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Akali Build Guide by picNic1NW

Middle Fisting Shadows

Middle Fisting Shadows

Updated on November 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author picNic1NW Build Guide By picNic1NW 2,020 Views 0 Comments
2,020 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author picNic1NW Akali Build Guide By picNic1NW Updated on November 12, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Akali
  • LoL Champion: Akali


As a shadow warrior of the Kinkou, she as well as other warriors are part of the ancient order which is established in the Ionian Isles. As for Akali, her job along with a few others are designated with the sacred duty of Pruning the Tree and eliminate the ones which threatens the equilibrium of Valoran.

Ever since she was young enough to make a fist, her mother's uncompromising and remorseless disciplining is what made her inaugurated into the Kinkou. Without a single question, she was to succeed her mother as the Fist of Shadows.

Today, she works with Shen and Kennen to enforce the balance of Valoran.
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Burst Runes

Greater Seal of Potency: I pick it because as the it gets to 20 minutes, per level runes are a must.

Greater Glyph of Shielding: I pick it because Akali needs some sort of magic resist in the laning phase but not a lot as you will try to burst the enemy down as soon as possible.

Greater Quintessence of Potency: I pick it because of the flat AP it gives for early aggression in the laning phase and it also gives the most flat AP of all runes.

Greater Mark of Insight: I pick it for the magic penetration against the AP carry's magic resistance or you won't be doing the damage you want to be dealing.
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Sustain Runes

Greater Quintessence of Potency: Ditto as of above.

Greater Mark of Insight: Ditto as of above.

Greater Seal of Fortitude: I pick it for the health it needs to just safely farm and sustain the laning phase, it also gives the most hp for a rune.

Greater Glyph of Warding: I pick it for the magic resistance against any type of AP carry.
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Burst Masteries

21-0-9; 21 in Offense as of a typical AP carry and 9 in Utility - 1 point in flash for more aggression, 3 points in Expanded Mind for more energy, 1 point in Improved Recall so I can quickly recall and get back to killing people and 4 points in Swiftness so I can quickly chase and knock bodies over.
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Sustain Masteries

21-9-0; 21 in offense but 2 points in Butcher for the last-hitting in the laning phase and ability power is not needed as much. 9 points in defense - 3 points in Resistance for much needed MR; 1 point in Hardiness as some armor is much needed against auto-attacks from the enemy especially from the ranged. 1 point in Durability for the health in the later laning phase. 1 point in Veteran's Scars for health in early laning phase.
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Burst Items

Deathfire Grasp and Abyssal Scepter are the items for burst melee carries, after getting those items, you have the ability to burst anyone down in few seconds time. Rabadon's Deathcap is the 3rd item and before Guardian's Angel as your main goal is to burst and f*** s*** up. Lichbane - Do it later.
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Sustain Items

Hextech Gunblade and Rylai's Crystal Scepter are the items for sustain melee carries, this would be stubborn for AP carries who wants to burst you down. Guardian's Angel since YOLO. Abyssal Scepter is for AP resistance and Rabadon's Deathcap last as it's not as needed if going sustain-mode.
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Burst Skill Sequence

For level 2 and level 3, you can switch to level up your e first if you want to.
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Sustain Skill Sequence

Basically same thing.
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Burst Summoner Spells

Ignite and Flash as you're an AP carry.
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Sustain Summoner Spells

Flash and Ignite/Ghost/Cleanse/Heal.
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