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Fiora Build Guide by ilostmyname

Jungle Fiora: Waltzing around the Jungle - Season 4 (Updated!)

Jungle Fiora: Waltzing around the Jungle - Season 4 (Updated!)

Updated on March 25, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ilostmyname Build Guide By ilostmyname 16 4 265,412 Views 9 Comments
16 4 265,412 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ilostmyname Fiora Build Guide By ilostmyname Updated on March 25, 2014
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Hazzuh | September 29, 2014 12:59pm
Good guide! but i dont know why you say"i tend to max Lunge second and Burst of Speed last but it depends on the enemy, if they have no real great escape mechanics then Burst of Speed is better than Lunge, Lunge is best used for initiation and chasing down." for lunge does not get longer range per lvl. so i whould defently max that last, and go all in on Burst of spped. side from that great guide!! +from me
Darkee | May 1, 2013 9:29pm
Great guide, nice build (first one) - hydra was ridiculous with ult - allowed me to carry the game with a failing bot lane and fed enemy adc. +1 - Suggestion: adding a part where one would sell wriggles for APen (LW or BC?) in build one. Towards the end of my games I felt I was spending too much time taking down the tanky dps (ex: j4, riven) that were on my ADC/APC, killing them, and then nearly killed me (this was after I had killed their APC and ADC of course)
ilostmyname | April 9, 2013 9:58am
boeFFeee wrote:

You have 6 points in Q and only 4 in E. :)

Can't believe i hadn't noticed that, thanks! :D
boeFFeee | April 5, 2013 5:44am
You have 6 points in Q and only 4 in E. :)
ilostmyname | March 6, 2013 9:27am

I really like the layout of the guide but it worries me that you jungle without any form of Hard CC and are therefore dependent of your team for that, perhaps a small section of jungle tactics and good synergysing champions +1

Section has been added and change log has been updated to reflect this.
ilostmyname | March 4, 2013 8:51am

The guide looks pretty good. The only thing I'm a tad worried about is that you're relatively squishy in the early/mid game. It would make me kinda scared to gank champs like Renekton that will stun you and burst you down and completely ignore the damage of his lane opponent. This isn't a mayor concern as soon as you turn lvl 6, but top/mid laners will be there first. An early Giant's Belt would probably resolve that problem.

I just had a match against a solotop Renekton, didn't go too badly but i had to rely on our morde to do damage too.
Exultant Pride (1) | March 4, 2013 5:26am
I really like the layout of the guide but it worries me that you jungle without any form of Hard CC and are therefore dependent of your team for that, perhaps a small section of jungle tactics and good synergysing champions +1
FlorinMoldovan16 (13) | March 4, 2013 12:48am
The guide looks pretty good. The only thing I'm a tad worried about is that you're relatively squishy in the early/mid game. It would make me kinda scared to gank champs like Renekton that will stun you and burst you down and completely ignore the damage of his lane opponent. This isn't a mayor concern as soon as you turn lvl 6, but top/mid laners will be there first. An early Giant's Belt would probably resolve that problem.
Meiyjhe (539) | March 3, 2013 10:19pm
I am not a Fiora master, but you do not need to know Fiora to see how well structured this guide is, +1 :D
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Fiora: Waltzing around the Jungle - Season 4 (Updated!)

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