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Ability Order
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
+Can deal AMAZING damage for an off-tank
+Can sustain in battle
+Great initiater
+Can only be shut down if ganked or countered (this means he is overall above average)
-Relies on farm or kills (expensive build)
-Can get shut down if top lane is not warded or if you are stupid and cannot juke.
+Can deal AMAZING damage for an off-tank
+Can sustain in battle
+Great initiater
+Can only be shut down if ganked or countered (this means he is overall above average)
-Relies on farm or kills (expensive build)
-Can get shut down if top lane is not warded or if you are stupid and cannot juke.
Basic Tips:
-Last hit (Don't auto attack)
-Stay aware of the map
-Call MIAs to prevent the non-aware idiots to rage at you.
-Ward if you push.
-Don't chase. Unless told by a team mate so you can blame them if all goes wrong.
-Ask for a gank from the jungler if your lane is being pushed to your tower.
-Never create conflict with your team mates, it all goes wrong from there.
-Play passive if you are countered, but harass if not.
Advanced Tips:
-You can fake your W (Clone) skill by simply pressing S or H (stopping).
-Remember to activate your Youmuu's in necessary scenarios.
-Use this item build as a basic template. Think of items to replace to counter the opposing team.
-Last hit (Don't auto attack)
-Stay aware of the map
-Call MIAs to prevent the non-aware idiots to rage at you.
-Ward if you push.
-Don't chase. Unless told by a team mate so you can blame them if all goes wrong.
-Ask for a gank from the jungler if your lane is being pushed to your tower.
-Never create conflict with your team mates, it all goes wrong from there.
-Play passive if you are countered, but harass if not.
Advanced Tips:
-You can fake your W (Clone) skill by simply pressing S or H (stopping).
-Remember to activate your Youmuu's in necessary scenarios.
-Use this item build as a basic template. Think of items to replace to counter the opposing team.
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