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Runes: Scaling FS
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Incredibly Potent Champion at the moment and will kill you quite quickly after the armor nerfs on 12.14
Champion Build Guide
About Gangplank
Gangplank is an opressive, scaling lane bully in toplane,and an AD, Heavy scaling, crit control mage in midlane.
Gangplank as a champion needs a very specific mindset, similar to other champions somewhat like Graves, where you are a good Dueling Champion, but for different reasons, you will not be able to provide that much for your team outside of big damage and heavy slows, as well as assisting (stealing) cross map with your ultimate.
Gangplanks win condition is mostly about scaling VERY well and scaling FASTER than enemies.
Gangplank as a champion needs a very specific mindset, similar to other champions somewhat like Graves, where you are a good Dueling Champion, but for different reasons, you will not be able to provide that much for your team outside of big damage and heavy slows, as well as assisting (stealing) cross map with your ultimate.
Gangplanks win condition is mostly about scaling VERY well and scaling FASTER than enemies.
Navori Quickblades
This item seems really, really strong in theory, 60 ad, 20% crit, 30 haste and the unique, budget Spear of Shojin passive, seems incredible for Gangplank, but this item is a trap for full damage Gangplank. I would only ever buy this if i am playing Trinity Force AND Crit Gangplank, which i rarely do as i believe it is not as great after the recent changes to Gangplank in 12.14.
However, this Item is infinitely better on a Triforce build than the Ravenous Hydra second build, because:
1. Ravenous Hydra is among one of the WORST items in the entire game at the moment.
2. Ravenous Hydra's Passive is completely wasted, you might think, so is navoris but...
3. Navori Quickblades give more haste, AND crit for only 10 less ad.
4. Ravenous Hydra's Vamp is entirely wasted on Gangplank as if youre low, you will not have enough Vamp to heal up, Omnivamp is massively reduced on aoe so will not be able to heal you at all in a teamfight. Honestly just eat Oranges.
However, this Item is infinitely better on a Triforce build than the Ravenous Hydra second build, because:
1. Ravenous Hydra is among one of the WORST items in the entire game at the moment.
2. Ravenous Hydra's Passive is completely wasted, you might think, so is navoris but...
3. Navori Quickblades give more haste, AND crit for only 10 less ad.
4. Ravenous Hydra's Vamp is entirely wasted on Gangplank as if youre low, you will not have enough Vamp to heal up, Omnivamp is massively reduced on aoe so will not be able to heal you at all in a teamfight. Honestly just eat Oranges.
Critless GP post 12.14
After patch 12.14 Gangplank is somewhat being "forced" to build crit now as you wont slow that much anymore with barrels, which was really oppressive with the Bruiser build.
The Only situation I would build GP without much crit, is if I am building full Utility with Trinity Force.
This Build is good if you are ahead, your team has fed carries, and the enemy has a 2+ Healing AND Shielding Champions, which is very rare, and practically inting in Solo-Q as you NEVER want to rely on your team if im being honest.
The Only situation I would build GP without much crit, is if I am building full Utility with Trinity Force.
This Build is good if you are ahead, your team has fed carries, and the enemy has a 2+ Healing AND Shielding Champions, which is very rare, and practically inting in Solo-Q as you NEVER want to rely on your team if im being honest.
What Items to sell boots for?
In all seriousness, if you are going an ADC Mythic with Shieldbow or Galeforce, I would always go for Ghostblade, and if you are going a Lethality Mythic with Duskblade or Prowler's claw,I would always go for Phantom Dancer, both of these are meeant to keep you speedy so you can still rotate and dodge skillshots.
In all seriousness, if you are going an ADC Mythic with Shieldbow or Galeforce, I would always go for Ghostblade, and if you are going a Lethality Mythic with Duskblade or Prowler's claw,I would always go for Phantom Dancer, both of these are meeant to keep you speedy so you can still rotate and dodge skillshots.
One Part Guide
This is most likely better explained in video format, so I will at some point add a link to one here.
To do a One Part/Ghost Barrel, you must first place a Barrel and walk out of Q Range, then Press Q on the Barrel, which will walk you to it, as soon as the shot leaves the Gun, you have to place the second barrel, this will catch a lot of people off guard.
It is Important to note: Forward One Parts(straight line away from you) have a MUCH shorter range than Diagonal or Horizontal One Parts.
To do a One Part/Ghost Barrel, you must first place a Barrel and walk out of Q Range, then Press Q on the Barrel, which will walk you to it, as soon as the shot leaves the Gun, you have to place the second barrel, this will catch a lot of people off guard.
It is Important to note: Forward One Parts(straight line away from you) have a MUCH shorter range than Diagonal or Horizontal One Parts.
Yes, this seems INCREDIBLY troll just by reading the title, but it is worth it sometimes.
If you have Died in Lane and the enemy has 2+ Waves under your(or your Teammate's) Tower, I would ALWAYS Ult the Minions, as otherwise they will take too many platings and you will lose too much Minion XP, losing your lane INSTANTLY.
In Mid-Late game, I would ult Minions much more sparingly, only ulting them if it saves a Tier 2 or Inhib Tower, or if it is 4+ Waves under a Tower and NO TEAMMATE is going to catch it.
If you have Died in Lane and the enemy has 2+ Waves under your(or your Teammate's) Tower, I would ALWAYS Ult the Minions, as otherwise they will take too many platings and you will lose too much Minion XP, losing your lane INSTANTLY.
In Mid-Late game, I would ult Minions much more sparingly, only ulting them if it saves a Tier 2 or Inhib Tower, or if it is 4+ Waves under a Tower and NO TEAMMATE is going to catch it.
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