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Not Updated For Current Season
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Mainly use your E to dodge his kiss, and with that same dash apply the combo
When you enter your invisibility put your stun to be more secure
The magic resistance will help you, just hold those stuns a bit and wait for the right moment, take advantage of jumping with your dash, apply the Q and stun at the same time and achieve the greatest damage to less
Taking advantage of that already the shark does not stick, the moment you activate your ultimate put your W behind him, with your E dodge the shark and use it to jump on him, with some luck you might be able to stop him and do him enough damage to kill him
Take advantage of your dash, the moment you come back on the strip next to where it came, avoid the maximum damage, a possible shurima switch, and you can even kill him, obviously the dash with caution
As with all champions, the main thing, to avoid his jail, after that it is easier to kill him
Will give you many problems to a certain point of the game, when you already have some resistance with the veil, and if the magic resistance boots is necessary, just try to dodge a little your skills with your dash and hit your stun
Maximum advice, enter without fear!
Is very weak, at the slightest damage try to get rid of him, and without his ulti you can do greater havoc
Several tips, use your E with double meaning, one to dodge the tornado, another to attack, not to apply the E do not use the Q, this way we avoid dodging it with the wall of wind
His distance and the possibility of using his abilities with short cooling allows him to annoy you enough, but with something to move enough, you can get him to try ultearte, that's when the good comes, at that moment, throw your W and launch with the dash trying to Stay behind him, apply Q to slow him down and hurt him
Twisted Fate
The most delicate, the wear that can cause you with your Q, which has very little cooling, little mana expenditure and its passive helps you to cushion the mana you get to spend, recommendation, play passive in up to level 6, in that Now you can be more 1 vs 1, and try not to generate fights when there are many minions, so your ulti does not have as much healing effect on him
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