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Elise Build Guide by Darkorbitmaster

Top Elise- Your resource for everything concerning sexy Spiders

Top Elise- Your resource for everything concerning sexy Spiders

Updated on April 30, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Darkorbitmaster Build Guide By Darkorbitmaster 8 4 18,537 Views 35 Comments
8 4 18,537 Views 35 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Darkorbitmaster Elise Build Guide By Darkorbitmaster Updated on April 30, 2013
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  • LoL Champion: Elise
    Main build for Top- and Midlan
  • LoL Champion: Elise
    Elise in the Jungle


Hey, guys, and welcome to my Elise guide- Everything concerning sexy Spiders. This basically is my first proper guide, so please not too harsh with the critics. :) I mainly play Elise in the Toplane but she also works exceptionally well in Midlane due to her impressive ganking power. I fell in love with her from the very first second playing because of the huge Damage and sustainability she brings with her. Carrying ranked games has become standard for me since practicing and developing this build. I'd really like to share it with you and hear lots of constructive feedback.^_^
In the guide I'll try to cover all the sections wich are the Choice of Items, Runes, Masteries, Skill Sequence Laning Phase, Teamfights and of course Summoner spells. I'd love upvotes and constructive critics for downvotes. Have fun reading, Greetings,
Darkorbitmaster aka. Urb4setick3t
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Pros / Cons

-High mobilty
-Incredible burst
-Playing her makes you feel like Spiderman, just more sexy<- That actually is a link)
-Fun to play
-High carrying potential
-Best Kit i've seen for a long time
-Offers great CC with the stun on Cocoon
-Extremely versatile in playstyles
-Sexyness can distract you while playing
-Hard to learn/ high skillcap
-Scalings suck in general, that's why me have
to relie on a good early game to compensate thatt
lack of scaling by buying MP

-Being banned often in competitive play
-Not too sexy when in spider from

PS: About the spiderman thingy. When you see an Irelia surfing her blades just imagine her being that creepy green enemy of yours. Makes it even funnier to rape her.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Choosing those particular Runes has a huge impact on Elises' gameplay. While the ability powers' use is quite obvious- bringing more damage into the lane early- the role of Magic penetration has a very special one when playing Elise. The role of MP is the very core of this build- and in my opinion the key to be a good Elise player- , that's why I created an extra chapter themat that. The Mana Regeneration is simply to bully your lane opponent often enough to kill him later on, wich is fairly easy, if done right. Optinally you of course can adapt your Rune set to the opponent you're facing. Ipersonally prefer the choice above tho, since i've never had problems like lacking any resistances or stuff like this.

The alternatives quickly listed you can find below:


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
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MPs' role when playing Elise

So i saw a ****load of players stacking AP when trying to play Elise. Or buying lich bane. Or some other random ******** wich makes me rage everytime I have to watch it happen. The true key to winning and literally facemelting with elise, is to simply stack HP combined with MP. WHY MP? Well, that's not too easy to explain, but I'll try my best. Neurotoxin/ Venomous Bite, wich is your main damaging spell btw, deals PERCENTUAL DAMAGE. The ratios on Elises' Neurotoxin/ Venomous Bite are poor. you get like 1% bonus damage for every 30 AP you hit. Comparing the Damage dealt by AP Elise, who does not have the possibilty of melting through the MR of the enemies and only has to offer 2% more of bonus damage, our offtank elise wins with a beaming, bright grin.
While stacking life to almost 4000 you get 350 Ap when having baron buff and that AP pot thingy.
Void Staff gives you 40% MP and Liandry's Torment + Sorcerer's Shoes give you another 40.. When looking at an average champion not fully stacking MR (wich is the case in most games) he has like 100 MR, at least earlier in the game. So that's 40% of 100 =60, 60-40 = 20 MR left( forgot 8% MP from masteries, think over it). Pretty poor versus 15% damage of his maximum health, isn't it? ;) GUYS, MP IS THE KEY HERE. Ap Offtank Elise won't die when using her Rappel properly (extra chapter for that.) and focusing the Ad Carry first (too easy btw).
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There's not too much left to say here. Those Boots, the Liandry's Torment and the Void Staff will give you the mighty MP burst, while Ryleas Ceptre will gift you HP and that hilarious slow wich makes it even more impossible to run from this scary spider with mobility wich is beyond any means of fairness.
Warmog's Armor is a must buy, too, since we're in the League of Warmogs. (REMEMBER THAT, GUYS. YOU WILL HEAR IT OFTEN ENOUGH -- COPYRIGHT.) Means, HP can barely be countered and is your perfect ticket for staying alive that way. Elises' low base movement speed can be perfectly dealt with by buying the Enchantment: Alacrity on your Sorcerer's Shoes.
As the last, situational Item i prefer a Zhonya's Hourglass for even more unkillability (does this word even exist) or a Iceborn Gauntlet for even more huntthemdownandfragemallbility( this totally does exist.) for some more damage -you wont need it trust me- get a Rabadon's Deathcap.
A decent choice is a Hextech Gunblade. Your spiders will lifesteal the **** out of those guys and your freaking hits will heal you for crazy amounts. -Still not as good as Zhonya's Hourglass, sorry. (buy it when the enemies don't got much Ad damage though.)
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Skill Sequence

