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He's going to bully you early game, you'll need a Morello, but after level 6 it should be a skill matchup.
A very good Ahri should be a difficult matchup for you, but not the worst. Be sure to bait out her charm and then you can win an exchange with her.
You can out damage her in almost all aspects. Dodge her e, and go in after she's used her e. Don't be afraid to all in her.
A very hard lane in terms of pressure, Pre 6 you really have to be careful for her wall into a gank. Keep your sides warded as best as you can.
One of the biggest lane bullies you'll face, consider getting magic resistance runes. It's better to try to clear your wave and roam rather than 1v1 her. Her burst is lethal.
Aurelion Sol
This champion should never be much of an issue. Go in on him and he can't do much, make sure you're moving around a lot to dodge his abilities.
Early game he's going to push you out of lane very frequently because of his long range poke. Consider asking for Jungle pressure.
If you can dodge his w and q, you won't have any problems at all. Don't go right into him unless you know he's used his w and e. OR if you know you can 1 shot him.
Her ground kind of counters you, and she can harass you out of lane. It's kind of a difficult matchup but you should be able to burst her at 6, just tread carefully against her ult.
You can definitely poke him nicely, honestly , getting nashor's wouldn't be a bad idea vs Cho'Gath. But don't trade too much unless you want to go all in. He'll just heal all your damage.
THESE ANNOYING CORKI MIDS will poke you out of lane, he has his w to run from you. Long range harass. If he doesn't build merc/hex/nullifying orb you should be able to win at 6.
You need magic resistance and nullifying orb for this matchup. Try to bait out his e, otherwise you don't really ever want to all in unless you can catch him off guard. Be weary of his fish. You might want to consider building tank.
This matchup is relatively even actually, as long as you don't get baited into his CC.
His bodyslam counters your ult so be careful about using it on him. His abilities are all skillshots, so you honestly should be a 50/50 just based off of how experienced you are. Wait for his bodyslam, then all in or try to whittle him down.
The only reason this lane is difficult is because you can't really get proper poke in since he's always pushing you under turret. Try your best to farm under turret and wait for the proper opportunity to all in with a gank.
Your win condition is dodging her stun. If you dodge that, you win most trades, but only fight upto your electrocute proc then back off. She can scale better than you with kills so just be careful
He's going to constantly poke you but if he ever goes into hammer mode, that's your time to shine. Use your e for when he tries to run away and always use shield when he drops in on you.
The only thing you are really concerned about for him is his wall. You should definitely be able to play around his q's, and you can go nullifying orb + the MR runes with your shield his ult should never be a problem unless you're actually < 100 hp.
Start w and try to always pop your w when he throws his q. Wait for his shield to wear off before trading with your abilities.
She has some really nice burst, essentially you guys will kill each other depending on who goes in on who first and who catches who out first. Nullifying Orb + 2 MR runes
just next.
The normal Nullifying Orb + 2x MR Runes. Start doran ring and consider getting a banshee's veil. Going to be really hard to win this matchup honestly. Just do your best to play within your minions if she tries to all in you.
Even if you manage to win laning phase, going in on team fights she'll just ult you and then you'll die by being bursted by everyone else. Your only option is to get cleanse, or wait ou ther ult on someone else. Or maybe a poke comp and wait until enemy is super low to go in. Another option is to split push.
This matchup people say that you're meant to lose, but you can definitely win this matchup. Just wait for her to burn her snare or try to bait it then you all in.
You really can't put yourself up against this matchup. Play the sidelanes and try to split push. In teamfights unless you built qss or Malzahar already ults someone else, you can't go in because you'll be suppressed and killed immediately. Very poor matchup in my opinion. Consider MR/Tanky
Kind of annoying to deal with, but you normally can outburst her unless you get hit by that Q.
3 second snare, lots of poke, aoe ult snare. You have to really play around her spells, but she's super prone to burst. If you catch the q immediately use your combo and she should be reduced to 0.
She's actually a relatively easy matchup to play against. Early game she'll poke you but you can easily bait her ball and once she throws her ball you have 2 seconds to do your burst which is more than enough time. Sometimes you can kill her before she can command call back her ball to shield her. Just try not to get poked out early game too much. You scale better
Go 6+ armor x 2 and consider a doran ring or even a doran shield. Start your w, make sure to save your e for when he uses his channel. Your level 6 is stronger than his. Poke him with your electrocute and then back off.
His snare can really hurt you since it prevents your burst and ryze excels at having someone right in front of his face to eat all of his poke. This is a 50/50, try not to all in at 100% hp. Poke him down and be sure you aren't around minions that have a circle around them.
This champion is really hard to go up against from all of his shields and sustain. I recommend rushing a morello as soon as you can even before a spelbinder. Thankfully all of his skills are skillshots so it really depends on your comfort.
bait her Scatter the Weak and then all in. She won't be able to push you off and you will kill her. Bring 6+ Magic Resistance x 2 runes + Nullifying orb.
He can outroam you but he also can't kill you if you guys are even. Start doran ring & 6+ armor x 2. Use your w when he's near you and auto to proc your electrocute. If he's pretty close and you have your third auto prepp'd use your e then w then auto and q into yourself for maximum poke then back off unless you're about to kill. Consider grabbing a Zhonya's really early and rushing Seeker's Armguard.
Shouldn't be an issue, just don't let him constantly poke you. At 6 you win.
Twisted Fate
He is a pretty big lane bully and can outpush you. Cleanse would really be able to help you out in this matchup so you can properly do your burst and win the skirmish.
The only reason I say this is an even matchup is because if you get caught by his cage in a situation where you are out of position, you are screwed. Laning, you shouldn't have any issue against him. Nullifying Orb + Banshee's Veil is not a bad idea.
