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Choose Champion Build:
- Do you see my shark? cause i d
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
What about the fish in season 3
-Best Damage Over Time damage
-High burst from LvL 6
-He got his untargetable damaging skill
-Great diver
-Good ganker
-Can harass without gettin damage with - - (use to get back safe)
-He is a FISH try to catch one with you hands
-His moves highly depends on his since this skill can make difference between dead or kill
-Hard to dodge instant CC with his (with practice you can dodge them)
-High range pokers and Silence are 's nemesis
For Marks I choose Magic Penetration It gives you the early little bit what you need to take control.
For Gylph i took Flat Magic resist this save you from being harassed down by other ap champions. Also can save your life.
For seal i took two kind of runes First one is armor I only picked 5 armor rune because your passive awasome aganist autoattack harass champion such as and 4 mana regen runes because if you are want to harass over and over you need the mana and if your jungler is scumbag you won't see your blue buff only in late game.
For Quintessence I took 3 flat ability power to have 18~20 ability at start so you can start with
Thats for runes Summoners
player want to reach LeveL 3 as soon as possible for the harass combo that i meantioned already. After this if you got balls and enough damage you can get first blood but your next task to get that
since that will make your burst's half damage. After you reach LeveL 6 you might try to kill the enemy mid. That's the
's laning the main task to reach LeveL 6 as soon as possible.
So you reached LeveL 6. Now is your task: Try to gank if possible. Possible situations: You pushed your lane. Top or Bot lose really hard in early game. Your jungler want to secure the invade.
This move will be until 20 minutes. You will see your few times so don't be a dolphin and shot that fish. After 20 minutes you should force teamfight because your awasoem area of effect damage (AoE dmg). If the enemy carries stay together you can kill them with one combo if you hit them with Dat fish.
This move will be until 20 minutes. You will see your few times so don't be a dolphin and shot that fish. After 20 minutes you should force teamfight because your awasoem area of effect damage (AoE dmg). If the enemy carries stay together you can kill them with one combo if you hit them with Dat fish.
I have to warn you the order you buy it depends on that you winning lane or not so watch out
First not that tanky champ you have to take hp my choice is catalist great early game item which can be build into one of the most EPIC item in the game (RoA) this item gives you HP,MANA,AP and wait there is more on level up it grants you hp and mana regen for few sec for makin sure you don't leave the lane or gank before recalling.
My second item on is it gives you AP,MANA and an awasome unique passive that makes your burst even deadly and keep on reading because there is more now 's upgrade is now your best friend in S3 since it DEAL MAGIC DAMAGE (it dealt physical in S2)
For third item I always pick up which grants you AP,HP,MAGIC PEN and in S3 IT's big brother which brings you more AP,HP and a new awasome passive that deals DoT to increase your damage output.
The most essential item for an ap caster is no comment really.
no comment sry dat magic pen too good.
First not that tanky champ you have to take hp my choice is catalist great early game item which can be build into one of the most EPIC item in the game (RoA) this item gives you HP,MANA,AP and wait there is more on level up it grants you hp and mana regen for few sec for makin sure you don't leave the lane or gank before recalling.
My second item on is it gives you AP,MANA and an awasome unique passive that makes your burst even deadly and keep on reading because there is more now 's upgrade is now your best friend in S3 since it DEAL MAGIC DAMAGE (it dealt physical in S2)
For third item I always pick up which grants you AP,HP,MAGIC PEN and in S3 IT's big brother which brings you more AP,HP and a new awasome passive that deals DoT to increase your damage output.
The most essential item for an ap caster is no comment really.
no comment sry dat magic pen too good.
First of all. Maxing
is not a bad idea but it won't be your main damage output in early game nor in late game.Since most
players use it to juke the hard cc-s of enemy team.
Why am i maxing ? Because this skill gives you passive damage so if you are at low mana you will still have good damage output but if you have mana you will be in a beast mode since this skill not only a one hit dmg like it gives you the ability to hurt the enemy over and over with few auto attack.
I don't want to mention the other abilities since one of them your ultimate which you have to raise at 6,11,16 and your which not grant big damage but a good utility skill.
Why am i maxing ? Because this skill gives you passive damage so if you are at low mana you will still have good damage output but if you have mana you will be in a beast mode since this skill not only a one hit dmg like it gives you the ability to hurt the enemy over and over with few auto attack.
I don't want to mention the other abilities since one of them your ultimate which you have to raise at 6,11,16 and your which not grant big damage but a good utility skill.
First of all AD fizz is a top laner just to know.
-Great Harass
-He has mixed damage on hit (hard to build aganist him)
-Great escape if ganked even got chance to double kill
-Great focus in teamfight
-Can't be zoned
-Need farm to deal great physical damage
-Sustain damage dealers and silence is 's nemesis
-Have to initate (this is problem since it makes harder to focus the carries)
-Great Harass
-He has mixed damage on hit (hard to build aganist him)
-Great escape if ganked even got chance to double kill
-Great focus in teamfight
-Can't be zoned
-Need farm to deal great physical damage
-Sustain damage dealers and silence is 's nemesis
-Have to initate (this is problem since it makes harder to focus the carries)
With Ad fizz you wont win lane with your Ad you will win it with your amazing base damage of skills.
Ad fizz one of the best lane bully in the top lane but also the worst to lose lane with that's why i call him an ALL IN champion if i play him AD.
Try to harass in early game and make the enemy fear from you then you can farm easily and ZONE the enemy if he want to last hit punish him with or a full combo but dont let him to last hit if you got the early domination.
After LeveL 6 you can kill the enemy top laner if your is up.
Do it until your team need your help or want to teamfight.
Ad fizz one of the best lane bully in the top lane but also the worst to lose lane with that's why i call him an ALL IN champion if i play him AD.
Try to harass in early game and make the enemy fear from you then you can farm easily and ZONE the enemy if he want to last hit punish him with or a full combo but dont let him to last hit if you got the early domination.
After LeveL 6 you can kill the enemy top laner if your is up.
Do it until your team need your help or want to teamfight.
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