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Ability Order
Void Stone (PASSIVE)
Kassadin Passive Ability
lich bane:passive:after you activate a spell it hits an auto attack equal to your AP
mejai's soulstealer:stacks up 20 stacks and for every stack it gives you AP
hope you like it and am not a pro but please comment and if you have any question just comment
null sphere:is really important because,it silences your enemy for 2.6 seconds and adds a heck of a burst damage
nether blade:you use it in 1v1 mostly(my opinion) becuase it grants you armour penatration
force pulse:slows enemies and add damage which is really great
rift walk:its like flash but a 5 second cooldown you can run and get enemies
nether blade:you use it in 1v1 mostly(my opinion) becuase it grants you armour penatration
force pulse:slows enemies and add damage which is really great
rift walk:its like flash but a 5 second cooldown you can run and get enemies
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