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Runes: Pew Pew Scaling AP Gold Damage
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order One Shot Funny
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Runes
3. Summoner Spells
5. Items
6. Early Game to Late Game
7. Final Thoughts
2. Runes
3. Summoner Spells
5. Items
6. Early Game to Late Game
7. Final Thoughts
*Reminder, this build is not to teach someone how to play Heimerdinger, but instead to introduce people to a new playstyle and build for Heimerdinger. If you came here looking to learn how to play this incredibly fun champion, I highly recommend you check out some of the top guides as well.*
Hi! Welcome to my guide. This guide is a wonderful masterpiece describing the incrediblly incredible invention of FULL AP BURST HEIMERDINGER! The reason this build works is because of Heimerdinger's incredible AP ratios and damage. For example, his empowered W does 892 base damage at max level with a whopping ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE percent AP ratio. Thats even more than Veigar's ultimate! (well, ignoring his execute bonus damage.. teehee)
Combined with his amazing safety and decent cc, Heimerdinger can become an unstoppable one shotting, lockdown powerhouse!
Hi! Welcome to my guide. This guide is a wonderful masterpiece describing the incrediblly incredible invention of FULL AP BURST HEIMERDINGER! The reason this build works is because of Heimerdinger's incredible AP ratios and damage. For example, his empowered W does 892 base damage at max level with a whopping ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE percent AP ratio. Thats even more than Veigar's ultimate! (well, ignoring his execute bonus damage.. teehee)
Combined with his amazing safety and decent cc, Heimerdinger can become an unstoppable one shotting, lockdown powerhouse!
First Strike
allows you to gain gold during the laning phase while you harass your opponent, and it also adds more damage when you burst enemies.Magical Footwear and Future's Market
provides more gold-related benefits.Cosmic Insight
allows you to proc item effects more frequently and also provides lower cooldowns for TP and Flash.Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm
provides DAMAGEEEE.
The core: Luden's Tempest, Sorcerer Boots, Shadowflame, and Rabadon's Deathcap provides maximum DAMAGE, and loads of AP that goes very well with Heimerdinger's BIG NUMBER RATIOS
Zhonya's Hourglass provides essential safety and can easily save you, especially since his abiliteis stay active after casting it. For example, you can do something like "(R Empowered) W -> Zhonya's" to safely kill the enemy. This also works with his turrets.
Void Staff and Demonic Embrace help you deal with tanks, with Void Staff being in priority over Demonic Embrace. Build Demonic Embrace only against teams with 3+ tanks.
Morellonomicon provides anti-healing for enemies who have lots of healing, such as Soraka, Aatrox, Vladimir, etc.
Mejai's Soulstealer can be a helpful damage amp if you are ahead and haven't died much this game. I would highly recommend building a Dark Seal before Mejai's Soulstealer.
Banshee's Veil is a highly situational item, that should only be bought if there is a lot of AP or strong assassins on the enemy team, and when their composition has few (preferably zero) champions that can easily break the shield.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is very useful if you find that enemies can easily chase you down. The slow is also very helpful to your team, as well as for landing your abilities.
Zhonya's Hourglass provides essential safety and can easily save you, especially since his abiliteis stay active after casting it. For example, you can do something like "(R Empowered) W -> Zhonya's" to safely kill the enemy. This also works with his turrets.
Void Staff and Demonic Embrace help you deal with tanks, with Void Staff being in priority over Demonic Embrace. Build Demonic Embrace only against teams with 3+ tanks.
Morellonomicon provides anti-healing for enemies who have lots of healing, such as Soraka, Aatrox, Vladimir, etc.
Mejai's Soulstealer can be a helpful damage amp if you are ahead and haven't died much this game. I would highly recommend building a Dark Seal before Mejai's Soulstealer.
Banshee's Veil is a highly situational item, that should only be bought if there is a lot of AP or strong assassins on the enemy team, and when their composition has few (preferably zero) champions that can easily break the shield.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is very useful if you find that enemies can easily chase you down. The slow is also very helpful to your team, as well as for landing your abilities.
Your early game should be consisting mostly of harassing. There is no need for you to play aggressive and you can just scale while controlling the lane.
Once you have an item and your ultimate ready, you can look to get some kills. An easy way to set up a kill is to poke your enemy laner down, and then try to land your stun. Afterwards, you can use an empowered W to blast them away. You'll be surprised by how much damage you do if you can land most if not all of the rockets. You'll also want to help with objectives and teamfights as much as possible as Heimerdinger is great at controlling areas of the map.
During the late game you'll continue to want to help in teamfights, however you'll ideally be playing a bit safer than the mid game as people can kill you a lot easier. Of course, the easiest solution is to just kill them, but this tip is useful nevertheless.
Once you have an item and your ultimate ready, you can look to get some kills. An easy way to set up a kill is to poke your enemy laner down, and then try to land your stun. Afterwards, you can use an empowered W to blast them away. You'll be surprised by how much damage you do if you can land most if not all of the rockets. You'll also want to help with objectives and teamfights as much as possible as Heimerdinger is great at controlling areas of the map.
During the late game you'll continue to want to help in teamfights, however you'll ideally be playing a bit safer than the mid game as people can kill you a lot easier. Of course, the easiest solution is to just kill them, but this tip is useful nevertheless.
Final Thoughts
I genuinely believe that "FULL AP HEIMER ONE SHOT TANKS CANCER NEW META" can and WILL become the new meta, as its potential is insane. With this build, Heimerdinger has the damage of a late game Veigar, while keeping his powerful safety tools and control power.
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