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Runes: Against burst mages
Arcane Comet
Nullifying Orb
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm
Taste of Blood
Ultimate Hunter
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Summon Aery
Nimbus Cloak
Font of Life
Bone Plating
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Imo, she is basically a WAY stronger version of karma. Her continuous jumps will render your root useless until you can get mobility boots. Even with mobility boots, it's very hard to catch up to her and root her. I've always hated her, if I'm not supporting her, Kat and Akali are my 3 main bans.
Her poison early game is very, very strong against you. She can easily bully you away from minion wave, which is the only thing you can rely on to counter her. Do not expect to get a kill from her unless you get a very good gank.
Beg the jungler to gank you more often, too.
His wind-walls might be a little bit of an inconvenience, but he is very easy to catch up to and R+Q. Normally you'd probably W then RQ, but with yas, if you were to W then RQ, he'd escape your W, then come running at you, making your RQ useless, even with the small movement speed reduction on his end.
Just as long as if you RQ then W, yasuo does not counter you hard at all.
I'm only putting her as a major threat because her burst is stronger than yours early game.
General rule of thumb with her, is to always keep her out of her abilities reach. Once she throws her charm at you, if you dodge it, you can safely farm for about 10 seconds. Your E (your shield) is a very good friend against Ahri. CS is also important against Ahri. Unlike Cass, who is probably your biggest threat, you can have a better chance at farming and poking her down to scare her off.
I wish there was a 'lol ff' threat level. She counters you in every way possible. She's not too strong early game, but if you let her bully you out of lane, and she gets just slightly above you in a level, you're screwed.
When she throws her W, don't run away from it. Run in between where her W will land, and where she was standing at before she jumps in.
R+W her, which will give you some lifesteal, E yourself to run away from her, throw a Q. Keep repeating as best as you can.
Basically the same thing as Katarina. Dodge her shuriken by always having your eye on her. I know it's hard to, almost impossible, but at least if it just lands on the ground, you have a better chance to R+W her, E to run, then Q. R+W, E then Q with most assassins are the best way to go.
He is SOOO weak early game against you. All you have to do is when he jumps into you with his little cord that pulls him back, is to E away, he more than likely can't catch back up to you. He is definitely an assassin, but not a very big threat to you at that.
Note: Don't mantra/R any of your abilities (except your E in emergencies.) Not only will you not need to, you will run out of mana like crazy.
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