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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Ruiner of Fun

Jungle Full AP Two-Shot Lawbringer

Jungle Full AP Two-Shot Lawbringer

Updated on March 17, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ruiner of Fun Build Guide By Ruiner of Fun 7,101 Views 1 Comments
7,101 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ruiner of Fun Mordekaiser Build Guide By Ruiner of Fun Updated on March 17, 2021
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Runes: Burst

1 2 3
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Full AP Two-Shot Lawbringer

By Ruiner of Fun
Why Full AP Mordekaiser Jungle?
You've been autofilled or are playing draft.

Or your in losers Q and realize that you may as well have some fun while the matchmaking system gets it **** together.
Clear camps and gank until you have around 1350 gold. A full clear and a half should be enough. Or 1 full clear and 1 kill. You need the Hextech Alternator and boots.



Your passive is AOE and you should be able to have it up the entire time when clearing excluding the time when you pathing in-between midlane.

Landing a Q on all creeps in a multi-creep camp with generate a large portion of your W. This is your sustain and damage prevention. If your are scared of being invaded keep your W full when you can help it.

You can also use your E Q combo to clear raptors almost instantly. The problem with this would losing your ganking tool for over 13+ seconds.

About mid game you can clear multiple camps at once like Fiddlesticks.

You won't have ravenous or extra AS from a proper rune setup for Mordekaiser jungle so you must kite harder or drop a camp to make up for the lack of clear time and sustain you would normally would have.
None really. Assassins' are built to do what you do so why not just play them? But unlike assassins you lack any sort of mobility. A true glass cannon. In perfect situations you will catch out a key alone target and proceed to instantly gib them. Worst scenario is missing everything, dying, question marked, and called out by both teams. If you miss 1 or even both of your skill shots you will be useless they are you sole damage dealers.

A instant cast of both spells over each other can be avoided by many mechanics in this game. There are too many to list but know that most ADC's lack these abilities. They could also simply play reactively to your damage and just avoid it the moment they see it coming on reaction.

Your passive won't be properly utilized with full AP since it won't be procing conqueror, providing a AOE vamp heal, or scale with the sheer amount of AP you will be building. The interaction with riftmaker would also be gone since you wouldn't be building that mythic item. If you miss the initial burst you would be better off with conqueror/riftmaker Mordekaiser.

You are sacrificing consistency and tank stats for high burst damage memes.

There are also situations where you may have to engage into a very important objective like a dragon soul / baron / or elder drake. You will be at a large disadvantage since your damage comes from isolation damage on your Q. At least with Kha'zix you have some options like simply stealing it. You have little to nothing that you could do to allow a safe follow up from your team.

I did not create this idea. "EVRABON 4" did as far as I know. I just wanted to update the meme build to this current season since the new item changes. To be clear there is further reasoning to the decisions taken in this kind. I just don't feel like sitting here properly finishing it in one sitting.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ruiner of Fun
Ruiner of Fun Mordekaiser Guide
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Full AP Two-Shot Lawbringer

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