LoL Best Fizz Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Fizz on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Fizz builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 8 Builds
Tank Fizz mid build guide
Feeding Time: A Guide to Fizz
Don't be a coward and all in every time you can. 7.24
Fizz, a Cute and Cuddly Assassin
Mid Fizz S8 (Preseason) Let Me Had 'em !!!
How to smack with fizz
[Patch 7.22]New runes and simple build for Fizz
Season 7 Guides
Ya boy cami11e's guide to Fizz (unfinished as of now)
[v7.9] The Undying Trickster
Fizz(t) Bump their face - In depth Fizz guide (7.3 updated)
How to fish in a rough sea [7.2 Update]
Season 7 Builds