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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
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Hello. I'm Andrew, or Ajgi. I play on the Oceania server. Ezreal has been my favourite champion for quite a while, and since the latest patch (5.22) the new items have made him scale into late game fairly well, as well as having a strong mid game.
+ Great Poke + Very Safe + High Mid Game damage + Fun! + New Essence Reaver combined with Muramana lets him roll. |
Ezreal is heaps of fun and usually quite a safe pick. He has high burst and high poke. |
+ Can't hyper carry + Average AA range (beaten late game by ADCs like Tristana and Caitlyn) + Can't rely on skill shots much against high mobility champions + Once again, can't carry. He relies on a competent team. |
Ezreal is fun and does plenty of damage, but he can't carry on his own. Queue with a friend playing a hyper carry for full effect :P. |
Poke. Feel free to last hit with your Q when needed. The Feast mastery gives you great sustain when CSing. You're a great champion to gank with because your E Q W combo gets you nice and close.
When you hit 6, get your Jungler to gank. Use Trueshot Barrage to take out most of your opponent's health, then use your E to dive in, Q and W, then finish with ignite if needed.
When you hit 6, get your Jungler to gank. Use Trueshot Barrage to take out most of your opponent's health, then use your E to dive in, Q and W, then finish with ignite if needed.
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