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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
One of the most dangerous matchups for Evelynn. An AoE blind, stacking Magic Resist, and an execute makes him very, very dangerous. Expect him to take your red or invade you early.
Hi, I'm Tri! I've been playing League for three years, and I specialize in support and niche junglers, such as
Ivern or
Kindred. I fell in love with
Evelynn after the rework, and I want to impart my knowledge and style onto anyone who wants to learn how to play the alluring seductress herself.
I also run Skin+ on YouTube, where I create voicepacks for various skins.

I also run Skin+ on YouTube, where I create voicepacks for various skins.
This guide is the official guide on the Evelynn subreddit!
If you'd like to download the Item Set seen above and import it into your own client, click here. Simply go to the "Items" tab in your "Collections" window in the League client, and click "Import". Select "Evelynn- TricolorStar's Build.json", and voila!

Evelynn is a flanker, who must pick her targets very carefully and ensure their deaths, or things will go bad very quickly. She's a medium-hard Jungler champion, and only gets stronger as the game goes on.
In lore,
Evelynn is a demon formed from the pain and torment caused from the First Rune War. She's able to assume any form she wants and must consume the pain of others in order to sustain herself. Perhaps there's more to her than meets the eye, but we may never know.

- High Burst
- Easy First Clear
- Very Fun
- Beautiful
- Easy to Learn, Hard to Master
- Squishy
- Relies on
Last Caress for mobility
- Can't Handle 1v1 Situations
- Falls Behind Easily
- Countered by True Vision

Demon Shade

When not in combat,
Evelynn rapidly regenerates a portion of her missing health.

- Afterglow: While under the effects of
Demon Shade,
Evelynn gains bonus effects on her
Whiplash ability.
- The Night is my Veil: From Level 6 onward,
Demon Shade grants
Evelynn permanent Camouflage, only revealing her when she enters combat or when under the effects of True Vision.

In combat with enemy champions, this passive allows


In this clip, I see

Hate Spike

- Hate & Love: Enemies struck with
Hate Spike are marked with three charges of Hate, which are consumed by
Evelynn's basic attacks and abilities to deal bonus damage to her target.
- Pins & Needles: Recasting
Hate Spike causes waves of Spikes to emanate from
Evelynn to her current attack target or nearest enemy (if her current target moves out of range). These Spikes damage everything they pass through and consumes any charges of Hate on a target.
- Teratophilia If
Hate Spike is used on a jungle monster, 60% of its cooldown is refunded.

Since this ability has a large refund when used against monsters, you're going to be spamming it very, very often.


I move in on the enemy


- Just One Kiss: The Love Curse
Evelynn places over her target matures over 2.5 seconds. Once it matures,
Evelynn's next basic attack Arouses her target, Charming them and reducing their Magic Resistance. If the Love Curse has not fully matured, the target is Slowed instead. Arousing a target fully refunds
Allure's mana cost.
- The Feminine Mystique: Once the Love Curse has matured, an indicator points in
Evelynn's direction, giving her target a vague idea of where she is.
- Let Me In: Arousal affects different targets in different ways:
- Champion: Reduces their Magic Resistance by up to 35%
- Monster: Deal bonus damage upon Arousal, and the duration of the Charm is increased by 2 seconds.
- Lovestruck: The Magic Resistance shred of this ability is only applied to the ability that Arouses your target (
Whiplash or
Hate Spike).

Although this ability is incredibly useful, the trade-off is that enemies can see where you are through the Feminine Mystique component, so switching up your location as you move in is very important so you don't get caught.
This ability is all about mind games. Get behind someone, blow them a kiss, and watch them scramble backwards right into your waiting arms. Clever positioning and careful aim of


- Whip it Good: Using
Whiplash applies on-hit effects and grants
Evelynn a burst of movement speed. This ability also deals a percentage of the target's maximum health as magic damage.
- It Hurts so Good: When under the effects of
Demon Shade,
Whiplash becomes
Empowered Whiplash, dealing more damage and causing
Evelynn to dash to the target instead. Entering
Demon Shade automatically resets
Whiplash's cooldown. These effects apply whether
Evelynn has gained the Camouflage portion of
Demon Shade or not.

Since this ability applies on-hit effects, bonus damage from

This is how you burst down your enemies. The maximum health damage, plus an Aroused target, plus a

This ability also deals a flat amount of damage to monsters, making it very useful to execute mini-Krugs or leftover Raptors.

Last Caress

- One Night Stand:
Evelynn is untargetable during this ability and cannot be interrupted.
- Cross My Heart: Enemies below 30% of their maximum health are marked by a Widowmaker's Kiss, causing them to take massive bonus damage if hit by
Last Caress.
- Leave Them Wanting More: After the initial swipe,
Evelynn blinks backwards a medium distance, passing over walls and other obsacles.
- The Bigger They Are: The bonus damage from Widowmaker's Kiss can apply to large monsters, such as Baron Nashor and the Elemental Drakes, allowing them to be executed as well.

