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Extensive Warding Guide (All player tiers. WIP)

Extensive Warding Guide (All player tiers. WIP)

Updated on January 30, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Taiack Build Guide By Taiack 9,467 Views 3 Comments
9,467 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Taiack Build Guide By Taiack Updated on January 30, 2019
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Champion Build Guide

Extensive Warding Guide (All player tiers. WIP)

By Taiack
Hi I am Taiack. I used to be a Jungle main, I switched to Support at the start of season 8. I have managed to reach Diamond 3 this pre-season. I will be attempting to put as much useful information as I can. (I will be expanding on this guide with jungle next, and then mid lane. I may or may not do warding notes for ADCs, because they never seem to ward anyway.) I am also publishing this early because i would like lower level players to be able to see it. Hopefully people will give constructive criticism so i can make anything more clear than it already is, or fix mistakes.

Early game vision is very important. If you arent warding. You are allowing key information like jungle pathing, along with roams from all lanes. Placing wards at meaningful times and places can give your team a major advantage.
As an example : An early ward from your midlaner/support spots the enemy jungler converging on to the Dragon scuttle crab. Your teams jungler pings "on the way", your midlaner responds and walks down. Your support also responds and walks up. The only way out for the ususpecting jungler is to flash over dragon pit, which 3 enemy champions also can do to secure the kill handing over red-buff and first blood. All because of a single ward.
(Also note, be careful when placing wards on walls. Make sure you aren't severely limiting the line-of-sight of the ward. It CAN render it completely useless.)
I will be visually laying out ward locations for all positions. Each position may have 2 to 4 different sections. (Early game & Late game warding at the minimum.) Use the panel on the right to skip to a section you need guidance on.
If you like, or need to focus on certain areas, or want to be able to zoom. Right click on a map and click "Open in new window". The maps are decently high resolution.
Top Lane Warding Early Game.
Note : Every game is different. You will need to pay attention to basic information and knowledge of jungle champions. (ie. if they need a leash.) If the enemy top laner shows up late, he may be leashing for his jungler, or trying to make you think they did leash. You need to pay attention to bottom lane as well to make a proper decision.

If you suspect the jungler started top side. You need to ward sooner for scuttle crab vision to assist your jungler and mid laner with this information.

If your enemy laner did not leash, and you know their jungler didn't start top side you can save your ward. Now you must find time to move and ward at a good time. Again depending on jungle pathing this can range anywhere from 2:20 to 3:00 minute marks. When you have time walk down and ward.
Lime Color - Red sides first ward (second ward possible) Blue side ward is aggressive.
Yellow Color - Blue sides first ward(second ward possible) Red side ward if aggressive.
{See picture below}
During the game you should be aware of when your ward is going to time out. And be ready to either replace your first ward, or go for a deeper ward. When deciding this you have to be aware of where the enemy jungler was last seen, how long ago, and how you plan to carry out your lane phase.When you go back to base for item buys grab a control ward if you don't have one in your inventory every time. When you see your jungler going for Rift Herald walk down place your control ward and help him take it. Go back to base(unless you have a wave to catch, catch it and base) make sure you get a new ward to replace. This also applies to a teleport plat you might make bottom side, ping your control ward and place it so your support doesn't have to move theirs.
Orange - Control ward.
Light Red - Objective Control ward.
{See picture above}
Top Lane Agro Warding.
You have managed to take top tower and now have a much larger area to ward, probably by yourself. Now you need to be able to gauge how well you fair against not only the enemy toplaner, but also the jungler, and potentially the mid laner.
I know you will not have the amount of wards available to ward optimally. You will have to decide on either tendencies, or plan on how far you can push safely.
Yellow - Trinket ward. (aggressive wards are enemy side.(except for pixel bush))
Yellow lines - Preferred trinket(circle). Max distance to pressure if Midlane/Support/Jungle aren't accounted for.
Red - Control ward. (aggressive wards are enemy side.)
The ward placement marked with a line out to the lane is where i would choose in MOST cases. I would also be weary of crossing that line without knowing where the enemy is. Clearing the wave and staying behind this line can waste the enemy's time, thinking you're going to keep pressuring no matter what. Instead back off. When you're sure its a 1v1 situation choose to pressure harder or steal camps.
Top Lane Defense Warding.
You were unlucky this game, and the enemy has take your tower. Now you have less area of your side that you are safe in.
Yellow - Trinket ward. (defence wards are your side.)
Red - Control ward. (defence wards are your side.)All you can really do at this point is try to keep the vision up in your teams jungle. Wait for help from your jungler or midlaner, and help them secure the camps. More times than not the enemy top laner will stay over extended, or easily caught because of the vision.
Jungle Early Game Warding.
As a jungler, your goal with warding is to "track the jungler". Tracking the jungler isn't just knowing where they are. From level one, if you have enough knowledge of jungle champions you know who can start non buffs. Use your brain at level one and know where they started. While you kill the scuttle crab the enemy jungler should either be going for the same scuttle, or taking the opposite side. Take 10 seconds, walk into the enemy jungle and see if their raptors/gromp is there. drop your ward in the raptor bush. Or the + area towards the enemys base side. (not in the bush.)If you are going for more of a counter jungle approach, ward the enemy Wolf camp, or Krugs. You want to know where the enemy jungler is as much time prior to them ganking any of your laners. After your first buy and have a Control Ward you should place in vision of high trafic areas of the enemy jungle.