Well. Neurotoxin/ Venomous Bite is percentual Damage. in the LEAGUE OF WARMOGS (told you) that percentual damage is the key to win with. I personally recommend to buy those %- dmg chars only until a patch removed that mess.
Max it out. That's all. Get your Cocoon/ Rappel second, because you dont got the burst at level 2 yet and can use it to escape from early ganks, and max Volatile Spiderling/ Skittering Frenzy after Neurotoxin/ Venomous Bite. The Rappel ability is being looked at closer in the "unique Skills" chapter.
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Elises' Spellkit

For your Passive Spider Queen there's a hell lot of uses.
Alongside with Skittering Frenzy it can get your hp back to top from nowhere, especially when you baught that Hextech Gunblade. By the way. Do never underestimate the Damage those little, lovely Bastards can deal. (<3 for you little guys at this place) That's 40*5 damage at level 18, WITHOUT ANY ABILITY POWER! assuming you got your mentioned 350, you can add another 35*5(10% of Ap is the spiderlings scaling) =175 damage, wich equals a total of 375 on EACh hit our spiderlings deal.
combined with your Skittering Frenzy those little ****ers will dish out crazy amounts of damage.Also,not even in terms of Damage, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, NEVER EVER, underestimate them spiders, they can save your ***, believe me. They block Skillshots, they heal you up, they can even SCOUT for you. (more of this in the Tips and tricks section)

Coming to your Q-Ability, Neurotoxin, or in Spider Form, Venomous Bite i can comfortably say, this is one of the best spells in the game. Assuming we all know about the League of Warmogs (yep, you read right, my dear fellow mobafire users), the actual percentual damage dealt by both of those abilities is HUGE. use Human Neurotoxin to harras and Spider Venomous Bite to execute whomever you want to with a crazy finisher.

Almost as interesting is your W- Ability, Volatile Spiderling. While the spider forms' W, Skittering Frenzy provides you an awesome boost in survability and damage output over a reasonably average duration, your human W is the Key to tricky and beatiful looking plays.
So sending that huge, detonating spider the right way is hard to practice but great when it actually does succeed. (note that the Ws' AP- scaling is actually okay!)
But not only will that crazy beast chase down your enemies, but also reveal brushes for you. ISN'T THIS AWESOME? an own ward for mana only? especially on toplane this can be a devastating advantage. If he hides from you, see him where ever he goes. if you suspect a gank, just prove it.
Also there's another trick to this ability, wich i will, of course show off in the Tips and tricks section below.

The trick with you E, Cocoon is t land it at the right time into the right spot. Not only will it stun enemies, but also REVEAL THEM. Use this for quick turnaround surprisebuttsex actions and for scouting brushes wich you're suspecting from being jungler-infested. Great tool to use versus Akali or Talon, for example. (Yep, there actually ARE counters to akali, believe it or not. And NOPE, Elise is NOt countered by Talon, even though most people tend to state this, only because they assume every Ap Character to be countered by him.)
For Rappel there's an extra section, since i felt like this spell is very special in any means. You can find it below, right before the Tips and tricks section.


yep.. your beloved ultimate...
While spider from makes you a badass monster, Human Form will let the enemies face the allmighty queen of blad..uhm...sorry,...spiders, queen of spiders.
The most important thing to know about that fancy Ult, is when to use it or when not. It's nearly impossible to explain since you will have to get a feeling for it. A good adive is to look at your Creep score. If you're doing fine with farming, you're probably ain't doing too bad with choosing the right form. The really great thing here is, that all of your cooldowns will keep running. so if using Neurotoxin and immediately , your cooldown on will be off after 5 seconds again. switching back to Human Form can grant you that last hit you'll need to finish that kinky enemy off. Using that timings right, can enable you using combos often enough in a row to face multiple enemies at once. Master it, master everybody.