He has ranged poke and can make sure you aren't on top of him, the only time you will be able to get him is if you catch him off guard or his abilities are down. Kind of a difficult matchup. Roam around as best as you can.
He can kind of bully you if you don't know how Viktor works. If he throws his q out, run away so you don't take his auto.
Just don't get hit by his charged q and you should be fine. Bait his pool, and then all in him.
He doesn't like anyone who can gap close and thats what you have, get him when he' charging his q.
This is a 50/50 matchup. Bait his windwall and you should win the matchup normally at even pace. Ask for early pressure because pre 6 Yasuo can bully you, but don't be afraid to fight him. Pull him with your e and force your damage on him. Don't forget 6+ Armor x 2
He can't push you out of lane and he will need to play defensive. Start doran ring and force him into your trades. Don't forget 6+ Armor x 2
All of his abilities are skill shots, you should be fine. If it gets troubling then invest in some MR but you should actually win this matchup.
He can counter your burst with his ult and so it's just hard to really get ahead. Focus other lanes.
She becomes a pain in the butt towards mid/late game. Nullifying Orb + Banshee's Veil will win you the game. Look out for her sleeper.
I want to begin by telling everyone that Diana is such a unique champion, because she can succeed in being built so many different ways and even win with completely different playstyles. I'm not saying that someone else's Diana build / playstyle is incorrect, I am just showing you guys how I personally play her and how I have been able to succeed with her.
If you're just now learning to play Diana, you're in for a sweet ride. Unfortunately, Diana is not a champion that takes little skill to master because she is a melee mage with no guaranteed escape, meaning she is pretty hopeless when it comes to escapes. I don't mean to discourage you, so please push through those defeats until you've played AT LEAST 50 games with her before you give up. If you've already picked up on Diana and just want to learn more than just the basics, you've come to the right place.
Starting out laning you need to figure out if you're going to get your Q first or W. I normally always go Q for the harass and farming from a distance, unless I'm facing a melee matchup, then I get W first for the shield/poke/damage. Most matchups Diana should be bullied early on, but don't let that scare you from farming. With your corrupting you need to make a decision. "Am I going to use this hp regen for trades or farm" If you think you can manage a kill, use it for harass constantly, but if you're afraid then use it to get some CS. Take the poke, but not too much and just farm your heart out. If you run out of potions never stay below half hp unless you are confident in yourself. Diana is too susceptible to ganks to not be punished for overstaying. "How do I win my lane?" Most of the time, you don't. Your goal is to farm up, don't feed, and hit 6. Once you've hit 6 you either all in and get a kill, or you push your lane and roam. My playstyle is becoming the second jungler. I push and roam around for kills, to help secure my allies getting objectives rather than my own. IF you are mid lane and your opponent has already shown somewhere else, that is when I push for my own objective and get some turret plates. The likelihood of you getting to the lane and making an impact is so slim that you waste too much time and time is money. So stay in your lane and make sure you get as much gold as he does for his roam, if not more.
Combos while laning Pre-6
(if there in your range) Auto attack twice to set up your passive > auto > w > auto
(if they're farming but are near you) Auto attack twice to set up your passive > e > w > auto
(if they're range) You're really only q'ing them unless they have bad positioning
Combos Post-6 Auto attack twice to set up your passive > Q > R > W > E Auto attack twice to set up your passive > R > E > W > Q
These 2 are going to be your most common combos as Diana, I actually favor the R combo because of how easy it is to miss Q at higher elos, that way when you E them into you it's a guaranteed Q hit.
Mid Game
At this point you should have your Spellbinder, it's time to start 1 shotting people. Target squishies as best as you can to snowball. Make sure you are investing in map control by buying control wards and warding. My favorite game to play is Hide and Seek. I hide in a brush I know isn't warded that is commonly used to path through and I seek an enemy to 1 shot. With Spellbinder, prior to an engage I activate it and then use my Q > W > R > R and E if they're still alive.
Q > W > R vs Q > R > W the reason you would ever use W after you R in is because you're around a minion wave and don't want to waste your W procs on minions, but most of the time in team fights you use W prior to ulting in.
Make sure you aren't just getting kills, but using the kills you get and converting them to objectives. (i.e: dragon/turrets/rift/baron)
Late Game
It's at this point of the game a lot of people struggle on what to do. You can do 1 of 2 things, split push and be the threat that gives your team objectives, or group up and push through things as a dominant force. It really depends on matchups and how easy it is for you guys to siege objectives 5 man. If it's too difficult that's when you split off and try to acquire pressure so your team can gain objectives elsewhere.
Whenever you're sieging turrets, be sure to use your Q & W to proc Diana's passive of gaining extra attack speed. Q > 3 autos > W > 3 autos (if there are minions you can Q > 3 autos > R > 3 autos > W > 3 autos)
Remember how strong Diana's 3rd auto is. It's always best to go in when you have that for the most destructive burst possible. So for late game your priority is going to be - map control, objective control through split pushing / full brute force, and picks. Diana is a champion who if you find in the jungle on your own, more often than not you are going to die within .5 seconds. Use this to your advantage but make sure you, yourself don't get caught in the jungle because Diana really doesn't have that strong of an escape.
Honestly there isn't many ways to improperly play Diana, but this is how I specifically play her. It works for me and if it doesn't work for you then that is perfectly okay. I HIGHLY recommend if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to come on my stream and we can discuss anything you would like. I would be more than happy to have you come by and ask me about any questions/comments/concerns you have about Diana's playstyle or buildpath or just any conversation really.My Stream...
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