Yellow - Trinket ward
Red - Control ward
Jungle Objective Warding
Having Control Wards for securing dragon, rift and baron can decide games. Every time you take one of these objectives you should have a Control Ward. Ping it in your inventory then the ground. (Telling your team that you are placing it there.) IF you still have Stealth Ward trinket place it top gain info on possible steal attempts.

Yellow - Trinket ward
Red - Control ward
Jungle Clearing Vision
In my opinion you should have a Sweeper at around level 10ish (you may even start the game with it). Decide where you will be applying your pressure. Walk on over and pop your Sweeper where
Support Warding Early-Mid Game.
You're not a support if you aren't providing and clearing vision for your team.

This ward map is for Blue SideRed Marks - Control Ward Placement.
Yellow Marks - Support item Wards.
Dark Blue - Places your ADC might ward. IF they ward at all.
Place your control ward here, everytime. The only people who will clear it will be the enemy midlaner, or jungler who is trying to dive you.
The Support item ward placement will give you(and your team)info further in advance than the warding spots you probably are use to. Also these spots give more meaningful info to your midlaner(who can now ward topside) and your jungler (counter jungle/gank info.)

This ward map is for Red SideRed - Control Ward Placement.
Yellow - Support item Wards.
Dark Blue - Places your ADC might ward. IF they ward at all.
Again. Place your control ward here. The only people who will clear it will be the enemy midlaner, or jungler who is trying to dive you.
Support Objective Warding.
Epic Monster Ward Map. Blue Side
Red - Objective Control ward.
Green - Objective Support ward.
Your job warding objectives is to have vision of the most obvious places the enemy will walk to contest the objective. Your control ward being placed in the pit disables the enemy from gaining info inside the pit for extended periods of time with regular wards.
Remaining "dark spots" (no vision) near objectives should be warded by your team mates.

Epic Monster Ward Map. Red Side
Support Aggressive & Defensive Warding.
Late game warding, is VERY dependent on the state of the game. For this reason, I will attempt to highlight only key areas. Unlike the above maps, this one will have many more places. I know you cannot place more than 4 wards (counting Control wards.)

White - Neutral Support ward.
Red - Defencive Control ward.
Yellow - Defencive Support Wards.
Purple - Aggressive Control wards.
Green - Aggressive Support item wards.
This map is for Blue side. There will be similarities with both maps.

White - Neutral Support ward.
Red - Defencive Control ward.
Yellow - Defencive Support Wards.
Purple - Aggressive Control wards.
Green - Aggressive Support item wards.
This map is for Red side. There will be similarities with both maps.
Warding Tips & Tricks.
First off i will be giving Xpecial the credit for these warding spots.

I will be showing places to stand, and where the ward gets placed.
Baron pit banana bush.
Dragon pit banana bush.
Baron pit Tribush.
Dragon pit Tribush.

River to red Tribush.
Xpecials clip shows where to have your cursor.
I cant figure out how to embed his clip.
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