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Runes: Personal Preference
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Maxing E
Icathian Surprise (PASSIVE)
Kog'Maw Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Miss Fortune
Mf has two core secondary items being Collector OR Bloodthirster. BT means you heavily struggle to poke her down meanwhile a single misposition can ruin your time. You don't want to be shoved up vs her as any Jungler/Support with hard CC means you die from R.
While playable it requires respect
Champion Build Guide

I've OTP'd Kog since Season 5 a bit after my old OTP Sion was reworked.
As it stands Kog had some unplayable matchups be it from the ADCs items and or supports chosen. This build sought to play Kog'Maw as a caster in lane while transitioning into a standard DPS machine he's known for. While you take a DPS hit from Early-Mid late game it's unnoticeable.
You want to run this build vs lanes with little sustain in items or supports. This build works best with mages due to both of you having the goal of harass harass harass but heavily relies on your own personal knowledge of how to handle minion waves and general map awareness.
Knowing how to manipulate minions to your advantage is how you win as since you've the best waveclear in the bot lane with E max when you want to shove there's no proper stopping you. Dives become harder without minions esp when they know you can take out half their HP within a second.
If you're shoved in enemies can't properly deal with the E+R harass and will either risk dying for the wave or back and miss it.
I'll update and add more when I've got the time any questions about the build or supports don't be afraid to ask.
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