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Ability Order
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
-English isn't my native language so feel free to correct me.
-Criticism is ok! I'll try my best to improve that guide more and more.
-This guide is build on the less is more principle. I'm not a guy who is posting vast text blocks and alot of picture stuff. You should know the basics of playing Sion (which are findable in other guides).
Good Speels:
-Ghost || good for escape and early push
-Exhaust || good for escape and earning kills
-Ignite || pretty good for making the first kill
-Clarification || good for escape and getting out of 3 hours stun
Maybe not the best choice:
-Flash || maybe good for escape and earning kills but in my view pretty useless in dominion
-Garnision || maybe useful but i don't use it myself
Things you should not use:
-Ghost || good for escape and early push
-Exhaust || good for escape and earning kills
-Ignite || pretty good for making the first kill
-Clarification || good for escape and getting out of 3 hours stun
Maybe not the best choice:
-Flash || maybe good for escape and earning kills but in my view pretty useless in dominion
-Garnision || maybe useful but i don't use it myself
Things you should not use:
-Stun / Good for kills and escape
-Nice Damage
-Your ulti let you win almost every 1on1
-If you're doing well 1st/2nd/3rd is yours
-Good for teamwork
-OP lategame
-You will be considered as noob
-It doesn't make fun playing him after a while
-A bit sqishy beginning (depends on enemy team configuration)
-Stun / Good for kills and escape
-Nice Damage
-Your ulti let you win almost every 1on1
-If you're doing well 1st/2nd/3rd is yours
-Good for teamwork
-OP lategame
-You will be considered as noob
-It doesn't make fun playing him after a while
-A bit sqishy beginning (depends on enemy team configuration)
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