich bane, you should also be taking towers quite fast. If the enemy team has a lulu or a champion who peels really well, staying with your adc and peeling for them is a backup plan.
Always use your red sweeper and attack at your opponent from behind. Your main target is a squishy champion, usually the enemy ADC or mid lane mage. The moment you secure a kill, get out, or use hourglass to stall for a bit. With a priority target gone, your team should be able to catch up to where you are. Fizz does not carry teamfights well, but can impact one drastically if done correctly. Never teamfight without your ult ready.
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