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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order SPELLS
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Incredibly hard matchup because of her W, if there is good fiora playing against your its just not possible to hit your stun. You can farm under turret and then outscale fiora in mid/late game and in teamfights.
The best support to play with Irelia, with ardent and his ultimate they making you into unkillable clearing champion
The best support to play with Irelia, with ardent and his ultimate they making you into unkillable clearing champion
Champion Build Guide
Hello guys, EUNE Irelia main playing league from season 0 for fun and ranked games maybe from 2016/2017. I played about 10 000 matches with irelia and with new one half of that. In previous seasons i hit high ranks and multiple times rank 1 irelia)

Excuse me if my guide is not good looking, i just made it for you!) i am always adding some infos here and also excuse me please for low quality videos but my laptop is not working correctly, i just recorded it for mobafire page to show you guys, thank you and enjoy my Irelia guide!)
+ still strong early game
+ great mobility and movement on lane
+ easy to farm
+ one of the strongest 1v1 laners
+ big damage with passive
+ incredible fun
+ your items have great synergy with your passive
- not easy champion to play, you need to master Irelia and find your own way to play
- always need to hold passive for dealing good damage (you need to hold 5 spell stack)
- hard to carry a team
- in late game Irelia starting to fall off
- if you miss one spell you are losing a chance to win a fight
- in early game very mana hungry
- baron is very big counter for irelia because she cant jump on minions
Maybe to you irelia doesn't seem like a hard champion but it is, it needs a time to practice her and learn combos which are best for you. Irelia is beautiful champion with beautiful waveclear, movement control around your lane and damage.
How to do first blood with Irelia?
As you know, you need to have 5 stacks with Irelia to deal bonus magic damage with bigger attack speed.
First step is to slowly freeze your minions on midlane and kill minions because you need to hold your passive. Wait for the second wave and slightly give first minion two hits with your passive, then go behind your minions, and while your opponent will be coming to farm the wave, jump on that minion, you will got level 2 while he is level 1, max E stun him and start combo -
combo Q, AA, AA, AA IGNITE and if he will flash you still have your one Q and flash away from under turret.
They are not expecting ton of damage, you always have 6 seconds to do this! Do not forget to count, good luck!
Irelia combos
to level 6
Q minions - if you can hold your passive you are basically winning laning phase against a ton of champions - with 5 stacks
E, Q, autoattacks (as much as you can), W (holding your stacks plus activating your sheen + dealing a little bit damage), Q again, also you can dodge with your Q jumping on minions around, i always pre hit every minion before starting the fight
E, Q, autoattacks, Q, W
from level 6
this combo - R, Q, E, E, Q, autottack, Q(wait when your sheen/trinity will be ready for stronger Q)
also try to always have 5 stacks before starting the fight
pre-hit one minions, you have Q on level 3 so you can kill him also without sheen, throw E behind you, jump on minion with Q, R on enemy champion, throw E behind enemy champion, Q again, 1-2 autoattacks and he is probably dead
E, R, Q, E, Q, autoattacks, Q, W(if you are under turret taking tower shot with low hp)
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