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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Fiora Passive Ability
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..a glass cannon.
Much to my dismay, I found building survivability proved too detrimental to her damage. Epic Duels? Sometimes. Yes, there were moments where I found myself in some pretty exciting fights executing some pretty fancy maneuvers. However, more often than not, I found myself frustrated with how easily it was to CC me into the ground by champions who spit in the face of this beautiful melee ADC.
Season 3 changed that for me, with the release of their new mastery trees and new items - namely, the Muramana. To be honest, this build began as a troll-AP build. But when the futility of building Fiora AP dawned upon me, I stumbled upon something else. Something viable. And it was completely by accident - in the form of the full build outlined in this guide, and an alarmingly easy Pentakill.
This build is based upon deception. I personally urge you to try it not simply once or twice, but as many times as it takes to get it right. My success with this setup spurred me to write this guide and I urge you, the reader, to please carefully consider the knowledge shared within this guide before downvoting.
Please refer to the sections above for all additional information regarding item sequence, runes, and masteries - the info can be found in the +Notes, which require you to simply scroll over them to view the text.
Here lies your chance to shy away from tradition, and leave all that physical damage behind.
Trust me - they'll never see it coming.
- Deceptive: Enemies will identify Fiora, and immediately begin building armor. This build however is designed around maximizing magic damage output. The confusion you'll produce is priceless.
- Hardy: This Fiora can take a hit. Actually, she can take quite a few. Forget your fears when jumping into the fray with your Blade Waltz!
- Still pretty susceptible to crowd control: She is Fiora, after all, and although this build is much more durable you've still got to be on your toes. Pick your fights wisely.
- Weak early game: Last hitting will be a pain in the butt for a few levels, and you'll have to get used to playing carefully until you're able to dish out some damage.
- Deceptive: Enemies will identify Fiora, and immediately begin building armor. This build however is designed around maximizing magic damage output. The confusion you'll produce is priceless.
- Hardy: This Fiora can take a hit. Actually, she can take quite a few. Forget your fears when jumping into the fray with your Blade Waltz!
- Still pretty susceptible to crowd control: She is Fiora, after all, and although this build is much more durable you've still got to be on your toes. Pick your fights wisely.
- Weak early game: Last hitting will be a pain in the butt for a few levels, and you'll have to get used to playing carefully until you're able to dish out some damage.
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