LoL Best Ezreal Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Ezreal on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Ezreal builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 14 Builds
Mandalorian Ezreal
Ezreal Heartsteel
Skype Ezreal
Ezreal Mid/Top/Jungle/ADC/Sup(?) Build
Season 13 Guides
High-Elo Ezreal Guide for patch 13.21
Skillshot Galore - Ezreal For Every Occasion (13.13)
Patch 13.9 Tank Ezreal 🐅
Best Meta Build free LP
Crit Ezreal, because why not have more dashes
[13.6] ezreal guide for myself :3 (WORK IN PROGRESS)
[13.1] Ezreal mid guide (sorry for my english)
[13.1] Can't Spell EZREAL Without "EZ"
Ezreal season 13
Support Ezreal (Updated for 12.22)
Bum Clean's S13 Guide
Season 13 Builds