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Do you wanna go off-meta? [Quick & Dirty Framework]

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Choose Champion Build:
Now you see me....
Slow Queen
Panzer Leader
Charm their HP off
Best ADC
This Is The Way
Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
At time of writing (patch 11.6 release) the game is so horribly broken and unbalanced there is no point in writing (or reading) a guide, especially for an off-meta pick. Games are a coinflip right now (at least in silver/gold elo), skill does not matter as roughly 8 out of 10 games are decided by "who has the most broken champs". Of the remaining 2 games, at most 1 is decided by the best player in the match....and the other(s) are decided by the worst feeder. Maybe some sense will return to Rito and I'll get to update these sometime, untill then so long...
Introduction | Off-Meta | Q&D Guides | Shout-outs | Outro | List

Hi There!
Welcome to the hub for what has become my quick & dirty off-meta

I don't want this to just be a list of my own guides (I'm not that vain you guys, seriously), so we're also going to use this to have a bit of a discussion about what constitutes an off-meta pick. A discussion I hope we can keep going in the comment section. That's the next chapter. Chapter 3 contains an overview of my guides, their current status, upcoming guides and a short discussion on the format of these guides. Up next is a selection of awesome guides you should really check out for various reasons. There's also a (mostly outdated) list of all off-meta guides I could find at the very end.

The Meta
Discussing “off-meta” is impossible without discussing “the meta” first, a term every League player knows and uses…but many would struggle to define. Meta is shortened from “metagaming”, meaning:
“ any approach to a game that transcends or operates outside of the prescribed rules of the game; uses external factors to affect the game; or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.” – Wiki
This is still a very broad definition, for the particular usage we are talking about we have to narrow it down a bit. When talking about “the meta” most League players refer to “what’s normal right now”. In the most basic sense you could say that “ADC and support go bot” is part of the current meta (and has been for quite a while). These are the unspoken “rules” of the game. Rito never defined which champ should go where and as far as the game is concerned you are completely free to pick

For those interested, you can find a comprehensivewrite-up of the early meta of League (season 1-2) here.
The Off-Meta
Now that we (kind of) understand what “the meta” means, it would be very tempting to just define “the off-meta” as “anything that is not considered meta”. Technically that would be mostly correct as well. That is a surface-level analysis however, and there are some intricacies so let’s go a bit deeper. First of all, we could say that a champ that is rarely seen in the current meta -i.e. has a terrible pick rate- is also an “off-meta” pick. For instance,

To determine if something constitutes is actually off-meta we can look at 3 variables: position, role, and build. Position refers to the lane the champ is played during laning phase (i.e. top/mid/jungle/etc). The role describes the function the champ fulfills in the teamcomp, for instance ADC, APC, off-tank, healer support, etc. Finally the build is…well the build. Each of these can make a particular pick and playstyle off-meta in its own right. For instance, when the meta prescribes the midlaner is an assassin or mage and you bring a

Flavours of(f) meta
Let’s go through the various types and gradations of off-meta. First up we’ve got the very basic (s)off(t)-meta pick where you just play a champion in a different position but you pretty much do what you’d normally do otherwise. Think APC

It gets a lot more interesting when you actually start to go against the intended purpose of the champ. My

It really gets borderline-trolling is when we really actively go against the champion’s main scalings to play another role. ADC

Some might have noticed I use a lot of

Report that troll!
On the subject of trolling. There is a bloody fine line between “going off-meta” and “trolling”. The trolling we are referring to here is subtly different from “regular” trolling on forums, social media etc. Video game trolling can be defined as:
“…who deliberately provocative to other gamers with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument who gains entertainment to toy others emotions without the victim's knowledge. The Gamer Troll want their victims of not noticing they're having fun to make you rage or cry in the process of doing it in the first place. They love the feeling to dominate the other players' emotions to feel like a champ. Most of these trolls are very unskilled at most or current game he/she is playing at the time. Another reason a Gamer Troll will do this to other players' is when they cannot win the game or did try their best and they will not have any game sportsmanship of regardless the game match is for fun or competitive gameplay.” – UD.
One thing to observe here is that trolling can applied to either your team or the enemy. In the latter case you aren’t actually trying to make your team lose, but you try to make the other team less effective by playing on their emotions (examples include spamming emotes/mastery tokens, trash-talking in allchat, etc.). This form of trolling is less relevant for us here since the people that classify off-meta picks as “trolling” are usually on our team. The trolling we are concerned with here is more closely tied to intentional feeding and griefing:
“Purposefully…or otherwise sabotaging your teammates in an online game.” – UD.
This is closer to the definition that most people would give for trolling in League: purposefully ruining other players experience and/or LP. #notall, but there are a lot of players out there that will just assume an off-meta picks means they’re about to lose. These are probably the same guys that call losing lane “intentional feeding”, regardless of intent. So, generally speaking, going off-meta should not be regarded as trolling unless you intentional try to ruin your team’s match. There are some case where an off-meta build will be trolling regardless of what you do, for example full-AP

These are the current "Quick & Dirty X" guides. Originally published in 2017, I've been wholly unable to update them since 2019. Currently I'm finding the time to slowely get them all back to some form of up-to-date-ish, hoping to be fully back up to date by christmas.

