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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard IVERN
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Friend of the Forest (PASSIVE)
Ivern Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champions with high invade and kill pressure is really hard against Ivern
Champion Build Guide
Hello and welcome to this guide!
I'm Snorkil, a 22 year old streamer for FNATIC
I've been challenger since season 4, and peaked rank 13 in season 8, rank 1 in season 9 and so far challenger in season 10.
I'm a part of the Fnatic Network,this means that i have a personal discount code for SHOP.FNATIC.COM, giving you a 10% discount when you use the code "STYLLEE" during checkout!
I Appreciate your time reading through this guide, if you have any questions, make sure you follow my twitch channel and ask them while im live, so i can give you the answer you are looking for!
Be sure to check out my SOCIALS
I'm Snorkil, a 22 year old streamer for FNATIC
I've been challenger since season 4, and peaked rank 13 in season 8, rank 1 in season 9 and so far challenger in season 10.
I'm a part of the Fnatic Network,this means that i have a personal discount code for SHOP.FNATIC.COM, giving you a 10% discount when you use the code "STYLLEE" during checkout!
I Appreciate your time reading through this guide, if you have any questions, make sure you follow my twitch channel and ask them while im live, so i can give you the answer you are looking for!
Be sure to check out my SOCIALS
+ Lategame Scale + Strong support + Really strong ganks + Daisy is basicly another champion + Good outplay potential + Good potential for early cheese + Strong invade lvl 1 + Don't need pull Ivern is a really great pick if you have strong carries on your team, and he works really good in this meta, as there is a lot of melee champions being played, which has really good synergy with Ivern's [E] Triggerseed. |
- Ultimate Reliant - Weak in his first clear - Not really a good farmer - Needs a good carry - Hard to master to his full potential - Can die to a lot of junglers early Ivern can be punished early by getting counter jungled, so you will need to ward both river bushes to make sure, that you don't get invaded without knowing. Tell your botlane or midlaner to ward the oppisite river bush of the side you are starting on, and ward the river bush you are starting at. Ivern can also be really tough to play, if you have bad carries on your team, or if you have fallen too behind early. |
Check out runes longer up, used to go for guardian but since nerf in s10, guardian is kinda ****, so Aery is the way to go
There is a few different pathings you can do on Ivern, but there is also some really creative ones.
You can also go for some 400 IQ tactic invades lvl 1, where you can surprise the enemy jungler and most likely get first blood. (This tactic works best, if you are invading with your duoq).
What you do, is that you invade at 1:23 towards the RED side of the jungle, meaning where raptors/redbuff/golems are located. At 1:23 you move from the river, run to raptors and smite them and then proceed to walk to his Red buff with your top/botlane and fight them, you will most likely win as you are lvl 2 with your Q+E meaning you have massive CC and with the help from your laners, should be able to kill atleast 1 guy. A lot of people wont expect this, and might get tilted from it early on, meaning you might just win the game by doing that lone.
Another pathing you can do, if you just want to play safe, is this pathing: Red - Raptors - Blue - Gromp - Wolves - Collect Raptors + red, then smite golems, collect wolves,blue,gromp and then smite scuttle. U get lvl 4 really fast
And then we got my favorite standard pathing. Start wolves - blue, smite blue,- gromp - raptors - red - collect wolves + gromp and then return to raptors and red to collect, you should have smite up again for scuttle, and you can also look for a gank during that timing.
After your first clear, you simply just walk to your camps when they spawn and make them ready using your passive, and collect them ones they are up.
When you are in your spare time (Waiting for collecting your camps) Its really important you use that time. Look to setup vision, look for a gank/countergank etc.
You can also go for some 400 IQ tactic invades lvl 1, where you can surprise the enemy jungler and most likely get first blood. (This tactic works best, if you are invading with your duoq).
What you do, is that you invade at 1:23 towards the RED side of the jungle, meaning where raptors/redbuff/golems are located. At 1:23 you move from the river, run to raptors and smite them and then proceed to walk to his Red buff with your top/botlane and fight them, you will most likely win as you are lvl 2 with your Q+E meaning you have massive CC and with the help from your laners, should be able to kill atleast 1 guy. A lot of people wont expect this, and might get tilted from it early on, meaning you might just win the game by doing that lone.
Another pathing you can do, if you just want to play safe, is this pathing: Red - Raptors - Blue - Gromp - Wolves - Collect Raptors + red, then smite golems, collect wolves,blue,gromp and then smite scuttle. U get lvl 4 really fast
And then we got my favorite standard pathing. Start wolves - blue, smite blue,- gromp - raptors - red - collect wolves + gromp and then return to raptors and red to collect, you should have smite up again for scuttle, and you can also look for a gank during that timing.
After your first clear, you simply just walk to your camps when they spawn and make them ready using your passive, and collect them ones they are up.
When you are in your spare time (Waiting for collecting your camps) Its really important you use that time. Look to setup vision, look for a gank/countergank etc.
Thx alot for reading through my guide and getting down here!
Ivern is personally the champion i find the most fun in the game, as his kit is really different and hes a supportive champion that can surprise the enemy and carry a game if you are good enough!
If you are looking for a fun champion to play that will never get banned in soloq then
Ivern is a perfect fit for you, when you play him enough you will see how strong he really is, and that he isn't just a support that deals no dmg, cus' you can actually 1v1 a lot of junglers early on with the power of
I would appreciate if you would drop a like if you enjoyed this guide, as it would help me a lot, and you can always check out my stream if you want to see some high elo gameplay or if you got any questions about anything ( i can answer most of the league related ones ;) )

If you are looking for a fun champion to play that will never get banned in soloq then

I would appreciate if you would drop a like if you enjoyed this guide, as it would help me a lot, and you can always check out my stream if you want to see some high elo gameplay or if you got any questions about anything ( i can answer most of the league related ones ;) )
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