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Ability Order
About Me
Hello, I am FoxOfGreed, a low elo player. I wasnt a good Elise player. My friend showed me this Build/ Guide and now I am dominating the Lane in nearly every Game, so I decided to create this Build/ Guide. I know I know, ewwww he's bronze, he doesn't know what he's talking about, but at least give me a little trust.
Greater Seal of Armor: Against AD-Enemys.
Greater Seal of Magic Resist: Against AP-Enemys.
So Your Magic Resist is similar to Your Armor.
Greater Mark of Attack Speed: More Attack Speed. :D
Greater Glyph of Ability Power: Elise is AP, so you need AP. :DD
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: Elise is AP, so you need AP. :DDD
Greater Seal of Magic Resist: Against AP-Enemys.
So Your Magic Resist is similar to Your Armor.
Greater Mark of Attack Speed: More Attack Speed. :D
Greater Glyph of Ability Power: Elise is AP, so you need AP. :DD
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power: Elise is AP, so you need AP. :DDD
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