Season 11 (patch 11.3)
A Good bArDC Champ: ![]() Role: ![]() |
ADC: Ahri Damage Carry Champ: ![]() Role: ![]() |
Here Comes the Cavalry! Champ: ![]() Role: ![]() |
All About dat Ashe Champ: ![]() Role: ![]() |
I Know What I'm Doing Champ: ![]() Role: ![]() |
I Swear I'm Not Trolling! Champ: ![]() Role: ![]() |
Patch 10.22
Pounce on dat Ashe! Champ: ![]() Role: ![]() |
Horribly Outdated
About Quick & Dirty
"adjective - expedient and effective but not without flaws or unwanted side effects"
-Mer. Webster Dictionary
-Mer. Webster Dictionary
The whole "quick and dirty" is meant to signify that my guides (barely) cover the very basics of what you need to know in order to play that particular champ in that particular role. They are quick write-ups (I usually spend <1 to 2 weeks on a guide) and I assume the reader A) knows how to play the role in general and B) is clever enough to figure a lot of stuff out on his own. For example, I'm not going to tell my audience of presumed ADC mains that

First (and foremost) I am lazy, sue me. Okay, I'm kidding...reason #2 is actually the primary reason: experience in the role --not the champ, the role-- is probably the most important factor in how well my off-meta builds will go for you. My off-meta guides almost invariably make you do things the champ's kit was not designed for at all. So if you are going to try this, while you are still struggling with the fundamentals of the role, it will be a lot harder, you'll have less successful games and you generally will have less fun. Think of it like trying to learn how to do a wheelie while you are still having trouble keeping the bike balanced in the first place. Simple example: part of what makes

This is a selection of meta and off-meta guides that helped me out a great deal in developing as a player, writing these off-meta guides and/or are just pretty cool and therefor worth mentioning:
The Top Bear's "I Will Guide You" is not only the best Nidalee guide on the web, he is also an awesome dude that provided some valuable input for my Nida guide. |
I feel obliged to mention the first guide I ever read, which is Jhoijhoi's "Ashes to Ashes". Still the benchmark in fabolous looking guides and a very solid ADC Ashe one at that. |
Released around the same time as mine, and with pretty much equal views since, Ningen's "Fake Support LeBlanc" was the yin to my True Support LB's yang. Was an excellent full AP LB sup guide, but sadly no longer available.. |
"The other" AD Bard guide was way better than mine (but outdated as well now). |
My first ![]() ![]() |
I can't not mention Baekstra's old LB guide, which used to be the best LB guide. Do spam his inbox for him to update it again. |
There are many other great guides I would love to mention but are either outdated or simply deleted and/or lost in the mists of the web.
If you have any ideas about off-meta building, any guides you'd like to see, or general questions about the content of this framework, please leave a comment. Please vote if you enjoyed reading this. I hope you share my vision of this being not a single-read guide, rather a resource and discussion forum, so I hope you'll be back sometime :) Before I sign-off there two more things. I have noticed there are some regular readers that commented on more than one of my guides. Honestly, when I wrote the first guide fully expected it to bomb rather than get thousands of views....let alone turn into a series with regular readers. You know who you are: thanks guys, you are awesome.
And as always: thanks for reading.
Note: this list was last updated sometime in 2019, some might still be around, others might be 404'd by now. Not gonna bother checking it.

Diana Hybrid Off-meta |
Never fear change - Invincible Top Lane Karma |
Pen or Sword? Doesn't matter, sun rules all. Top Lane Bruiser - Leona the Defender! |
Straight tank is boring |
Help is not coming - Nocturne Top |
My Full Magic Pen Rammus Build |
Aggressively Running Away: The Art of Playing Singed |
Yoyoyo S9 Skarner Top |
Drench the Kench Explained Tahm Kench |
Bunny's Guide to Thresh Top/ADC/SUP |
Toplane Splitpush Zilean Diamond 75% winrate Zil Top Tank Challenger Build |
Super On Hit/Attack Speed Ultra Sol Jungle |
4 Fun Leona Jungle Guide |
Diamond Jungle Malz - The Voids Legion |
Jungle Taric: The True Power of Gems Pink Diamond Jungle Taric |
High ElO Jungle Offtank Vayne: Above the Limits |
AP Ashe Viable or just fun to play? |
Adapting to Mid Lane |
WorMaws Guide for AP Kogmaw Diamond AP Kogmaw - Acid Reign |
AP Nami - The Queen of the Deep |
Noc Mid R(o)ams Up Your Team Their Screens Will Always be Dark - Mid |
The Only Rakan Mid Guide You'll Ever Need |
Reworked Hybrid AP Warwick One Shots Full Heals |
ADC Heim how to get EZ Diamond |
Bunny's Guide to Thresh Top/ADC/SUP |
Twist Fate to your Will TF AD Twist of Fate AD |
Challengers Guide to Yas Bot |
Kaji's Ahri Support Glacial Dreams Ahri |
Amumu Support |
AP Cho Support - The True Lane Bully |
Ez Sup: The Danger Hiding in the Bushes |
J4 Sup - Dunkin' fo Demacia |
The Stunning Squirrel: Kennen Sup |
Fake LeBlanc Support |
Mokujin Moakai |
Snowballing your marksman with full support Nunu |
Diamond Sup Ori - Command: Support |
Sion A guide for Bronze/Silver |
Control Mage Extraordinair |
Urgam Support Crab Master |
Voli Sup: Overbear Your Enemy Botlane |
The Unstoppable Ranged Support |
Ziggs Sup: Yordle Shooting Guard on the Wreckers |
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