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Nunu & Willump Build Guide by Pullks

Jungle Full AP Nunu Jg/Mid

Jungle Full AP Nunu Jg/Mid

Updated on February 21, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pullks Build Guide By Pullks 854 82 1,701,649 Views 60 Comments
854 82 1,701,649 Views 60 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pullks Nunu & Willump Build Guide By Pullks Updated on February 21, 2025
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psyluxx | July 29, 2023 10:39am
when do you back for the first time? Should I stay until I have enough to buy dark seal, boots and wand?
Pullks (4) | July 29, 2023 10:51am
Dark seal boots and wand is perfect! if early game is bad then just dark seal boots
psyluxx | July 29, 2023 11:15am
ideally should i stay until i have 1500 gold? thanks for the fast response btw!
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swison | March 25, 2023 1:30pm
why do you man E second when the W is your main dmg in ganks. is it for jnu monsters or for times when you are forced to fight 1v1
Pullks (4) | March 25, 2023 2:17pm
E was buffed last season and increased the AP % scaling with damage.
Therefor maxing E second is better; shorter CD, more DMG, increased slow.
swison | March 10, 2023 10:38am
what do you build when you are not feed after mytic
i see that kesha builds demonic embrace on nunu why dont you build it
lol i have 80 k pts on ap nunu thx 2 u mate :>
Pullks (4) | March 10, 2023 11:17am
Glad you are enjoying him!!
Honestly it is hard as full AP nunu when not fed. Sometimes you can go Zhonya/Banshee, but you won't deal damage.
Demonic is "meh" in my opinion as it's very expensive and doesn't give much AP for the price, just some more HP.
You can try Demonic and see how it feels, but as a 1-shot mage you want as much AP/dmg as possible early as you don't scale well
ZeeWreq | February 10, 2023 8:30am
NUNU FOREVAHHH(never played him before but im gon start cuz i am kesha 100%)
Pullks (4) | February 10, 2023 10:18pm
DimSim64 | January 8, 2023 7:37am
Love the guide but 1 question im new to nunu but if u want 1 shot balls wouldnt you max w second instead of e
Pullks (4) | January 8, 2023 3:49pm
It’s more so a funny play on words. Last season used to be W max, but then they buffed E a lot with AP so it’s now better to max E as it does more damage!
Nixcix | January 8, 2023 9:11am
if you want to OS with ball yes (you will always do crazy dmg anyways) but E is still better since you can't "miss" that spell
octomarette | January 1, 2023 10:03pm
love this guide, ive only used it once so far but it felt great. i may have lost, but i was ripping the other team a new ******* while our mid laner was afk lmao.
Pullks (4) | January 2, 2023 9:37am
Love to hear that :D Keep going cause Nunu is the best >:)
swison | December 29, 2022 8:29am
why do you buy Rabadon's Deathcap rader for the first item then any other item
Pullks (4) | December 29, 2022 10:00am
After your mythic if you are fed Rabadons is best for flat AP! Since shadowflame isn't that great it gives you a massive spike completing the item
BradJr (33) | September 17, 2022 6:10am
Cool guide, man!

I'm seeing a lot of KeshaEUW and Snowball Baragge on my Tiktok and I have to say I'm still surprised that AP Nunu actually works!

Under the Counter section, in the Cassiopeia explanation, you said "Poison pool will stop your W dead in it's and then she will kill you for staring at her." I think you meant to say "dead in its track"
Pullks (4) | September 17, 2022 7:59am
Yeah AP Nunu can 1v9 if you develop a lead for yourself early and the enemy is squishy!
I recommend everyone to try both tank/AP and see what fits their playstyle (hence why 2 guides).
I did mean to say track!! Will fix, tY!
JuliuszWroblewski | September 15, 2022 10:56am
thank u!
Pullks (4) | September 16, 2022 7:30am
Glad you enjoyed it friend!!
SirRyan | June 10, 2022 11:43am
i love ap nunu
Pullks (4) | June 10, 2022 1:06pm
Me and all my homies love nunu!
Daniel220p | May 19, 2022 1:43am
AP nunu is my favorite way to play nunu now, i cant go back to boring no damage tank build anymore
Pullks (4) | May 19, 2022 1:53am
Keep carrying out there king 😎✊🏼
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