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Therefor maxing E second is better; shorter CD, more DMG, increased slow.
i see that kesha builds demonic embrace on nunu why dont you build it
lol i have 80 k pts on ap nunu thx 2 u mate :>
Honestly it is hard as full AP nunu when not fed. Sometimes you can go Zhonya/Banshee, but you won't deal damage.
Demonic is "meh" in my opinion as it's very expensive and doesn't give much AP for the price, just some more HP.
You can try Demonic and see how it feels, but as a 1-shot mage you want as much AP/dmg as possible early as you don't scale well
why do you buy Rabadon's Deathcap rader for the first item then any other item
I'm seeing a lot of KeshaEUW and Snowball Baragge on my Tiktok and I have to say I'm still surprised that AP Nunu actually works!
Under the Counter section, in the Cassiopeia explanation, you said "Poison pool will stop your W dead in it's and then she will kill you for staring at her." I think you meant to say "dead in its track"
I recommend everyone to try both tank/AP and see what fits their playstyle (hence why 2 guides).
I did mean to say track!! Will fix, tY!