Btw, the Skilling Order again is:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Flash and Ignite are the most common ones for me. You could swap Flash for Teleport, too but since i like to dive at level 3 or 4, ignite can be a great way to finish that last bit of his HP.
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When laning with Elise you allways want to harass your enemy by spamming your Q. Start this at level 1 and increase the ammount of spam at level 3. Allways use Neurotoxin before using Volatile Spiderling because of the% dmg of Neurotoxin.
Getting your burst off is funny to watch and makes your enemy leave suprisingly often ;)
If you feel like killing your opponent, harras him down to 50% HP, hide in a brush and suprise buttsex his life afterwards. (TL;DR: Do this when you poked your enemy low enough:)

--> --> --> --> --> -->

If he manages to get into the turret, dont worry. your trusty Neurotoxin is back from cd, so just switch mack to human by pressing R and finish him off by giving him that ranged Neurotoxin. Have guts, your E makes it possible to dive without losing your life. Lasthitting is easy, too. just abuse your range in human form andhit the enemy everytime he wants to get creeps or stop you from farming. (rofl he wont do that more than once, promise) When you've taken controll over top, just W- Spider push the toplane and gank some lanes. By this oint you should one hit the enemy ad carry fairly easy btw. just qwerqw ignite to face**** him and leave while spamming your laugh. (LOL guaranteed)
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Well..stun the ad carry,using Cocoon, burst his life, kill the ap carry after and Rappel out if your in big trouble (and only then, worthless piece of scaredy ****...) you can win the game all by yourself, trust me. never give up. You can turn tides of battle so hard.
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Jungling with Elise

Whereas i personally dislike jungling with Elise, there sure are people who do play her in the jungle. In my opinion, you either can't get enough farm or grab enough kills/assists.
If you still decide to go for the try, usw the buils for jungling Elise at the top and do this:
Use your Skittering Frenzy to wrap down the blue buff real quick with a little bit of help by your teammates. Head over to the wolves and attempt to move towards the wraiths afterwards. You can do the Reedbuff right after, since your Smite is back up again. Of course, there's not really a exact route you can pick for every certain game, but this one will make you survive and clear the jungle quite fast in general. Adapt to the enemy jungler in any cases and of coursethe amount of push on your teams' lanes.

For the Choice of Items i prefer the listed ones because Spirit Stone gives you loads of jungling speed and Spirit of the Spectral Wraith makes you benefit from lifesteal similar to Hextech Gunblade. The rest basically is similar to the standard build i use so far. get the tankyness and the MP and be fine with it. This section may be expired in the future when i tried more variyng builds.


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

I take Magic Pen for well known reasons (look up again, my friend), armor obviously for more survability versus junglecreeps and counterjunglers, and ability power for the extra damage and better clearing times.
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Tips and tricks

Using Elise there's a lot of tricks. I allready mentioned some, like scounting with the , there are some more, some morecomplicated and not so well known tricks left. I'd like to share those with you!The first one is abusing your spiderlings to work as little scouts. Place yourself near a wall and swap to Spider Form. If placed right, you denie the spawning of at least one spidering. That way you force it to spawn in a wrong spot and that way make it walk around all the way to the opposite side of the wall. A video for this is brought by Machina Entertainment on Youtube:
scounting Spiderling Another trick is the flying .
Even though it's quite simple not many people tend to master or at least use this. Send the Spiderling backwards and use your Venomous Bite into the other direction right after. the result will be a jumping Spiderling and a huge surprise for your opponent.
Here's a video for this scenario:
Jumping volatile Spiderling As a last trick, you may not know yet: Using Cocoon under tower wont mean you're being focused.
try landing it and afterwards wisely decide wther to dive or not.
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THAT SKILL. That's what makes Elise a hard character and at the same time what makes ppl rage at her 24/7. Do not use it to run, but to fight. engage with it when you got a safe way to escape or just use flash to engage just to E out when the job is done. remember: you can e next to a wall and hop onto the jungle creeps behind it without having vision. Abuse this, it's cool.(personal favourite is scaping into the enemyjungle when being blue, toplane running towards lizard elder and surprisingly discend to the double golems) Also remember not to drop back into battle by mistake. You got 2 seconds to decide, TAKE YOUR TIME.
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Special thanks

Thanks to my Mate Vorathor, who helped me a lot by continously checking the guides' layout.
Also i'd like to thank BloBBloB99 for the beautiful banner, and the help he provided me during hte creation of this build.
Same goes to Dragon20217 for editing some of the banners to fit in even better and being that patient with me little nublet, and Shorty Hun who created that awesome mainbanner for me.
Most special tahnks to jhoijhoi for the guide wich explains how to BBcode, and ofcourse for those adorable little speration lines.
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That's basically it.

Well, guys... That's it. My first guide :)
Please rate and comment and ask if you have questions.
Darkorbitmaster aka. Urb4setick3t

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21.03: -Added new Banners made by Dragon20217 and Shorty Hun removed some writing mistakes

20.03: -Added Creditschapter, Banners made by BloBBloB99 and did some more editing
-Added a jungle guide for Elise iwich is to be expanded sooner or later,
should be enough for now though

19.03: -Did bbcode the whole build, looks a whole lot better now!

18.03: -Created the build, walls of text atm; content still correct and worth to watch.
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