LoL Best Galio Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Galio on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Galio builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 8 Builds
THe one and only ap Galio
[8.3] Mid Galio Damage build | Improve your kda ratio
What do you all think for rank games?
Galio jungle
Galio Guide
Galio AP Sustain Guide (ARAM) (S8)
Galio - Sculpted in Diamond [SEASON 8]
[Pre SS8]Simple Galio Guide[In Product]
ARAM Galio (Highest Win Rate Items)
AP Mid Galio S8
[7.22] Galio the Support Carry!
[7.22] Faker Galio Build
The white stone
Season 7 Guides