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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Colossal Smash (PASSIVE)
Galio Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About ME
On start i could say im not in high elo but im played this build every EVERY game and climbed to P2 in 2 seasons from start playing so in my mind its so good and i want show it to you.
About AP ONESHOT Galio
First of all, if you play AP Galio you have to be very careful in the early game and use every opportunity to get kills, because when in Mid-Game your enemy earns gold for items you may not be well with you if you do not start building tank.In short, the point is that if you do not have 2 items and build 3rd in tank, when the enemy team will have only one item, you can have big problems because the galio AP has a lot of damage, but it falls apart in 3 seconds because none Melee AP cannot do much without tank items
The End
At the end of my guide, I just want to tell you that even if you lose those first 10 or 20 drafts / rankeds, DO NOT GIVE UP FOR YOURSELF, it took me 2 years to complete this type of Galio build, but I can promise you that if you learn ONESHOT AP GALIO, no one will be able to hold you back
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