LoL Best Evelynn Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Evelynn on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Evelynn builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 2 Guides
TrinitEve: A Hybrid Approach to Evelyn on Crystal Scar
(AP) Evelynn of the Shadow's Dance
Evelyn The Reaper As Build(UPDATED)
A Dummy's Guide To LoL ~ Evelynn
Ap Evelynn Ger
The new Evelynn
Take care, there's an assassin hiding in the shadows...
Evelynn is OP
Wait, what happened to my life? - An evelynn AP guide
Evelynn, The Underestimated Nuke
Evelynn the silent killer
Dominion's mistress.
Season 2 Builds