This ability has a wide range of uses. Most notably, it is one of the only area-of-effect executes in the game, and is very, very hard to dodge.

- As an Execute
The most common use is an an Execute. It is very easy to chase down low-health targets or surprise a recalling enemy with this ability, and it never, ever gets old.VIDEO DEMOSpoiler: Click to view
As I approach a teamfight from the flank (the only way you should asEvelynn), I see my team does a good job of initiating and cleaning up without me. However, Rhaast targets me and uses
Umbral Trespass, meaning I'm in for a world of hurt. Knowing that Rhaast heals more if he's in combat with more people, I
Flash to isolate us from my team to prevent that. A quick
Empowered Whiplash and
Last Caress kills him before he has a chance to heal or get back to my team.
- As an Escape
When the enemy team brings the heat, it's time to disappear. The One Night Stand component makesEvelynn very slippery while her ultimate is up, allowing her to pass over walls, dodge or cancel ultimates like
Enchanted Crystal Arrow or
Ace in the Hole.
- As an Engage
If you really, really want that kill (or know you can get it), turning away from your enemy and ulting backwards is a very effective way to close the distance or cross over walls and keep the chase going. ExperiencedEvelynn players will know when to go for the kill.
VIDEO DEMOSpoiler: Click to view
After a teamfight, I seeCassiopeia and
Shen leaving with low health. I place a ward over their Nexus Wall, and use
Last Caress to close the gap, Smiting
Shen to slow him and using the Spikes from
Hate Spike to finish him off. Turning on
Cassiopeia, I kill her with a combination of the remaining Spikes and a quick
Whiplash. Although I got two kills, I'm in over my head and
Graves finishes me off.
"Hate? No... I hurt them out of love."- Evelynn
We pick
Domination as our Primary tree because it offers
Evelynn high burst and synergizes with her kit very naturally, boosting her already potent burst damage.





And if you're a good jungler, you'll be carrying

As for the other choices,




Mix and match runes to best suit your playstyle. If you're a

"One touch... with desire... that's all I need..."
- Evelynn
Evelynn is complex only in its simplicity: She has a limited item pool, but your choices in this pool matter a lot. Below is a run-down of her core items, her possible late-game choices, and situations for specific build paths.
Stalker's Blade - Runic Echoes is going to be your most common jungling choice.
Skirmisher's Sabre - Runic Echoes is also a good choice, however. It really comes down to playstyle, like many other choices in
Evelynn's item pool.
The main tossup between the two choices is the choice between Chilling Smite or Challenging Smite. Chilling is very, very useful for slowing down fleeing targets for an
Allure proc, but Challenging is useful if you find yourself dueling the enemy jungler often, or you are in extended 1v1 situations. Even though
Evelynn suffers in 1v1 circumstance, Challenging Smite allows her to tip the scales. I prefer Chilling because it is much more consistent, and I tend to avoid 1v1'ing the enemy jungler if I can avoid it.
We take
Lich Bane because the bonus on-hit damage from this item stacks with your
Whiplash ability. Using
Allure activates the bonus damage, then using
Whiplash deals it. It is incredibly powerful on
Evelynn and is absolutely essential to her burst.
Morellonomicon is my most common choice for
Evelynn after her core items. The bonus Magic Penetration stacks with the Magic Resistance shred from
Allure, and the grievous wounds from this item is always valuable.
Void Staff is also a common choice, since it is a percentage based MR shred like
Allure is, meaning you can cut right through tanks like a hot knife through butter.
I tend to finish my usual build with a
Rabadon's Deathcap for the insane spike in AP, and top it off with an
Elixir of Sorcery to bring it all together.
My most common
Evelynn build is as follows:
However, sometimes this build doesn't cut it. Below are some situations for specific items:


The main tossup between the two choices is the choice between Chilling Smite or Challenging Smite. Chilling is very, very useful for slowing down fleeing targets for an

We take


I tend to finish my usual build with a

My most common

However, sometimes this build doesn't cut it. Below are some situations for specific items:
Zhonya's Hourglass: Take this item if you find yourself getting locked down a lot, or if you're against telegraphed abilities like
Umbral Trespass,
Enchanted Crystal Arrow, or
Ace in the Hole.
Luden's Tempest: Take this if you're ahead and need the extra mana.
Spellbinder: Take this if you're very ahead and want to increase your burst to it's maximum potential. Be warned; this item's active has a cooldown, so your burst will be windowed somewhat.
Banshee's Veil: If you're facing lots of crowd control (
Annie, or
Morgana), so you can break free from the constraints of mortal living.

Thank you so much for reading my
Evelynn guide! As more patches roll out, I will be updating and modifying this guide! Please leave a comment or message if you'd like!

"They hate to see me go... but they love to watch me leave."
- Evelynn
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