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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability


catalyst the protector

The main purpose of your start-up items is to stay in lane as long as possible and farm creeps. A

By this time you should be around level 8 or 9 or even higher. Combined with the spell vamp offered by your ultimate and with good farm, you should be on track towards a

To finish off your build,

Decrepify and
Nevermove is amazing for catching retreating enemies.
+Amazing farming abilities
+Never ending sustain post-6, can literally STAY IN LANE FOREVER
+Great nuking ability which astonishes the enemy
-Lacks mobility and is very slow
-Easy to be good with, hard to master
-Very short ranged spells and requires good positioning
-Requires you to land
Nevermove which is a skillshot
-Crippled by ignite

+Amazing farming abilities
+Never ending sustain post-6, can literally STAY IN LANE FOREVER
+Great nuking ability which astonishes the enemy
-Lacks mobility and is very slow
-Easy to be good with, hard to master
-Very short ranged spells and requires good positioning
-Requires you to land

-Crippled by ignite

Swain pairs well with almost any team, but there are a few individual champions that, when paired with swain, truly shine. Maokai jungle and swain mid works perfectly. Maokai's
Twisted Advance jumps to the enemy and roots them in place. This can be followed up by a
Nevermove then a full out combo by both junger and mid lane and almost certainly guarentees a kill every time. Taric is also a very strong choice when playing with swain. His main skill,
Dazzle stuns the enemy in place and makes it so easy for swain to land
Nevermove and pull off a full combo.

Swain is an excellent mid laner and can out lane any mid laner when played right, but there are a few champions that makes it hard to do that.
Fizz is a hard counter for swain because he can jump dodge
Nevermove easily and quickly get out of
Decrepify with his amazing movement speed. Also,
Seastone Trident activates grievous wounds and cripples the spell vamp on swain's ultimate.
Cassiopeia is also a good counter to swain because she can deal out more DPS then swain if either full on engages and her ultimate is INSANELY OP.
Viktor is said to be a hard counter to swain because of his laser and long range skills. The key to this is dodging his lasers as best as possible, building some early MR, then owning him post-6.

Thank you for reading my guide on one of my favorite champions in league of legends. Its been a pleasure writing this because I want everyone to experience just how fun the Master Tactician can be. Its quite funny when a low health jungler and mid laner turret dives you only for you to turn on
Ravenous Flock and soak up all their damage and watch them die. I hope you all have fun playing swain and if you have any questions for me, please dont be afraid to ask. If you are thinking about downvoting, please try my guide out a few times and see how you like it. If you still don't think my build is perfect, please leave a comment and tell me why you didn't like my guide. After all, my purpose is to perfect this guide to be the very best and most instructive for everyone reading.

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